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Tag Archives: class envy
It’s been a long time coming but I’m ready to blog again, so here is my State of the Union address
I haven’t stopped reading all the news and sending out my links and comments to others, I just haven’t had time for putting down my thoughts in blog form. So, a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Now to … Continue reading
Posted in 20 Questions, boondoggle, Capitalism, deadbeats, estate tax, healthcare, hidden taxes, Junk science, Lake Wobegon, Libya, Military, NASA, Principles, Taliban, Tax laws, Unemployment, waivers, welfare
Tagged Big government, blame game, Bureauracy, Cargo Cult, class envy, Class Warfare, Conservatism, criminalization of politics, cultural degradation, education reform, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, financial crisis, Fiscal responsibility, gov't regulations, gov't waste, government healthcare, Green business, Health Care Bill, higher education, Historical illiteracy, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, Jihadist, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Obama's Policies, Obamacare, totalitarian government, war on terror
a long list of links and comments
Take your time, they are all interesting and there won’t be a pop quiz on this one. http://iceagenow.info/2013/08/wheres-global-warming-asks-major-european-media-outlet/ Not a legitimate party Hey, you know, Palin was right about Obama. From Noam Chomsky? David Dewhurst and Good old boy networks … Continue reading
Posted in 20 Questions, blogosphere, blogs, Crisis/Opportunity, Death Panels, divide and conquer, Election results in Texas, gun control, Junk science, Middle East, NSA data collection, rightwingers, Texas
Tagged class envy, Class Warfare, Conservative Republicans, Conservatives, crime, Dept of Justice, government healthcare, green terrorism, gun control, Iran Syria, Iraq, Liberalism, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Obama Health Care, Republicans, Tea Parties, Texas Politics
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Links and comments for a cold January day
Dropping the Hagel Bomb – Key paragraph on why Obama did it: “ He is a charter member of the Chicago angry black man entity, and they — including former pals Jeremiah Wright and Minister Farrakhan — have little love for the … Continue reading
Posted in 20 Questions, Affirmative Action, big tent, Chavez, Colin Powell, Czars, Venzuela
Tagged Anti-semitism, Black conservatives, blame game, Bureauracy, Chicago Politicians, class envy, Class Warfare, Conservatism, corruption, Democrats, Dept of Justice, environmentalism, EPA, executive orders, gun control, Minority Republicans, police unions, President Obama
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Links and Comments
I get a lot of spambot comments on this. I know some other WordPress sites do too. I can’t imagine they could make money from my site and I wonder why they think I am into big brand name handbags. … Continue reading
Posted in advertising, Al Queda, audit, bank bill, business, Canada, connections, Countrywide, Economics, gold bubble, gun control, news links, NRA
Tagged class envy, Class Warfare, CNN, Conservatism, energy, environmentalism, far left, far right, Federal spending, financial crisis, Financial Reform, gun control, Hollywood liberals, insider trading, Obama's czars, Political Lies
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An Apology to my Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren
I apologize for the nation I am leaving you. When I was a child, and when I was a young mother, the United States of America was a great nation. We had our faults but we were looked up to … Continue reading
Posted in Americanism, Black Liberation Theology, Black Panthers, British Health care, Communist, hidden taxes
Tagged Big government, class envy, Constitution, election, election fraud, Federal spending, gov't waste, Islamic terrorists, muslim violence, muslims, Muslims in America, Patriotism
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Obama’s America, Anti-Colonialism, and the Muslim Brotherhood
On Thursday we went to the movies for the first time in years. We saw the movie 2016 Obama’s America. It was a stunning and very good documentary. It was so very telling. I had always thought of President Obama … Continue reading
Posted in apologies, Bill Ayers, Black Liberation Theology, Black Panthers, divide and conquer, Egyptian Military, Egyptian Uprising, imperialsm, Middle East
Tagged 9/11, Al Qaeda, Anti-semitism, Chicago Politicians, class envy, Class Warfare, Congressional Black Caucus, cultural degradation, Fascism, Historical illiteracy, Iran Syria, Iraq, Islam, Islamic terrorists, Liberalism, Militant Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim extremism, muslim violence
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Saving Civilization
I’ve thought a lot about this and considered writing on it, but I’ve run across this blogger who says it so much better than I ever could. Her name is Sarah A. Hoyt whose blog is named According to Hoyt. … Continue reading
Posted in Americanism, exceptualism
Tagged Civility, class envy, Class Warfare, cultural degradation, education
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Obama and the “New Party”
Recently the blogosphere has been awash in the news that Obama was a member of the The ‘New Party’ (which was) a political party established by the Democratic Socialists of America (the DSA) to push forth the socialist principles of … Continue reading
Posted in Bill Ayers, blogosphere, DNC AND ACORN, Journolist, Newsbusters, newspapers, Principles, Time Magazine, transparency, truth
Tagged American thinker, Cargo Cult, class envy, Class Warfare, Communism, community organizers, corruption, Cronyism, Democrats, far left, liberal bias, liberal press, Marxism, MSM, Obama's Policies, President Obama, Teacher's Unions
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No, I didn’t fall off the face of the earth
But I have been busy, out of town and back and busy. It probably won’t get unbusy till after January 5th. I felt terrible not to be around to post a remembrance for Pearl Harbor Day. It is a memory … Continue reading
Posted in Americanism, connections, Conspiracy, Conspiracy theories, Egyptian Military, Egyptian Uprising, ground zero, Holocaust survivor, McVeigh, Muslims assaulting women, rape, State secrets
Tagged 9/11, Afghanistan, blame game, class envy, Class Warfare, corruption, election fraud, Eric Holder, Foreign policy, Historical illiteracy, History, Holder, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Islamic terrorists, Jihadist, left wing bigots, liberal misconceptions, Libertarians, Militant Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim extremism, Racism, Republicans, revisionist history, Tea Party, Voter ID
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