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Tag Archives: government healthcare
Links and Comments April 29, 2014
UPDATE: Benghazi emails suggest White House aide involved in prepping Rice for ‘video’ explanation A Doctor’s Declaration of Independence. This is from Wall Street Journal and may be behind a pay wall, I hope it is not. The scientist at my … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, doctors, Junk science
Tagged AGW, Climate Change, CNN, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, Foreign policy, gov't regulations, government healthcare, green terrorism, Media Bias, MSNBC, Obama Health Care, Obama's Policies, Polls
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It’s been a long time coming but I’m ready to blog again, so here is my State of the Union address
I haven’t stopped reading all the news and sending out my links and comments to others, I just haven’t had time for putting down my thoughts in blog form. So, a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Now to … Continue reading
Posted in 20 Questions, boondoggle, Capitalism, deadbeats, estate tax, healthcare, hidden taxes, Junk science, Lake Wobegon, Libya, Military, NASA, Principles, Taliban, Tax laws, Unemployment, waivers, welfare
Tagged Big government, blame game, Bureauracy, Cargo Cult, class envy, Class Warfare, Conservatism, criminalization of politics, cultural degradation, education reform, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, financial crisis, Fiscal responsibility, gov't regulations, gov't waste, government healthcare, Green business, Health Care Bill, higher education, Historical illiteracy, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, Jihadist, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Obama's Policies, Obamacare, totalitarian government, war on terror
Is Obama the first member of his own cult?
While discussing some ridiculous liberals we were listening to on talk radio this morning we were totally dumfounded at their rudeness to right wing nuts, as they put it, and crazy statements defending Obamacare. It seems they are not living … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Health insurance, Health care pledge, healthcare
Tagged Big government, Communism, community organizers, government healthcare, Health Care Bill, Obama care ruling, Obama's Policies, Obamacare, Political Correctness, Socialism
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It’s been a month since the last post but most of the talk since that time has been on Obamacare, in one way or the other.
Apparently the shutdown was a very well orchestrated way to keep the focus off the actual facts of the opening of the Obamacare website and program. It certainly worked to keep the Republicans unpopular but there is still no end … Continue reading
Posted in Bookworm Room, Change, Congressional Health insurance, Congressional term limits, Military, politicians, Thomas Sowell, welfare
Tagged Big government, Bureauracy, Chicago Politicians, Class Warfare, Congress, Conservatism, Cronyism, Democrats, election fraud, Federal spending, GOP, gov't regulations, government healthcare, Government Waste, Health Care Bill, Lame duck crongress, left wing bigots, Media Bias, Mexico, Minority Republicans, MSNBC, Obama Health Care, Obama's czars, Obamacare, Political Arrogance, Political Lies, politicians, Republicans, Tea Parties, Voter ID
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a long list of links and comments
Take your time, they are all interesting and there won’t be a pop quiz on this one. http://iceagenow.info/2013/08/wheres-global-warming-asks-major-european-media-outlet/ Not a legitimate party Hey, you know, Palin was right about Obama. From Noam Chomsky? David Dewhurst and Good old boy networks … Continue reading
Posted in 20 Questions, blogosphere, blogs, Crisis/Opportunity, Death Panels, divide and conquer, Election results in Texas, gun control, Junk science, Middle East, NSA data collection, rightwingers, Texas
Tagged class envy, Class Warfare, Conservative Republicans, Conservatives, crime, Dept of Justice, government healthcare, green terrorism, gun control, Iran Syria, Iraq, Liberalism, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Obama Health Care, Republicans, Tea Parties, Texas Politics
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Cold War? Civil War? Are we in a cold war/civil war?
I am elderly, I lived through World War II, the Korean War, The Vietnam war, the Cold War and all the other conflicts since then. I believe we are in a Cold War, a Civil War with no bloodshed. A … Continue reading
Posted in Chris Matthews, Drones, elections, Governing, gun control, HHS, Journolist, Nanny state, Navy Seals, NEA, NSA, NSA data collection, PRISM, Right wing radio, rightwingers, SEC, slander, voter verification
Tagged Class Warfare, CNN, Communism, community organizers, conservative ads, cultural degradation, DHS, education, Fiscal responsibility, govenment schools, government aid, government healthcare, Government Waste, green terrorism, gun control, GW Bush, Hollywood liberals, IRS scandal, left wing bigots, leftism, Marxism, Media Bias, MSM, MSNBC, multiculturalism, Obama's slush fund, Organizing for America, Patriotism, Political Arrogance, Political Correctness, President Bush, President Obama, Progressives, Propaganda, Racism, tax fraud, Tea Party, totalitarian government, voter intimidation, welfare revolution
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Links and Comments for Wednesday, June 20th
Bureaucracy vs Democracy We are all aware of this problem and it is only going to get worse. Glenn Beck in DC yesterday I am listening and watching his show this morning, he was not treated kindly by the police … Continue reading
Posted in Bill of rights, Catholic bishops, Glenn Beck, Illegal immigration, NSA, TEA Party PAC, Tea Party Patriots, TSA
Tagged Afghanistan, Big government, CIA, Class Warfare, Conservatism, Cronyism, cultural degradation, DOJ, EPA Scandal, Eric Holder, Foreign policy, government healthcare, Government Waste, Illegal immigration, IRS scandal, Obama's Policies, Political Arrogance, Tea Party
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Scandal overload – Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, AP phone records; and what else is out there?
I am extremely distressed at all of this. What makes me the most distressed? This morning I listened to the hearings on C-Span while the IRS dissembled, rambled, didn’t know, didn’t have the authority to answer and anything else they could bring … Continue reading
Posted in 912 Coalition, children, imperial Presidency, The Constitution, transparency
Tagged abortion, Class Warfare, election, election fraud, far left, government healthcare, Government Waste, imperial Presidency, IRS, moral values
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Much to catch up on today – skeet shooting is the least of our problems
There has been much in the news about it this past week and of course Obama is the one who brought it up. He is very good at the magic act, watch the other hand when he speaks, he is … Continue reading
Posted in 912 Coalition, blogosphere, Crisis/Opportunity, Gov Perry, opt out, politicians
Tagged Anti-semitism, blame game, Chicago Politicians, Class Warfare, Conservative Republicans, corruption, criminalization of politics, Cronyism, cultural degradation, domestic terroism, Elitism, ethics, Foreign policy, GOP, gov't regulations, gov't waste, government healthcare, Health Care Bill, Historical illiteracy, Israel, Karl Rove, Media Bias, Obama Health Care, Political Correctness, Political Lies, politicians, Tea Parties, Texas Politics
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Our Regulation happy president
I get a newsletter from National Review Online everyday. Sometimes I just cringe at what I see. Today’s outrage is on healthcare. Sickening Regulation By Michael Tanner The Department of Health and Human Services has announced that it must delay implementation … Continue reading
Tagged government healthcare, Government Waste, Health Care Bill, Obama's czars, Obama's Policies
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