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Tag Archives: left wing bigots
It’s been a month since the last post but most of the talk since that time has been on Obamacare, in one way or the other.
Apparently the shutdown was a very well orchestrated way to keep the focus off the actual facts of the opening of the Obamacare website and program. It certainly worked to keep the Republicans unpopular but there is still no end … Continue reading
Posted in Bookworm Room, Change, Congressional Health insurance, Congressional term limits, Military, politicians, Thomas Sowell, welfare
Tagged Big government, Bureauracy, Chicago Politicians, Class Warfare, Congress, Conservatism, Cronyism, Democrats, election fraud, Federal spending, GOP, gov't regulations, government healthcare, Government Waste, Health Care Bill, Lame duck crongress, left wing bigots, Media Bias, Mexico, Minority Republicans, MSNBC, Obama Health Care, Obama's czars, Obamacare, Political Arrogance, Political Lies, politicians, Republicans, Tea Parties, Voter ID
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Cold War? Civil War? Are we in a cold war/civil war?
I am elderly, I lived through World War II, the Korean War, The Vietnam war, the Cold War and all the other conflicts since then. I believe we are in a Cold War, a Civil War with no bloodshed. A … Continue reading
Posted in Chris Matthews, Drones, elections, Governing, gun control, HHS, Journolist, Nanny state, Navy Seals, NEA, NSA, NSA data collection, PRISM, Right wing radio, rightwingers, SEC, slander, voter verification
Tagged Class Warfare, CNN, Communism, community organizers, conservative ads, cultural degradation, DHS, education, Fiscal responsibility, govenment schools, government aid, government healthcare, Government Waste, green terrorism, gun control, GW Bush, Hollywood liberals, IRS scandal, left wing bigots, leftism, Marxism, Media Bias, MSM, MSNBC, multiculturalism, Obama's slush fund, Organizing for America, Patriotism, Political Arrogance, Political Correctness, President Bush, President Obama, Progressives, Propaganda, Racism, tax fraud, Tea Party, totalitarian government, voter intimidation, welfare revolution
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Someone has finally stood up to the Senate, to the Republicans and to the President! Does this mean the Logjam is finally broken?
I hope so. This is the light at the end of the tunnel. It is so simple, so easy, and finally someone has done it. God What are the key ingredients in Mast Mood generic tadalafil uk oil include Nirgundi, … Continue reading
Tagged left wing bigots, leftism, Media Bias
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The Empty Chair has been confirmed, the 3 AM call came and it didn’t answer
I don’t know what the news media is reporting on the hearing that are ongoing concerning Benghazi and the drone assassinations, but from what I hear the man in charge of the “free world” has a lot to answer to. … Continue reading
Posted in Al Queda, Egyptian Military, Egyptian Uprising, General Petraeus, KSM, Rush Limbaugh
Tagged Benghazi, Big government, Class Warfare, Dept of Justice, election fraud, environmentalism, executive orders, federal lands, gov't regulations, gov't waste, Health Care Bill, Islamic terrorists, left wing bigots, leftism, Liberalism, Media Bias, muslim violence, Obama's Policies, Obamacare, Political Arrogance, President Obama
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Alice in Wonderland, umm…. no, the USA
I’ve been planning to write this blog for a week and things just keep getting more and more surreal. What started me thinking was watching the Saturday morning MSNBC show Up w/ Chris Hayes on the 16th. I was so … Continue reading
Posted in apologies, Arizona Immigration Law, Dan Quayle
Tagged Class Warfare, Dept of Justice, DHS, Dream Act, Hubris, left wing bigots, leftism, Liberalism, MSNBC, race card
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Left wing pressure never ends, we need to stop this
I am so disheartened by this. Did you even know it was happening? I’m afraid some of our favorite products caved to pressure from the left wing. How are we going to stop the MSM from highlighting every angle they … Continue reading
Posted in advertising, American Manufacturing, Censorship, wikileaks
Tagged Conservatism, criminalization of politics, left wing bigots, leftism, Liberalism, Media Bias, MoveON, Socialism, voter intimidation
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No, I didn’t fall off the face of the earth
But I have been busy, out of town and back and busy. It probably won’t get unbusy till after January 5th. I felt terrible not to be around to post a remembrance for Pearl Harbor Day. It is a memory … Continue reading
Posted in Americanism, connections, Conspiracy, Conspiracy theories, Egyptian Military, Egyptian Uprising, ground zero, Holocaust survivor, McVeigh, Muslims assaulting women, rape, State secrets
Tagged 9/11, Afghanistan, blame game, class envy, Class Warfare, corruption, election fraud, Eric Holder, Foreign policy, Historical illiteracy, History, Holder, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Islamic terrorists, Jihadist, left wing bigots, liberal misconceptions, Libertarians, Militant Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim extremism, Racism, Republicans, revisionist history, Tea Party, Voter ID
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Why are we allowing the media and the Democrats to nominate our candidate?
I watched the so called debate last night and have some thoughts on the whole fiasco we are calling debates. In the title I said the media and the Democrats. We all know they are one and the same. Who … Continue reading
Tagged left wing bigots, Liberalism, Manipulation, Media Bias, Republicans
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