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Tag Archives: immigration
Weekend Links and comments, Aug. 17, 2014
An Audit Report on the CSCOPE Contract at Education Services Center. I am sure some of you have enough of a background to o understand all this. The Judge in the IRS lawsuit is demanding better answers from the IRS … Continue reading
Posted in black genocide, Felonies?, Illegal immigration, immigration
Tagged Anti-semitism, Black conservatives, blame game, Chicago Politicians, class envy, Class Warfare, criminalization of politics, Cronyism, Democrats, Dept of Justice, Dream Act, environmentalism, Illegal immigration, immigration, Iraq, ISIL, Islamic terrorists, Jewish Liberals, Media Bias, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, New Black Panther thugs, police state, Political Arrogance, race card, Racism
Comments Off on Weekend Links and comments, Aug. 17, 2014
Links and comments, Aug. 14, 2014
This is no surprise, Shadow Campaign-Handful of Activist Responsible for Anti-Limbaugh Campaign. Major Democratic Donor Supports southern Succession–– says we are dumbing down the nation. Controversy over ISIL flag on home in New Jersey. Yturria Ranch is arming its employees. … Continue reading
Posted in Crisis/Opportunity, DISCLOSE Act, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Nancy Pelosi, politicians
Tagged Al Queda in Iraq, Benghazi, Chicago Politicians, Civility, Class Warfare, Cronyism, cultural degradation, Democratic donors, Democrats, domestic terroism, Dream Act, Drug cartels, Hillary, Hispanic voters, Hollywood liberals, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Iran Syria, Iraq, Islam, Islamic terrorists, Media Bias, Obama's Policies, police state, Political Arrogance, politicians
Comments Off on Links and comments, Aug. 14, 2014
Links and Comments, Aug 13, 2014
New York Judges for the Immigration “Children” wonder why it is not done where they crossed the border? hmmmm……. Some of my family members were in the Home Health Care and medical supply business so this article hits close to … Continue reading
Posted in Americanism, Black Panthers, Christians, ex liberals, HHS, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Jimmy Carter, Middle East
Tagged Al Queda in Iraq, Anti-semitism, Benghazi, Big government, Bureauracy, Campaign finance, Class Warfare, Climate Change, crime, Cronyism, cultural degradation, Democrats, Dept of Justice, DOJ, domestic terroism, Foreign policy, Gaza, gov't regulations, gov't waste, Health Care Bill, Hispanic voters, Historical illiteracy, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Iraq, IRS, IRS scandal, ISIL, Islamic terrorists, Media Bias, Militant Islam, multiculturalism, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, New Black Panther thugs, Obama Health Care, Obama's Policies
Comments Off on Links and Comments, Aug 13, 2014
Links and Comments, Aug. 11, 2014
More Federal Bureaucracy- employees cheated the US Taxpayers by padding their hours. Obama Says Iraqi airstrikes Could be Long Term -another source says we are also providing military equipment to the Kurds and Iraqis. In this article: Mr. Obama described … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Christians, Coptics, Cuba, Enemy combatants, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Osama Bin Laden
Tagged AGW, Al Queda in Iraq, blame game, Bureauracy, Chicago Politicians, CIA, Dept of Justice, DHS, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, Eric Holder, Foreign policy, HAMAS, Historical illiteracy, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Iran Syria, Iraq, IRS scandal, ISIL, Islamic terrorists, Muslim extremism, Muslims in America, Obama's czars, Obama's Policies, President Obama
Comments Off on Links and Comments, Aug. 11, 2014
Links and Comments, Aug. 10, 2014
Today my husband sent out an email concerning the fable of “ocean acidification”. I guess he isn’t the only one, the science blog Ice Age Now has this: Warnings about Ocean Acidification are Completely Misleading–and Deliberately So. (ed note: this … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Christians, gay marriage, Global Warming, Honduras, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Junk science, Libya, Middle East, political donor list, voter verification
Tagged 9/11, Afghanistan, AGW, Al Queda in Iraq, Benghazi, Campaign finance, Climate Change, Common Core, Democratic donors, Democrats, DOJ, Dream Act, education, education reform, election fraud, environmentalism, Eric Holder, Global Warming, govenment schools, HAMAS, Hispanic voters, Historical illiteracy, Holder, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Indoctrination, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, ISIL, Islam, Islamic terrorists, Jihadist, Media Bias, Mexico, Militant Islam, Muslim extremism, Obama's Policies, President Obama, Voter ID
Comments Off on Links and Comments, Aug. 10, 2014
Links and Comments, Aug. 9, 2014
Sen Feinstein says it takes an army to defeat an army. Willacy County sheriff says we are getting overrun and some armed illegals are wearing military fatigues. From 1974; this essay on Did the Press Uncover Watergate? by Edward Jay … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Al Queda, Christians, Global Warming, HHS, Homeland Security, Honduras, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Middle East, Taliban
Tagged Afghanistan, AGW, Al Queda in Iraq, Benghazi, Big government, Bureauracy, Climate Change, Conservatives, Democrats, DHS, Dream Act, Drug cartels, Gaza, Global Warming, HAMAS, Hispanic voters, Historical illiteracy, History, Hollywood liberals, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Iran Syria, Iraq, ISIL, Islamic terrorists, Israel, Liberalism, Media Bias, Mexico, Militant Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Obama's Policies, Political Arrogance, Presidential politics
Comments Off on Links and Comments, Aug. 9, 2014
Links and comments, Aug. 8, 2014
Ask W. K: My Dad is a Right Wing Asshole. This should be read by everyone, conservative, liberal, and middle of the roaders. 1984 Redux: Orwellian Illegal Immigration Caliphs gotta Caliphate – ISIS open slave market for women. A very … Continue reading
Posted in Al Zawahiri, Americanism, Christians, Coptics, Egyptian Military, Honduras, Illegal immigration, immigration, Middle East
Tagged Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, Al Queda in Iraq, Big government, Gaza, HAMAS, Historical illiteracy, ICE, Illegal immigration, immigration, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, ISIL, Islam, Islamic terrorists, Jihadist, Mexico, Militant Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Obama's Policies, President Obama
1 Comment
Links and comments, August 7, 2014
Dozens of inspectors general say federal agencies hindering oversight Bureaucracy is trying to protect its power. NASA scientist explains global warming hiatus– or tries to. Surprise, they have to revise their models. That is their problem, relying on models with … Continue reading
Posted in Czars, elections, Global Warming, gun control, HHS, Homeland Security, Honduras, Illegal immigration, illegals, Illinois, immigration, imperial Presidency, Junk science, Limbaugh
Tagged Anti-semitism, Big government, Bureauracy, Campaign finance, Climate Change, cultural degradation, Democratic donors, Democrats, Dept of Justice, DHS, Dream Act, environmentalism, Global Warming, gov't regulations, gov't waste, gun control, Hubris, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Islamic terrorists, Jihadist, muslim violence, Political Arrogance, Tea Party
Comments Off on Links and comments, August 7, 2014
Links and Comments, Aug. 4, 2014
Giving away their game, they are getting good at this. Sen. Patty Murray provides climate costs talking points Navy Seal punished for criticizing politicization of the military, seeks accountability. Obama’s Impeachment Game the problem is that it is not a … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Global Warming, Honduras, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Mexican Pirates, Tax laws
Tagged AGW, CIA, Class Warfare, Climate Change, corruption, Democrats, Dream Act, Global Warming, government healthcare, Health Care Bill, Hispanic voters, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Islamic terrorists, Mexico, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Obama Gaffes, Obama's Policies, Obamacare, President Obama
Comments Off on Links and Comments, Aug. 4, 2014
Links and Comments, August 3, 2014
Turkey Caught Exporting Ball-Bearings to Gaza as “Humanitarian Aid” you seldom hear it called humanitarian to send ball bearing to be used in suicide vests. These facts are from 2012, which has been updated, so percentages may have changed with … Continue reading
Posted in children, Families, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency
Tagged Big government, community organizers, Foreign policy, gov't waste, government healthcare, Hispanic voters, History, Hollywood liberals, Hubris, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Islamic terrorists
Comments Off on Links and Comments, August 3, 2014