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Tag Archives: Historical illiteracy
Drones, Drones, and more Drones, thanks to Senator Rand Paul the MSM finally noticed
Updated at bottom of post. I send out a list of interesting links to an email list, usually every day, at least five days a week. In making the list today I noticed that outside of the Texas links I … Continue reading
Posted in Drones, Enemy combatants, Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay, Hypocrisy, imperial Presidency, Lindsey Graham, McCain, newspapers, Principles, Rand Paul, Rinos, Ron Paul
Tagged Conservative Republicans, Eric Holder, George W. Bush, Historical illiteracy, imperial Presidency, leftism, Liberalism, Media Bias, Minority Republicans, MSM, Obama's Policies, President Bush, President Obama, Republicans, war on terror
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Much to catch up on today – skeet shooting is the least of our problems
There has been much in the news about it this past week and of course Obama is the one who brought it up. He is very good at the magic act, watch the other hand when he speaks, he is … Continue reading
Posted in 912 Coalition, blogosphere, Crisis/Opportunity, Gov Perry, opt out, politicians
Tagged Anti-semitism, blame game, Chicago Politicians, Class Warfare, Conservative Republicans, corruption, criminalization of politics, Cronyism, cultural degradation, domestic terroism, Elitism, ethics, Foreign policy, GOP, gov't regulations, gov't waste, government healthcare, Health Care Bill, Historical illiteracy, Israel, Karl Rove, Media Bias, Obama Health Care, Political Correctness, Political Lies, politicians, Tea Parties, Texas Politics
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Clear, Blue Sky (a rare day of clarity) links and comments
It pains me that for many years I paid scant attention to what was happening in our country. I became more conservative as I was growing older but I did little to promote it to others. It was the Carter administration that … Continue reading
Posted in Americanism, Capitalism, Change, divide and conquer, ex liberals, Jimmy Carter, Lloyd Marcus, Nanny state, neocons, nostalgia, Right wing radio, Rush Limbaugh
Tagged American thinker, Black conservatives, Communism, community organizers, Conservatism, Constitution, Democrats, Dependency, education, education reform, environmentalism, Financial Reform, govenment schools, Historical illiteracy, History, Indoctrination, Israel, Jewish Liberals, leftism, Liberalism, Media Bias, multiculturalism, Obama's Policies, Political Arrogance, Political Correctness, Presidential politics, Republicans, Socialism, Tea Party
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Sunday Links with comments
Another day of browsing and thinking some snarky thoughts about what I am reading. This first was sent by a friend. I’ve had a lot of these in the past month or so. So “how long have I been paranoid?” … Continue reading
Posted in Affirmative Action, Bill of rights, Conspiracy, Conspiracy theories, divide and conquer, gun control, Lloyd Marcus
Tagged American thinker, Black conservatives, blame game, Civility, CNN, criminalization of politics, cultural degradation, election waves, gun control, Historical illiteracy, History, Liberalism, Media Bias, Muslim extremism, muslims
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Obama’s America, Anti-Colonialism, and the Muslim Brotherhood
On Thursday we went to the movies for the first time in years. We saw the movie 2016 Obama’s America. It was a stunning and very good documentary. It was so very telling. I had always thought of President Obama … Continue reading
Posted in apologies, Bill Ayers, Black Liberation Theology, Black Panthers, divide and conquer, Egyptian Military, Egyptian Uprising, imperialsm, Middle East
Tagged 9/11, Al Qaeda, Anti-semitism, Chicago Politicians, class envy, Class Warfare, Congressional Black Caucus, cultural degradation, Fascism, Historical illiteracy, Iran Syria, Iraq, Islam, Islamic terrorists, Liberalism, Militant Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim extremism, muslim violence
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We knew he was selling our country out, we just didn’t know the price was so low.
While browsing the headlines for links to send to my email list I ran across this ABC news blog item: $465 for Legal Status Under Obama’s ‘Dream Act’ The … Continue reading
I’m late to the game in the Derbyshire is Racist controversy but I’m really talking about labels and labeling
I’m not really talking about race, I’m talking about cultures and what we call them. Mark Steyn has done a good job on what I think about the Derbyshire/National Review flap so I don’t really have to address that. What … Continue reading
No, I didn’t fall off the face of the earth
But I have been busy, out of town and back and busy. It probably won’t get unbusy till after January 5th. I felt terrible not to be around to post a remembrance for Pearl Harbor Day. It is a memory … Continue reading
Posted in Americanism, connections, Conspiracy, Conspiracy theories, Egyptian Military, Egyptian Uprising, ground zero, Holocaust survivor, McVeigh, Muslims assaulting women, rape, State secrets
Tagged 9/11, Afghanistan, blame game, class envy, Class Warfare, corruption, election fraud, Eric Holder, Foreign policy, Historical illiteracy, History, Holder, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Islamic terrorists, Jihadist, left wing bigots, liberal misconceptions, Libertarians, Militant Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim extremism, Racism, Republicans, revisionist history, Tea Party, Voter ID
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Are we in effect “eating our young?” Figuratively speaking, of course
We had a wonderful Tea Party Rally today to honor our veterans. Our speakers were Representative Todd Hunter and Dr. Bob Jones. Dr. Jones spoke on many things but one has stuck in my mind. He mentioned other religions go … Continue reading