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Tag Archives: blame game
Links and Comments, Aug. 19, 2014
SURPRISE! THEY’RE A SOROS-FUNDED LEFTWING HATCHET CREW. Bryan Preston: Who Are ‘Texans for Public Justice,’ and Why Does Their Role in the Perry Case Matter? thanks to Instapundit. Gee, I wonder why we didn’t see this splashed all over along … Continue reading
Posted in Christians, Economics, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Military
Tagged Al Queda in Iraq, Benghazi, Big government, blame game, Chicago Politicians, CIA, Civility, corruption, criminalization of politics, Cronyism, Foreign policy, George Soros, gov't waste, Government Waste, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Iran Syria, Iraq, ISIL, Islamic terrorists, muslim violence, Political Lies, President Obama
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Weekend Links and comments, Aug. 17, 2014
An Audit Report on the CSCOPE Contract at Education Services Center. I am sure some of you have enough of a background to o understand all this. The Judge in the IRS lawsuit is demanding better answers from the IRS … Continue reading
Posted in black genocide, Felonies?, Illegal immigration, immigration
Tagged Anti-semitism, Black conservatives, blame game, Chicago Politicians, class envy, Class Warfare, criminalization of politics, Cronyism, Democrats, Dept of Justice, Dream Act, environmentalism, Illegal immigration, immigration, Iraq, ISIL, Islamic terrorists, Jewish Liberals, Media Bias, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, New Black Panther thugs, police state, Political Arrogance, race card, Racism
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Links and Comments, Aug. 11, 2014
More Federal Bureaucracy- employees cheated the US Taxpayers by padding their hours. Obama Says Iraqi airstrikes Could be Long Term -another source says we are also providing military equipment to the Kurds and Iraqis. In this article: Mr. Obama described … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Christians, Coptics, Cuba, Enemy combatants, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Osama Bin Laden
Tagged AGW, Al Queda in Iraq, blame game, Bureauracy, Chicago Politicians, CIA, Dept of Justice, DHS, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, Eric Holder, Foreign policy, HAMAS, Historical illiteracy, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Iran Syria, Iraq, IRS scandal, ISIL, Islamic terrorists, Muslim extremism, Muslims in America, Obama's czars, Obama's Policies, President Obama
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Links and Comments, July 23, 2014
There is no way you can convince me this agent was not pulling a stunt and making a political statement. Ted Cruz detained at border by immigration officials. via Facebook I’m wondering if I will see this on the Washington Post … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Homeland Security, Illegal immigration, illegals, imperial Presidency
Tagged AGW, blame game, Bureauracy, Chicago Politicians, Climate Change, Democrats, Dept of Justice, DHS, DOJ, Drug cartels, election fraud, Gaza, Government Waste, Health Care Bill, Hispanic voters, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, imperial Presidency, IRS, IRS scandal, Mexico, Obama Health Care, Obama's czars, Obama's Policies
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Links and Comments, July 18, 2014
Obama said to Assure Hispanic conference on deportations. That is the CONGRESSIONAL Hispanic conference they are talking about. People who have taken an oath to uphold the constitution; which country did they think it was from? Why did the IRS … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Crisis/Opportunity, elections, Homeland Security, imperial Presidency
Tagged abortion, AGW, blame game, Campaign finance, Class Warfare, Climate Change, corruption, crime, Cronyism, Democratic donors, Democrats, Dept of Justice, election fraud, energy, environmentalism, Green business, Green jobs, imperial Presidency, IRS, IRS scandal
Comments Off on Links and Comments, July 18, 2014
Links and comments – June 14, 2014
This is why they come, they have been told they have permission. More: Obama’s Children’s Crusade How ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became the world’s most powerful jihadist leader a few days late with this story. what Chris Como said on … Continue reading
Posted in Affirmative Action, Americanism, Bush vs Gore, Christianity, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, NPR, Taliban
Tagged Afghanistan, Al Queda in Iraq, blame game, Civility, Class Warfare, CNN, corruption, DHS, DOJ, Dream Act, Drug cartels, ethics, George W. Bush, GW Bush, Hubris, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, IRS scandal, Media Bias, Mexico, Militant Islam, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Obama's czars, Obama's Policies, President Bush, war on terror
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Links and comments April 26, 2014
The BLM is a money making bureau for the Dept of Interior. Some people are speaking out in support of Cliven Bundy and the accusation of racism against him. When I was a girl, probably a short while before Bundy was … Continue reading
Posted in common people, Illegal immigration, immigration, Oil Industry, polar bears
Tagged AGW, Black conservatives, blame game, Bureauracy, Class Warfare, Climate change, Climate Change, energy, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, executive orders, federal lands, Global Warming, gov't regulations, Historical illiteracy, Illegal immigration, immigration, Marxism, race card, Racism
Comments Off on Links and comments April 26, 2014
It’s been a long time coming but I’m ready to blog again, so here is my State of the Union address
I haven’t stopped reading all the news and sending out my links and comments to others, I just haven’t had time for putting down my thoughts in blog form. So, a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Now to … Continue reading
Posted in 20 Questions, boondoggle, Capitalism, deadbeats, estate tax, healthcare, hidden taxes, Junk science, Lake Wobegon, Libya, Military, NASA, Principles, Taliban, Tax laws, Unemployment, waivers, welfare
Tagged Big government, blame game, Bureauracy, Cargo Cult, class envy, Class Warfare, Conservatism, criminalization of politics, cultural degradation, education reform, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, financial crisis, Fiscal responsibility, gov't regulations, gov't waste, government healthcare, Green business, Health Care Bill, higher education, Historical illiteracy, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, Jihadist, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Obama's Policies, Obamacare, totalitarian government, war on terror
Playing catch up with the news plus a few comments of my own
I have not blogged in quite a while. There has been so much happening with news alerts all over. There was the Boston bombing and the media’s attempt to blame it on the right wing. Why do they do that? … Continue reading
Posted in Illegal immigration, imperial Presidency, parasites, Principles
Tagged blame game, Class Warfare, Conservative Republicans, Conservatives, domestic terroism, Drug cartels, Hillary, Illegal immigration, imperial Presidency, Islamic terrorists, Liberalism, Manipulation, Mexico, multiculturalism, Obama's Policies, Political Lies, Politically Correct, revisionist history
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