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Tag Archives: totalitarian government
Links and Comments, Aug. 15, 2014
Maybe Johnny Can’t Read because These Workers Crowd out Teachers. Half of America’s public school employees aren’t classroom teachers, according to a new study. Instead, they’re non-teaching personnel such as instructional aides, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, secretaries, and librarians. SWAT Overkill, … Continue reading
Posted in audit, gun control, intimidation, Military, Post Office, protests
Tagged Anti-semitism, Civility, cultural degradation, education, education reform, Foreign policy, George Soros, gun control, Hillary, Islamic terrorists, left wing bigots, Manipulation, militarization, militarization of police, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Obama's Policies, Paramilitary, police state, President Obama, Presidential politics, Racism, Soros, totalitarian government
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It’s been a long time coming but I’m ready to blog again, so here is my State of the Union address
I haven’t stopped reading all the news and sending out my links and comments to others, I just haven’t had time for putting down my thoughts in blog form. So, a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Now to … Continue reading
Posted in 20 Questions, boondoggle, Capitalism, deadbeats, estate tax, healthcare, hidden taxes, Junk science, Lake Wobegon, Libya, Military, NASA, Principles, Taliban, Tax laws, Unemployment, waivers, welfare
Tagged Big government, blame game, Bureauracy, Cargo Cult, class envy, Class Warfare, Conservatism, criminalization of politics, cultural degradation, education reform, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, financial crisis, Fiscal responsibility, gov't regulations, gov't waste, government healthcare, Green business, Health Care Bill, higher education, Historical illiteracy, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, Jihadist, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Obama's Policies, Obamacare, totalitarian government, war on terror
Cold War? Civil War? Are we in a cold war/civil war?
I am elderly, I lived through World War II, the Korean War, The Vietnam war, the Cold War and all the other conflicts since then. I believe we are in a Cold War, a Civil War with no bloodshed. A … Continue reading
Posted in Chris Matthews, Drones, elections, Governing, gun control, HHS, Journolist, Nanny state, Navy Seals, NEA, NSA, NSA data collection, PRISM, Right wing radio, rightwingers, SEC, slander, voter verification
Tagged Class Warfare, CNN, Communism, community organizers, conservative ads, cultural degradation, DHS, education, Fiscal responsibility, govenment schools, government aid, government healthcare, Government Waste, green terrorism, gun control, GW Bush, Hollywood liberals, IRS scandal, left wing bigots, leftism, Marxism, Media Bias, MSM, MSNBC, multiculturalism, Obama's slush fund, Organizing for America, Patriotism, Political Arrogance, Political Correctness, President Bush, President Obama, Progressives, Propaganda, Racism, tax fraud, Tea Party, totalitarian government, voter intimidation, welfare revolution
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When will another shoe drop?
We have had so many scandals, I’m wondering how many shoes there are left to drop. Have we had some leaked so we will forget about the last ones? Some of these are definitely from leaked information, others have just … Continue reading
Posted in Health Care, Homeland Security, imperial Presidency, intimidation, National Security, NSA, transparency, TSA
Tagged Benghazi, Big government, Bureauracy, corruption, Dept of Justice, DOJ, domestic terroism, environmentalism, Eric Holder, Health Care Bill, Holder, imperial Presidency, IRS, Obama Health Care, Obama's czars, Obama's Policies, Political Arrogance, Political Lies, The Constituion, totalitarian government, voter intimidation
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Some links from the news on Veteran’s Day
Cover-up at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue not just Petraeus It’s now easier than ever to find a genuine, trustworthy web site online to buy prescription medications. purchasing that overnight delivery viagra There are two stages of erectile dysfunction or in conjunction … Continue reading
Posted in General Petraeus, National Security, Populist, slander, Union thugs
Tagged CIA, History, Liberalism, New Black Panther thugs, Organizing for America, Political Lies, sexual revolution, Socialism, totalitarian government
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What have we come to? or Points to Ponder
Drugmakers Vowed to Campaign for Health Law, Memos Show What a sleazy Democratic congress and administration. And the drug companies are just as bad. T/A Travel Center Fails to Fly Flag on Memorial Day, Quickly Learns the Power of the … Continue reading
Posted in black genocide, blogosphere, blogs, Christianity, common people, Earmarks, Felonies?, imperial Presidency, intimidation, Nanny state, parenting, partial birth abortion, political donor list, politicians
Tagged blame game, Campaign finance, Chicago Politicians, corruption, crime, Cronyism, cultural degradation, Drug cartels, ethics, Federal spending, Fraud, gov't regulations, gov't waste, Government Waste, graft, Health Care Bill, imperial Presidency, multiculturalism, Obama Health Care, Obama's czars, Political Arrogance, Political Lies, politicians, Progressives, proverty, Socialism, totalitarian government
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Freedoms vs Freedoms – what do you think?
UPDATE link is fixed. Obese men can improve erectile function by controlling the bought that online levitra quantity of assaults, enhancing recuperation from assaults, stopping or backing off the ailment’s movement, and treating resistant brokenness. While erectile dysfunction itself only … Continue reading
Posted in Christians, Conspiracy, illegal search
Tagged 9/11, domestic terroism, Islamic terrorists, Muslim extremism, Tea Party, totalitarian government
1 Comment
We are defining our country down, at least somebody is
Victor Davis Hanson is good at explaining these things. I just read them and link. If there were only one person I could read, he would be the one. Unchained World Shy and Retiring America A perfect storm of events … Continue reading
Posted in Americanism, Capitalism, Egyptian Uprising, Gitmo, imperial Presidency, Principles, United Nations
Tagged American Exceptionalism, Cargo Cult, Communism, cultural degradation, Freedom, Global Governance, gov't regulations, gov't waste, imperial Presidency, Islam, Israel, liberal misconceptions, multiculturalism, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim extremism, Obama's Policies, Political Arrogance, Political Correctness, President Obama, Presidential politics, totalitarian government
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