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Tag Archives: MSM
Links and Comments, Oct. 14, 2014
Obama and his supporters are definitely not pro business. Audubon’s lawsuit cost 22,654 logging and mill jobs in California, Oregon and Washington, according to final surveys. The Oregon Natural Resources Council’s Andy Kerr called the unemployed “collateral damage”—a despised underclass … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Catholics, Christianity, cultural degradation, Ebola virus, environmentalism, EPA, liberal press, MSM, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Political Arrogance, President Obama
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Links and Comments, July 9, 2014
Some of the illegal kids are wearing Obama decorated tennis shoes. Islamist plot to blow up Eiffel Tower, Louvre and nuclear power plant foiled, say French police GOP: Lerner warned IRS employees to hide information from Congress this was on … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Anti Mosque Muslims, Arizona Immigration Law, Censorship, Communist, Conspiracy, Crisis/Opportunity, divide and conquer, Global Warming, Gov Perry, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Mexican Pirates, political donor list, WMD
Tagged AGW, Al Qaeda, Al Queda in Iraq, Campaign finance, Chicago Politicians, Class Warfare, Climate Change, Communism, Democratic donors, Democrats, DHS, DOJ, domestic terroism, Dream Act, Drug cartels, Elitism, environmentalism, far left, Global Warming, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, IRS, IRS scandal, Islamic terrorists, left wing bigots, leftism, Liberalism, Mexico, Militant Islam, MSM, Organizing for America, Political Arrogance
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Links and Comments, June 22, 2014
Lots of Recent Man-Caused Disasters I link to Victor Davis Hanson very often and with good reason. If you want to check out his sites for the articles I don’t link to, here is a link to his Private Papers site which … Continue reading
Posted in Al Queda, Arizona, Arizona Immigration Law, Catholic bishops, children, Disasters, Homeland Security, Illegal immigration, illegals, imperial Presidency, Lies, melting pot, Mexican Pirates, Military, Taliban, trojan horse, VDH, war, welfare
Tagged abortion, Afghanistan, Al Queda in Iraq, American thinker, Communism, Conservative veterans, cultural degradation, Dept of Justice, DHS, DOJ, Dream Act, EPA Scandal, Hispanic voters, Historical illiteracy, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, imperial Presidency, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, IRS, IRS scandal, Islam, Islamic terrorists, left wing bigots, Liberalism, Media Bias, Mexico, Militant Islam, MSM, Muslim Brotherhood, Political Arrogance, Political Lies, war on terror
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Links and Comments, June 19, 2014
UPDATE: http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/o/obama-new-world-order.htm#.U6ImcfldWSp An explanation of that new world order speech video, it was edited to change its meaning. I ran across a new channel on Dish Network last night — Newsmax was on channel 223, then saw then in a … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, children, HHS, Homeland Security, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration
Tagged AGW, Al Qaeda, Al Queda in Iraq, Class Warfare, Climate Change, cultural degradation, DHS, DOJ, domestic terroism, Dream Act, environmentalism, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, IRS, IRS scandal, Islam, Islamic terrorists, Media Bias, Mexico, MSM, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, muslims, Supreme Court
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Followup links on George Zimmerman + a couple of others
Notice where the wanna be protestors gather, CNN the enabler’s. No cameras, no protestors. Trayvon Martin’s family’s attorneys, Benjamin Crump and Daryl Parks appear to have connections to an Astroturf activist group that led protests, marches and other civil disobedience … Continue reading
Posted in healthcare, Homeland Security, Illegal immigration
Tagged DHS, DOJ, domestic terroism, Illegal immigration, Liberalism, Media Bias, MSM, Obamacare, Political Arrogance, Politically Correct
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Cold War? Civil War? Are we in a cold war/civil war?
I am elderly, I lived through World War II, the Korean War, The Vietnam war, the Cold War and all the other conflicts since then. I believe we are in a Cold War, a Civil War with no bloodshed. A … Continue reading
Posted in Chris Matthews, Drones, elections, Governing, gun control, HHS, Journolist, Nanny state, Navy Seals, NEA, NSA, NSA data collection, PRISM, Right wing radio, rightwingers, SEC, slander, voter verification
Tagged Class Warfare, CNN, Communism, community organizers, conservative ads, cultural degradation, DHS, education, Fiscal responsibility, govenment schools, government aid, government healthcare, Government Waste, green terrorism, gun control, GW Bush, Hollywood liberals, IRS scandal, left wing bigots, leftism, Marxism, Media Bias, MSM, MSNBC, multiculturalism, Obama's slush fund, Organizing for America, Patriotism, Political Arrogance, Political Correctness, President Bush, President Obama, Progressives, Propaganda, Racism, tax fraud, Tea Party, totalitarian government, voter intimidation, welfare revolution
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Drones, Drones, and more Drones, thanks to Senator Rand Paul the MSM finally noticed
Updated at bottom of post. I send out a list of interesting links to an email list, usually every day, at least five days a week. In making the list today I noticed that outside of the Texas links I … Continue reading
Posted in Drones, Enemy combatants, Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay, Hypocrisy, imperial Presidency, Lindsey Graham, McCain, newspapers, Principles, Rand Paul, Rinos, Ron Paul
Tagged Conservative Republicans, Eric Holder, George W. Bush, Historical illiteracy, imperial Presidency, leftism, Liberalism, Media Bias, Minority Republicans, MSM, Obama's Policies, President Bush, President Obama, Republicans, war on terror
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Obama and the “New Party”
Recently the blogosphere has been awash in the news that Obama was a member of the The ‘New Party’ (which was) a political party established by the Democratic Socialists of America (the DSA) to push forth the socialist principles of … Continue reading
Posted in Bill Ayers, blogosphere, DNC AND ACORN, Journolist, Newsbusters, newspapers, Principles, Time Magazine, transparency, truth
Tagged American thinker, Cargo Cult, class envy, Class Warfare, Communism, community organizers, corruption, Cronyism, Democrats, far left, liberal bias, liberal press, Marxism, MSM, Obama's Policies, President Obama, Teacher's Unions
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Conservatives have lost a BIG voice
It’s been several days now since we were shocked by the news of the death of Andrew Breitbart. It has taken a while for it all to sink in. He has done so much for the cause. Without him ACORN … Continue reading
Posted in Censorship, ex liberals, truth in movies
Tagged 9/11, American Exceptionalism, Anti-American, Anti-war anti Bush, Conservatives, Democrats, Hollywood liberals, liberal press, Liberalism, Marxism, MSM, multiculturalism, Political Correctness, President Bush, President Obama, Progressives
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