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Tag Archives: Democrats
Why are we letting them do this? and other links
Every day I learn more and more that makes me thankful we have the internet and not just the MSM to bring us our news. http://pjmedia.com/blog/the-biggest-d-c-spy-scandal-you-havent-heard-about-part-two/?singlepage=true Why ARE they getting away with all the illegal activity? I don’t mean immigrants … Continue reading
Posted in Communist, divide and conquer, elections, ex liberals, Felonies?, gay marriage
Tagged Congress, Conservatism, cultural degradation, Democrats, Dept of Justice, DHS, election fraud, Fact checkers, far left, Fascism, Federal spending, financial crisis, Fiscal responsibility
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Obama and the “New Party”
Recently the blogosphere has been awash in the news that Obama was a member of the The ‘New Party’ (which was) a political party established by the Democratic Socialists of America (the DSA) to push forth the socialist principles of … Continue reading
Posted in Bill Ayers, blogosphere, DNC AND ACORN, Journolist, Newsbusters, newspapers, Principles, Time Magazine, transparency, truth
Tagged American thinker, Cargo Cult, class envy, Class Warfare, Communism, community organizers, corruption, Cronyism, Democrats, far left, liberal bias, liberal press, Marxism, MSM, Obama's Policies, President Obama, Teacher's Unions
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I’m late to the game in the Derbyshire is Racist controversy but I’m really talking about labels and labeling
I’m not really talking about race, I’m talking about cultures and what we call them. Mark Steyn has done a good job on what I think about the Derbyshire/National Review flap so I don’t really have to address that. What … Continue reading
Conservatives have lost a BIG voice
It’s been several days now since we were shocked by the news of the death of Andrew Breitbart. It has taken a while for it all to sink in. He has done so much for the cause. Without him ACORN … Continue reading
Posted in Censorship, ex liberals, truth in movies
Tagged 9/11, American Exceptionalism, Anti-American, Anti-war anti Bush, Conservatives, Democrats, Hollywood liberals, liberal press, Liberalism, Marxism, MSM, multiculturalism, Political Correctness, President Bush, President Obama, Progressives
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Much to read and discuss today, Keystone, AGW, Politics, politics, politics
Stomping around in the swamp –Keystone Pipeline stuff, it is pretty mucky alright. Jobs? What jobs. Politics, green politics, all the scoop. Green Lebesraum the Nazi Roots of Sustainable Development verrryyyy interesting…. These Dems spin better than Rumpelstiltskin this is … Continue reading
Posted in hoax, Junk science, Lies, Limbaugh, news links, Newt Gingrich, Oil Industry, Politics, Rush Limbaugh
Tagged AGW, AGW Skeptics, Big Green, Climategate, Democrats, environmentalism, Global Warming, liberal media, Political Arrogance, Political Lies, Politics, Science
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Chuck Norris Explains Soros, Occupiers and the MSM
This has been running in Townhall.com, Part 1 can be found here. This is from Part 2. Last week, I discussed how Occupy protesters are being directly aided by the mainstream media and indirectly aided by White House stimulus money, … Continue reading
Posted in Conspiracy, divide and conquer, Socialists
Tagged Anti-American, Conservatives, corruption, Cronyism, Democratic donors, Democrats, election, liberal bias, liberal media, Liberalism, Manipulation, MoveON, MSM, MSNBC, Political Arrogance, Progressives, Republicans, Soros
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Debates? No. Game shows or sporting events? I’m Not Sure.
This is what I have thought and been saying all along. It has been very distressing to me to see our candidates open themselves up to this type abuse from moderators and the other candidates. They have allowed themselves to be formed … Continue reading
Posted in elections
Tagged Civility, Democrats, election fraud, liberal press
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It DID start with Bork, and then came the Anita Hill accusations against Justice Thomas
And the ugliness has escalated from there. We now have an extremely divided country. This has been my contention for some time. The New York Times has an op ed today with the same conclusions and a little more. The … Continue reading
Posted in partial birth abortion, Politics, resentment, rhetoric
Tagged abortion, Conservatism, criminalization of politics, cultural degradation, Democrats, History, Liberalism, Planned Parenhood, Political Arrogance, Politics, Progressives, race card, Republicans, Supreme Court
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Cultural Welfare; Rick Perry + and -;Occupy Wall Street and the Commies, Muslims and other misfits
This is from Politico, not a good sign for Obama. Obama launches cultural warfare By KEITH KOFFLER President Barack Obama stands accused by conservatives of waging class warfare, seeking to galvanize his base and lure middle-class voters by pitting the … Continue reading
Posted in divide and conquer, Drilling, Economics, Goldman Sachs, Homeland Security, Oil Industry, Socialists, Texas, Union thugs, Unions
Tagged American Exceptionalism, Anti-American, Communism, community organizers, cultural degradation, Democratic donors, Democrats, domestic terroism, Drug cartels, environmentalism, far left, Fascism, George Soros, Government Waste, Green jobs, Historical illiteracy, Hollywood liberals, Hubris, liberal press, Marxism, moratorium on drilling, MoveON, multiculturalism, Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's Policies, Political Lies, SEIU, Soros
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Stop the funding
I get a lot of newsletter emails in my morning emails. It cuts out a lot of sites I have to visit to get all the news that I want to read. The Morning Bell from The Heritage Foundation is one of … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Tagged Democrats, free enterprise, Global Warming, gun control, gun walker scandal, Obama's Policies, OPERATION FAST AND FURIOUS, Politics
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