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Tag Archives: Green jobs
Links and Comments, July 18, 2014
Obama said to Assure Hispanic conference on deportations. That is the CONGRESSIONAL Hispanic conference they are talking about. People who have taken an oath to uphold the constitution; which country did they think it was from? Why did the IRS … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Crisis/Opportunity, elections, Homeland Security, imperial Presidency
Tagged abortion, AGW, blame game, Campaign finance, Class Warfare, Climate Change, corruption, crime, Cronyism, Democratic donors, Democrats, Dept of Justice, election fraud, energy, environmentalism, Green business, Green jobs, imperial Presidency, IRS, IRS scandal
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Links and Comments, June 23, 2014
This is happening right here in Texas. Gun Shop Alleges July 1st Shutdown Due to Political Stance Don’t fight in Iraq and ignore Syria The Fable of the burning river 45 years later. Environmentalists have been lying to us longer … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Americanism, Arizona Immigration Law, Cap and Trade, children, Columbian Politics, common people, Conspiracy theories, HHS, Homeland Security, Honduras, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Lies, political donor list
Tagged Afghanistan, AGW, Al Qaeda, Al Queda in Iraq, Campaign finance, Climate Change, conservative ads, Conservative Republicans, Democratic donors, Democrats, Dept of Justice, DHS, DOJ, domestic terroism, Dream Act, Drug cartels, Elitism, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, Fact checkers, Foreign policy, George Soros, gov't regulations, Green business, Green jobs, Harry Reid, Hillary, Hispanic voters, Historical illiteracy, History, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, IRS scandal, Islamic terrorists, Media Bias, Mexico, Political Arrogance, revisionist history, Soros, Supreme Court
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Links and comments June 5, 2014
I had discussed this very thing with my husband earlier today, was the CIA station chief purposely outed as a price? An odd coincidence in the Bergdahl release? Some Afghani villagers are frightened of the released Gitmo prisoners. An editorial … Continue reading
Posted in Christians, Code talkers from WWII, Enemy combatants, Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay, Heroes, Illegal immigration, imperial Presidency, Military, Relgion, Taliban
Tagged Afghanistan, Dream Act, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, executive orders, Green jobs, green terrorism, Hispanic voters, Illegal immigration, imperial Presidency, Islam, Islamic terrorists, Militant Islam, muslim violence, Obama Gaffes, Obama's Policies, Political Arrogance, Tea Parties, Tea Party, The Constituion
Comments Off on Links and comments June 5, 2014
Cultural Welfare; Rick Perry + and -;Occupy Wall Street and the Commies, Muslims and other misfits
This is from Politico, not a good sign for Obama. Obama launches cultural warfare By KEITH KOFFLER President Barack Obama stands accused by conservatives of waging class warfare, seeking to galvanize his base and lure middle-class voters by pitting the … Continue reading
Posted in divide and conquer, Drilling, Economics, Goldman Sachs, Homeland Security, Oil Industry, Socialists, Texas, Union thugs, Unions
Tagged American Exceptionalism, Anti-American, Communism, community organizers, cultural degradation, Democratic donors, Democrats, domestic terroism, Drug cartels, environmentalism, far left, Fascism, George Soros, Government Waste, Green jobs, Historical illiteracy, Hollywood liberals, Hubris, liberal press, Marxism, moratorium on drilling, MoveON, multiculturalism, Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's Policies, Political Lies, SEIU, Soros
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Steven Chu; the new fall guy
His new abode seems to be under the bus. It must have been him they were visiting at the White House. You know he is the fall guy when the Washington Post takes note and reports this: Energy Secretary Steven … Continue reading
Posted in Nobel Peace Prize Funds
Tagged Green business, Green jobs
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Well, maybe some people do know Green Jobs are a scam
This is from the OC Register. That is OC as in Orange County, California. Editorial: Green jobs revealed as fiscal black hole The faddish obsession with “green jobs” is being revealed as a massive waste of taxpayer money. Pipe dreams … Continue reading
Tagged Green jobs
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Obama’s Pipe Dreams
First we had “Dreams of my Father,” now we have “Green Jobs”. Both are Pipe dreams although this post in the The Heritage Morning Bell: Obama’s “Green Jobs” Pipe Dream” is only calling the green jobs a pipe dream, others … Continue reading
Tagged Green jobs
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VDH on Obama and our debt
St. Obama and the Debt Dragon “Reckless Fiscal Policies” Why did Obama only enumerate George W. Bush’s big spending as responsible for the out-of-control $14 trillion-plus debt, while not mentioning his own contribution of $5 trillion? Why is there a … Continue reading
Posted in common people, Drilling, McConnell
Tagged blame game, Campaign finance, class envy, Class Warfare, Communism, community organizers, Congress, criminalization of politics, Democratic donors, Fact checkers, Fascism, Fascist, financial crisis, Financial Reform, Fiscal responsibility, gov't waste, government aid, government healthcare, Government Waste, Green jobs, leftism, liberal bias, liberal misconceptions, Liberalism, Liberals, Obama Flip Flops, Obama's Policies, Political Lies, President Obama, Tea Party
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Did an ATM eat your job?
Our president seems to think it did. He really just does not have a grasp on how the world of jobs really works. This was posted today by Erick at Redstate. Barack Obama Thinks an ATM Ate Your Job Posted … Continue reading
Posted in American Manufacturing, business, Nanny state, Politics
Tagged environmentalism, free enterprise, Green business, Green jobs, liberal misconceptions, Politics, President Obama
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