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Tag Archives: lying
What was/is going on in the USA as I turned 77
I had intended to write a state of the union post on the occasion of my 77th birthday. I didn’t, but this pretty well sums it up. President Obama, off the record an article in which reporters excuse themselves for … Continue reading →
Posted in Americanism, boondoggle, China's foreign policy, cutbacks, Health care pledge, Military, Obama care petition
Tagged Atheism, Big government, Chicago Politicians, class envy, CNN, community organizers, cultural degradation, Democrats, Dependency, executive orders, gov't regulations, gov't waste, Health Care Bill, lying, Manipulation, Obama approval, Obama Flip Flops, Obama Health Care, Political Arrogance, Presidential politics, Republicans, Socialism
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This will be an almost entirely Benghazi post
This morning as I started checking my news sources I was surprised to see ABC and NBC finally getting a little bit out there on Benghazi. Not a lot on their actual shows but online they seem to be admitting … Continue reading →
Posted in Al Queda, black genocide, fallen heroes, National Security
Tagged abortion, Benghazi, Chicago Politicians, CIA, corruption, Cronyism, Democrats, election fraud, Hillary, lying, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim extremism, Obama's Policies, Planned Parenhood, Political Arrogance, President Obama
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News of Interest March 7, 2012
Now we know some of what happened to Detroit Audit: Part of $11M grant for Detroit job seekers only aided 2 Texas for third year warns against spring break Mexico The Medevac controvery in Afghanistan. If you do not know … Continue reading →
Posted in divide and conquer, Lies, Politics, religion, Right wing radio, rightwingers, Rush Limbaugh
Tagged abortion, blame game, Conservatism, conservative ads, Conservative Republicans, Cronyism, Hollywood liberals, Indoctrination, left wing bigots, Liberalism, lobbyists, lying, Manipulation, Media Bias, MSM, MSNBC, Politics
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The Gunwalker scandal is serious business but does anyone except you and me care?
Pajamas Media has a post this morning linking to a Townhall.com article by Katie Pavlich showing an email that is the “smoking gun” of the scandal. She writes: “Internal ATF emails seem to suggest that ATF agents were counseled to … Continue reading →
Posted in gun control, Illegal immigration, illegals, Mexican Pirates, Nanny state, National Security, NRA, security
Tagged blame game, criminalization of politics, Drug cartels, Government Waste, gun control, Illegal immigration, illegals, leftism, liberal press, Liberalism, lying, Manipulation, Mexico, Obama's czars, Obama's Policies, Political Lies, President Obama, Presidential politics
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Gunwalker is a very serious scandal
In this case the rot does seem to start at the top. There will be a fall guy, but he is not at the top of the case, in my belief it goes all the way to the president. As … Continue reading →
Posted in Illegal immigration, illegals, Mexican Pirates, National Security
Tagged DOJ, Drug cartels, Eric Holder, Fraud, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, liberal bias, liberal guilt, lying, Mexico, Progressives
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Lying to Congress – an email I received
I haven’t posted emails here unless I go to the original source for the story. This one is so good I have to pass it on. I don’t have the original source, but feel free to pass it on as … Continue reading →