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Tag Archives: Fiscal responsibility
It’s been a long time coming but I’m ready to blog again, so here is my State of the Union address
I haven’t stopped reading all the news and sending out my links and comments to others, I just haven’t had time for putting down my thoughts in blog form. So, a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Now to … Continue reading
Posted in 20 Questions, boondoggle, Capitalism, deadbeats, estate tax, healthcare, hidden taxes, Junk science, Lake Wobegon, Libya, Military, NASA, Principles, Taliban, Tax laws, Unemployment, waivers, welfare
Tagged Big government, blame game, Bureauracy, Cargo Cult, class envy, Class Warfare, Conservatism, criminalization of politics, cultural degradation, education reform, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, financial crisis, Fiscal responsibility, gov't regulations, gov't waste, government healthcare, Green business, Health Care Bill, higher education, Historical illiteracy, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, Jihadist, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Obama's Policies, Obamacare, totalitarian government, war on terror
Cold War? Civil War? Are we in a cold war/civil war?
I am elderly, I lived through World War II, the Korean War, The Vietnam war, the Cold War and all the other conflicts since then. I believe we are in a Cold War, a Civil War with no bloodshed. A … Continue reading
Posted in Chris Matthews, Drones, elections, Governing, gun control, HHS, Journolist, Nanny state, Navy Seals, NEA, NSA, NSA data collection, PRISM, Right wing radio, rightwingers, SEC, slander, voter verification
Tagged Class Warfare, CNN, Communism, community organizers, conservative ads, cultural degradation, DHS, education, Fiscal responsibility, govenment schools, government aid, government healthcare, Government Waste, green terrorism, gun control, GW Bush, Hollywood liberals, IRS scandal, left wing bigots, leftism, Marxism, Media Bias, MSM, MSNBC, multiculturalism, Obama's slush fund, Organizing for America, Patriotism, Political Arrogance, Political Correctness, President Bush, President Obama, Progressives, Propaganda, Racism, tax fraud, Tea Party, totalitarian government, voter intimidation, welfare revolution
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Why are we letting them do this? and other links
Every day I learn more and more that makes me thankful we have the internet and not just the MSM to bring us our news. http://pjmedia.com/blog/the-biggest-d-c-spy-scandal-you-havent-heard-about-part-two/?singlepage=true Why ARE they getting away with all the illegal activity? I don’t mean immigrants … Continue reading
Posted in Communist, divide and conquer, elections, ex liberals, Felonies?, gay marriage
Tagged Congress, Conservatism, cultural degradation, Democrats, Dept of Justice, DHS, election fraud, Fact checkers, far left, Fascism, Federal spending, financial crisis, Fiscal responsibility
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Has Texas Teacher Retirement system been taking advice from the Obama Administration?
This article from the Dallas Morning News would indicate that it has: Texas teachers’ pension fund invests in casinos, loses $99 million by Steve McGonigle First of two parts As public investments go, this one looked like a roll of the dice. … Continue reading
Posted in Lies, parasites
Tagged Bureauracy, education, Fiscal responsibility, scam
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What Secrets did we NOT overhear?
Because of an open microphone we know President Obama has plans to cut our defenses, and those of our allies even further. By now I am sure everyone has heard of this open mic gaffe. Two articles this morning will … Continue reading
Posted in 20 Questions, Black Liberation Theology, Change, Conspiracy theories, Egyptian Military, Egyptian Uprising, imperial Presidency, missile defense
Tagged community organizers, Cronyism, cultural degradation, Fiscal responsibility, imperial Presidency, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslims in America
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Military layoffs–We need to save money but this is not right
There has been a huge upswing in military layoffs. I’ve seen articles from time to time but had not followed up on them.. Today Commentary Magazine has an article by Max Boot about these layoffs. Before you read it read … Continue reading
More Green fiascoes, this one on electric cars
It sometimes doesn’t pay to read the online news sources if I want to get anything at all done around my house. Today I stalled out on these. But I will try to use my time efficiently and only post … Continue reading
Posted in electric cars
Tagged Big Green, Fiscal responsibility, gov't waste, liberal misconceptions
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Well, well, well, now that we know who owns the park and who is behind the protests….
It’s time to clear them out and clean the park. Who would have guessed. Maybe this is not working the way they thought it would. Who owns the park? The request to clean Zuccotti Park is coming from the company … Continue reading
Posted in just dont get it, Privilege, resentment, Socialists
Tagged Anti-semitism, Cargo Cult, Fiscal responsibility, George Soros, government aid, higher education, MoveON
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Two takes on the President’s latest speech
Thomas Sowell at Townhall.com has no problem in asking the questions that need to be asked. Back to the Future? Those who are impressed by words seem to think that President Barack Obama made a great speech to Congress last … Continue reading
Posted in budget, Capitalism, Change
Tagged Bureauracy, Federal spending, financial crisis, Fiscal responsibility, President Obama
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A valid criticism of the president
By the Washington Post’s conservative. The must-see critique of Obama and the debt-aholics By Jennifer Rubin On CNBC last night Ken Langone, the co-founder of Home Depot, delivered a lesson on debt and a scathing indictment of the president. His … Continue reading
Posted in Americanism, boondoggle, divide and conquer
Tagged American Exceptionalism, Anti-American, cultural degradation, Democrats, financial crisis, Financial Reform, Fiscal responsibility, Global Governance, liberal bias, meltdown
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