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Tag Archives: environmentalism
Links and Comments, Aug. 10, 2014
Today my husband sent out an email concerning the fable of “ocean acidification”. I guess he isn’t the only one, the science blog Ice Age Now has this: Warnings about Ocean Acidification are Completely Misleading–and Deliberately So. (ed note: this … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Christians, gay marriage, Global Warming, Honduras, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Junk science, Libya, Middle East, political donor list, voter verification
Tagged 9/11, Afghanistan, AGW, Al Queda in Iraq, Benghazi, Campaign finance, Climate Change, Common Core, Democratic donors, Democrats, DOJ, Dream Act, education, education reform, election fraud, environmentalism, Eric Holder, Global Warming, govenment schools, HAMAS, Hispanic voters, Historical illiteracy, Holder, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Indoctrination, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, ISIL, Islam, Islamic terrorists, Jihadist, Media Bias, Mexico, Militant Islam, Muslim extremism, Obama's Policies, President Obama, Voter ID
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Links and comments, August 7, 2014
Dozens of inspectors general say federal agencies hindering oversight Bureaucracy is trying to protect its power. NASA scientist explains global warming hiatus– or tries to. Surprise, they have to revise their models. That is their problem, relying on models with … Continue reading
Posted in Czars, elections, Global Warming, gun control, HHS, Homeland Security, Honduras, Illegal immigration, illegals, Illinois, immigration, imperial Presidency, Junk science, Limbaugh
Tagged Anti-semitism, Big government, Bureauracy, Campaign finance, Climate Change, cultural degradation, Democratic donors, Democrats, Dept of Justice, DHS, Dream Act, environmentalism, Global Warming, gov't regulations, gov't waste, gun control, Hubris, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Islamic terrorists, Jihadist, muslim violence, Political Arrogance, Tea Party
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Links and Comments, July 25, 2014
I wish this had been considered before Tule Creek was scalped of so much of its habitat. Where are the birders going to go when Aransas County has taken away what they came to see? Eco tourism doesn’t work when … Continue reading
Posted in Burning Bibles, gay marriage, Honduras, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration
Tagged Al Qaeda, Al Queda in Iraq, Drug cartels, environmentalism, executive orders, gov't regulations, government healthcare, HAMAS, Health Care Bill, Hispanic voters, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, ISIL, Mexico, Militant Islam, MSNBC, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Obama care ruling, Obama Flip Flops
Comments Off on Links and Comments, July 25, 2014
Links and Comments, July 20, 2014
Nearly a year before President Obama declared a humanitarian crisis on the border, a team of experts arrived at the Fort Brown patrol station in Brownsville, Tex., and discovered a makeshift transportation depot for a deluge of foreign children. Karl … Continue reading
Posted in Death Panels, Drilling, equal protection, HHS, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Oil Industry
Tagged Chicago Politicians, CIA, Class Warfare, Conservatism, crime, Dept of Justice, DHS, DOJ, Drug cartels, energy, environmentalism, GOP, government healthcare, Hispanic voters, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Iran Syria, Iraq, Karl Rove, left wing bigots, Mexico, Minority Republicans, Obamacare, Political Arrogance, Republicans, Tea Parties
Comments Off on Links and Comments, July 20, 2014
Links and Comments, July 18, 2014
Obama said to Assure Hispanic conference on deportations. That is the CONGRESSIONAL Hispanic conference they are talking about. People who have taken an oath to uphold the constitution; which country did they think it was from? Why did the IRS … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Crisis/Opportunity, elections, Homeland Security, imperial Presidency
Tagged abortion, AGW, blame game, Campaign finance, Class Warfare, Climate Change, corruption, crime, Cronyism, Democratic donors, Democrats, Dept of Justice, election fraud, energy, environmentalism, Green business, Green jobs, imperial Presidency, IRS, IRS scandal
Comments Off on Links and Comments, July 18, 2014
Links and comments, July 15, 2014
On Global Warming, Follow the Money and goodness knows there has been plenty spent on it. Neocon asks this question – Do you wonder whatever happened to this bill? I wonder how many anchor babies have been born since theses … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, American Manufacturing, Crisis/Opportunity, Egyptian Military, gay marriage, Global Warming, Homeland Security, Hondouras, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency
Tagged AGW, Big government, Bureauracy, Chicago Politicians, Class Warfare, Climate Change, community organizers, corruption, Cronyism, Democrats, DOJ, domestic terroism, Dream Act, education, education reform, Elitism, environmentalism, Foreign policy, Global Warming, gov't regulations, Government Waste, Hispanic voters, Historical illiteracy, Hubris, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency
Comments Off on Links and comments, July 15, 2014
Links and comments, July 14, 2014
I find this easy to believe – EXCLUSIVE: HHS Bankrolled Catholic and Baptist Church from 2010 to 2013 to Prepare for Obama’s 2014 Invasion! Instead of separate links to the articles in this site I am sending a link to … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, AIDS, Americanism, Catholic bishops, Change, Countrywide, Crisis/Opportunity, Disasters, Fannie Mae, Frannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Global Warming, HIV/aids, Illegal immigration, illegals, Junk science, Mexican Pirates, Scandals, trojan horse
Tagged Abstinence, AGW, Big government, Bureauracy, Campaign finance, Chicago Politicians, CIA, Class Warfare, Climate Change, criminalization of politics, Democratic donors, Democrats, Dept of Justice, DHS, domestic terroism, Dream Act, Drug cartels, Elitism, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, far left, Federal spending, Fraud, Global Warming, gov't waste, Hispanic voters, Historical illiteracy, History, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, insider trading, left wing bigots, Liberalism, lobbyists, Mexico, Obama's Policies, Political Arrogance
1 Comment
Links and comments, Sunday, July 13, 2014
I find this easy to believe – EXCLUSIVE: HHS Bankrolled Catholic and Baptist Church from 2010 to 2013 to Prepare for Obama’s 2014 Invasion! And this is on video: “As long as (U.S.) immigration reform is not approved, the exodus … Continue reading
Posted in Americanism, biofuels, bribes, Catholic bishops, children, Conspiracy, Conspiracy theories, Countrywide, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Homeland Security, Hondouras, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Junk science, National Security, Texas
Tagged Al Queda in Iraq, Chicago Politicians, Climate Change, CNN, community organizers, corruption, Cronyism, cultural degradation, Democrats, DHS, domestic terroism, Dream Act, Drug cartels, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, Federal spending, Foreign policy, gov't waste, Government Waste, Hubris, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Iraq, Islamic terrorists, Mexico, Obama's Policies, Political Arrogance, Presidential politics
1 Comment
Links and Comments, July 9, 2014
Some of the illegal kids are wearing Obama decorated tennis shoes. Islamist plot to blow up Eiffel Tower, Louvre and nuclear power plant foiled, say French police GOP: Lerner warned IRS employees to hide information from Congress this was on … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Anti Mosque Muslims, Arizona Immigration Law, Censorship, Communist, Conspiracy, Crisis/Opportunity, divide and conquer, Global Warming, Gov Perry, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Mexican Pirates, political donor list, WMD
Tagged AGW, Al Qaeda, Al Queda in Iraq, Campaign finance, Chicago Politicians, Class Warfare, Climate Change, Communism, Democratic donors, Democrats, DHS, DOJ, domestic terroism, Dream Act, Drug cartels, Elitism, environmentalism, far left, Global Warming, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, IRS, IRS scandal, Islamic terrorists, left wing bigots, leftism, Liberalism, Mexico, Militant Islam, MSM, Organizing for America, Political Arrogance
Comments Off on Links and Comments, July 9, 2014