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Reporter is forced to ask WH press secretary same question six times because she won’t answer directly: ‘Who is paying for this?’ When you really don’t know the answer, when you don’t understand the economics and know the taxpayer is paying, what can you say?

‘Arizona did the job the federal government failed to do’: Gov. Ducey’s Yuma border wall completed Such a simple solution.  If you have done any traveling by car you know there are empty containers all across the country.

The Second American Civil War, and Ways to Win It It’s on American Thinker so be sure to read the links for other articles on the side.

Kim Kardashian beats Hilary Clinton in a legal knowledge contest Good for laughs.

Federal judge blocks Biden administration’s guidance on emergency abortion services in Texas

Theorems on the Student Loan Cancelation  Bought and paid for votes?

Biden Shops For Critical Minerals In Canada While Shutting Down Mining Projects On American Soil

Election Integrity: Alabama ES&S Voting Machines Accepted *XEROXED* Ballots During Machine Testing

Baltimore post office discovers 2020 mail-in ballots Not enough to make a difference, but just in time to show there is no integrity in mail in ballots when used as a tool to swing an election.

Border Agents Fend Off Aggressive Suspected Smugglers in Wild Video

World’s Youngest Trans Model Has Two Trans Parents, Will Have “Gender Surgery” At 16 We have allowed child sacrifice through abortion, transgender fraud and trafficking.

FBI whistleblowers say senior officials ordered Bureau not to investigate Hunter Biden laptop

Democrats And MSM Run Brutal Smear Campaign Against US Senate Candidate Herschel Walker For Lying About Working With Law Enforcement

Conservative Org Files Complaint Against Florida Judge Who Approved Mar-A-Lago Raid I do not expect much to come of this, but at least it happened.

FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Framing Imprisoned Pro-Trump State Senator If the state senator is not free yet he should be released immediately.  But where does he go to get his time back, his lost senate seat,  his whole sense of self back?  There is no reparation to repair this. Do you realize how many Republicans this has happened to?

Former Rolling Stone Editor Has the Perfect Analogy for the FBI’s Raid of Mar-a-Lago

“Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac!” I laughed when I saw this.  Finally, someone says what needs to be done with Fauci.

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There Is No Climate Emergency  “Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.” (You will have to scroll down to read the article.)

Scientific ‘Integrity’  by John Stossel  | Fauci’s Rise and Fall Illustrates Death of ‘Expertise.’ By Suicide.

NYC Official: We’re Struggling to Deal with Migrants Because Abbott Didn’t Warn Us Poor babies, I don’t think they’ve heard about the problems on the border.

REPORT: Memos Show Joe Biden Tried to Entrap Donald Trump Over ‘Classified’ Documents

Biden To Cancel Up To $20,000 In Student Debt For Pell Grant Recipients I’m afraid that Biden, and those who control him, believe they have a personal checkbook using our taxpayer funds.

No Matter How Many Times Biden Denies It, The U.S. Is Being Invaded

Trust the Artificial Intelligence, Part One | Trust the Artificial Intelligence: Part Two Richard Fernandez

The Patriot Post – I’m linking the whole thing, there is always a lot of good articles there, also memes.

Police confirm Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was ‘swatted’ after fake 911 call reported shooting at her home

Is the Deal That Schumer Promised Manchin Already Falling Apart? I hope he isn’t too shocked.

This is local to Rockport, but shows people are trafficked in many different ways. Cambodian woman accused of stealing $60K from Rockport couple who trafficked her acquitted

How Barack Obama set the legal path for the FBI’s Trump raid | Here’s the Woman Who Launched the FBI Ransacking of Mar-a-Lago

Michelle Malkin: Lie down with McChao and you’ll get bit She’s right, you know.

More Whistleblowers Reveal ‘out of Control’ FBI Including Fake Cases, Even False Affidavits The rot in the FBI is no all about Trump.

China in Charge at U.S. Lab Texas has been very proud of this facility, but someone hasn’t been keeping an eye on it.

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There is going to be lot about The Raid today.

The Assault on Mar-a-Lago (ignore the monkey pic)

New York Times picks Buzzfeed reporter who published fake Steele dossier pee tape ‘revelations’ to cover ‘right wing media’

Biden White House facilitated DOJ’s criminal probe against Trump, scuttled privilege claims: memos

Trump Seeks Special Master As Leaked Docs Show Biden Helping FBI Just Prior To Raid By Retroactively Waiving Trump’s Executive Privilege

How Merrick Garland Missed Four Chances to Earn the Public Trust on Mar-a-Lago

Report, Congressional Gang of Eight Wants to See FBI Affidavit and Trump’s Evidence Against Them Contained in Confiscated Documents from Mar-a-Lago Raid

Now for the other news.

Average Testosterone Levels Have Dropped 30%

How America’s Unsecured Border Contributes to Fentanyl Crisis, Deaths

The end of the Constitution at the hands of the left – The New Neo

The Orwellian Language of Sex

‘My bad’: Teachers’ union president Randi Weingarten apologizes for circulating fabricated Florida banned book list

Anthony Fauci Admits to WaPo His $10.4M Financial Portfolio Was Hidden | Fauci’s long goodbye

Paul Pelosi Pleads Guilty To DUI, Sentencing Includes 5 Days Of Jail Time I wonder how plush that jail will be? | Paul Pelosi-Linked Business Has Millions in PPP Loans Forgiven

Something big for the oil and gas industry snuck into the “climate bill”

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Russia to Halt Nord Stream Flows to Europe

Biden Plans to Use Tax-Payer Money to Fund Amtrak to Send Illegal Aliens to American Towns And that is okay with me, the more they go to different towns, the more they will realize what is happening.

Pence dials back willingness to testify to ‘very partisan’ Jan. 6 committee

Court temporarily pauses order requiring Graham to testify about 2020 election in Georgia

Two articles on what is causing consternation among some scientists. The original article: The Big Bang didn’t happen and a discussion article about the article.

Getting ‘(Un)Hooked on Phonics’ Didn’t Work for Oakland  You’ve already read my rants about not teaching phonics for reading.

Nearly 5 Million Illegal Immigrants Crossed Border During Biden Administration and they are all hiding in plain sight.

Jordan Peterson: Peddlers of Environmental Doom Have Shown Their True Totalitarian Colors also at Watts Up with That: Is WSJ Quietly Practicing More Balanced Reporting on Climate Change? My answer is I doubt it.

Tribe: The Criminal Case Against Trump is Another “Slam Dunk”  This is not Tribe’s article, it is Jonathan Turley refuting Tribe.

The Powerful Leftwing Journalists’ Union and the Conflicts of Interest News Junkies Don’t Hear About I think James Varney doesn’t know much about conservative news junkies – we knew.

Taxpayers to Sue After This City Donates Quarter Million to Planned Parenthood

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Welcome, come right in.  Biden turns Border Patrol into migrant doorman service

Ohio Flips: 1st Poll Post Mar a Lago Raid Shows J.D. Vance, Republicans Have Overtaken Democrats You know the Democrats are going to be working very hard to get every vote out now, legal or not.

FBI Unit Leading Mar a Lago Probe Earlier Ran Discredited Trump Russia Investigation If all suits and accusations and such can be kept in Florida there may be a way to at least make them seem honest, in DC we know all courts are weighted against Trump BOMBSHELL: Outing of Trump Raid ‘Leaker’ Shatters FBI Document Excuse, Now All Eyes Are on Affidavit Hearing This is in Florida, I just hope the article is not behind the PJMedia/Townhall paywall.

Something Is Looming Geopolitically And We Better Start Taking It Seriously Western governments’, specifically western Europe, North America (U.S-Canada) and Australia/New Zealand, are intentionally trying to lower economic activity to meet the intentional drop in energy production.”  In my elderly bubble everyone I know is taking it quite seriously.

 The Daily Wire, the conservative media outlet founded by Ben Shapiro, has hired a Disney veteran to help grow its subscription streaming business. I am subscribed to Daily Wire but I find it very hard to link to their articles because of their paywall.  I wish they understood they could get more clicks (income from number of readers) if they allowed sharing.  The same is true for Epic Times.

Jonathan Turley Takes DOJ Apart for Latest Leak on Why FBI Raided Trump

Donald Trump, Dynasty Killer: 2023 Will Mean No More Bush, Cheney, McCain, or Clinton in Office Now to get rid of dynasties in local, county, state governments.  Nepotism is the enemy of freedom.

Virginia Education Dept. Makes Statement Concerning Removal Of Washington, Madison Language From Curriculum Truth? Rumor? Fake News?  Who knows?

Newsweek Sources Claim FBI Raid Was Cover for DOJ to Retrieve Russiagate Evidence Held by Donald Trump

Pro-groomer social media platform Twitter has permanently suspended the Gays Against Groomers organization from their account.

Sex between men, not skin contact, is fueling monkeypox, new research suggests  No kidding! Took a long time for the PC Police to figure that out.

The Justice System Has Gone Beria  This one is a must read.  Be aware though it says “has gone,” the gist of the article shows that in truth the justice system has always been unfair.  We are aware that the privileged, mostly white elite, have a different way of escaping justice than the “little man,” whether that little man is black or white or whatever, and we know racial inequality has existed.  If we are old enough, we also know how much that changed in our lifetimes.

Medical study finds patients unaware of omicron infections This really does not make much sense to me.  How do they know who had it if they didn’t test and didn’t check for antibodies.  Are they extrapolating from those who were eventually tested?

Alex Berenson Sues the Biden Administration for 1A Infringement I don’t think he has a chance of winning, but it will bring a lot to light.

CDC ‘Reorganization’ Is Just Another Power Grab I Fact Check this to be “probably true.”

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Rainbow Family Feud It had to happen, this is just the beginning. Transgender woman rejected by every sorority at U. of Alabama: ‘I’m sad because I wanted to be a part of a sisterhood’

USDA Grants Religious Schools Automatic Title IX Exemptions

Liberal Groups Take Issue with ‘Racist’ School Lunch Milk Some actions are just silly.

Murkowski, Palin Headline Alaska Primaries, Advance To General Election Stage

Multiple child sex trafficking victims found in San Antonio in FBI crackdown85 suspects with child sexual exploitation and human trafficking offenses were arrested across the country”  85? Only 85. America’s shame. Who are the users of these trafficked people?  Why are we not finding and outing more of those people?

Republican Governors Work Overtime to Help Secure Southern Border

Ben Shapiro: Salman Rushdie, Iran and Joe Biden

NY Times prints leaked names contacted by FBI after DOJ urged Mar-a-Lago raid affidavit be kept secret to protect identities A known conduit for DOJ leaks.

Trump Reacts to Liz Cheney’s Defeat I do not condemn him for anything he says against her.

National Academy of Sciences sanctions White House climate aide

Top Biden Adviser’s Consulting Clients Stand To Benefit From New Gov’t Spending

While We’re On The Subject Of Defunding Federal Agencies, Don’t Forget The CDC

Liz Cheney’s neoconservatism is dead You will have to click continue to see the article.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Trump Got’em – Huge Concerns About Peter Strzok Working for the CIA Are Likely at the Heart of Mar-a-Lago RAID No surprise.

The Left Always Considered Trump an Illegitimate President

Hundreds of Mexican National Guard Troops Sent to Tijuana to Counter Cartel Violence

Murky in Alaska Another way to rig elections, not unexpected for Murkowski.

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What took so long for someone to think of this?  What a clever, workable idea!

FBI Arrests Former Congressman on Federal Fraud Charges

Latest Development About AG Merrick Garland Shreds the FBI’s Narrative on Trump Raid

The Atlantic Contributor Espousing Anti-Catholic Hatred Is an ‘Anti-Hate Expert’

BREAKING: DHS Whistleblower LEAKS Joint Intelligence Bulletin on ‘Domestic Violent Extremists’ A Project Veritas video.

The Hill to Die On

Firm expects as many as 1,000 former patients to join lawsuit against Tavistock gender clinic I do believe the extreme trans movement is on it last days. There will still be struggles as it tries to keep the media. ‘Advocate Rather Than a Scientist’: The Compromised Research of Child Gender-Transition Doctor Jack Turban

BLM-Themed Groups Are Still Getting Paid Not to Burn Madison, Wisconsin

Operative Admits FBI Opened Doors at State Michigan Capitol COVID Protests in April 2020 and

Dems Just Armed the IRS

UN peacekeepers ‘fathered and abandoned thousands of children’ in Democratic Republic of Congo  I question whether it was thousands. However, there is this: “Of the 2,858 interviews carried out, nearly half (1,182 people) raised, unprompted, the issues of peacekeeper abuse and abandoned children.”

Records Suggest A Backbench Bureaucrat’s Partisan Grievance Spurred The FBI’s Nakedly Political Raid On Trump

The 2024 Election Is Being Rigged Right Now In Plain Sight

‘Enforcement Arm Of The Democratic Party’: Former DNI Calls Out Partisanship In FBI, DOJ

Trump Accused of Lying Over FBI-Seized Passports, Then He Dropped the Receipts | Trump Accused of Lying Over FBI-Seized Passports, Then He Dropped the Receipts

It’s time to recognize and treat trans-superhero children Bookworm putting children’s fantasies into proper perspective.

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HOWIE CARR KNOWS WHERE THE BODIES ARE BURIED I prefer to go to the original article, but in this case the paywall is too tight.  So read it all here.

EXCLUSIVE: Biden’s CIA Director Employed Chinese Communist Party Members While Heading Elite DC Think Tank

Report: Surprising Private Message Trump Sent to Merrick Garland After Mar-a-Lago Raid Revealed Why would he bother,  we know he cares, but we know Garland just wants to swamp him.

What you have to swallow to be a Never Trumper

New Media Conspiracy Drops Surrounding Trump Raid, This Time About ‘Surveillance Footage’

The Biden Regime Issues ‘Threat Assessment’ for Domestic Terrorists Acting Out Against Trump Raid at Mar-A-Lago To paraphrase Pogo, “we have seen the terrorist and they are us.”

Exclusive — Republican NY Congressional Candidate Carl Paladino on Mar-a-Lago Raid: Susan Rice Likely Behind ‘Gestapo Tactics’

Georgia high school football players rushed to save woman involved in car crash Team players, we need more good news about the children being raised in the past 20 years.  We usually see only the bad news.

Hunter Biden met with dad immediately after Romanian business meetings Villains, the other villains are the ones who allow this and honor them.

Horowitz: German insurance claims hint at millions of unreported vaccine injuries

Father, forgive The Atlantic, for they know not about what they write

Since Politicians Do Nothing About It, Tim Tebow Is Fighting Against Human Trafficking

Joe Scarborough Brings On the Perfect Pitchman to Vouch for the Integrity of the FBI  Poor Joe apparently missed the gene that recognizes irony.

Confirmed: At Least 20 Undercover FBI and ATF Were Embedded at Capitol on Jan. 6 Along with Several Undercover Capitol Police Agents

FBI barricades headquarters in DC I am cynical enough to believe they want another “insurrection” so they can declare martial law. Please don’t let it happen.

OH NO, NANCY! Pelosi Secretly Met Taiwan Chip Manufacturer – Pelosi’s Son Is 2nd Largest Stakeholder in China Related Company – But “Absolutely” No Business Was Discussed?

Part 4, What Was in The Trump Documents Creating Such Fear in DOJ and FBI Larry Johnson at Gateway Pundit discusses this and his thoughts here.

Can you see the parallels between Saigon and Kabul now, Mr President? One year since the retreat from Afghanistan.

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Speaking of ethics In his fatuous four-minute public statement on Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland spoke up to defend the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago. The Department of Justice has posted the transcript of Garland’s remarks here.

Althouse on Salmon Rushdie. “”… and the surrender to hatred is absolute. The assault on Rushdie only clarifies its contours.“”

President Donald Trump Requests Return of Privileged Documents on Truth Social

CDC Quietly Removes Statement that Says “mRNA and the Spike Protein Do Not Last Long in the Body” from Their Website

Justice Department Accused of Taking Attorney-Client Material at Mar-a-Lago

FBI Agents Involved In Trump Raid Are Under Criminal Investigation By Durham

Why Aren’t Our Generals Learning?

Panic at the Top  If the absurd raid on Mar-a-Largo has not persuaded you yet that the Deep State and their cohorts are terrified of their loss of political and cultural dominance, I urge you to read this thoughtful piece by former CIA analyst Martin Gurri.  (IF you don’t have much time continue reading the first link.)

Texas PD REFUSES to apologize to woke mob after officer posed for selfie with Kyle Rittenhouse

The Mar-a-Lago Wave

Biden administration exempts religious schools from LGBTQ mandate on lunch funding

Did the Justice Department Already Know That No Classified Docs Were at Mar-a-Lago? There are many other good articles at Townhall notice and click on the headlines when you go to this one.

Convicted rapist, child sex offenders nabbed amid migrant invasion on southern border: Border Patrol The question is, how many were not caught?

Sunday ‘Toon: A Pox On Both Your Bathhouses! Media Denies The Obvious

Trump got grand jury subpoena in spring, voluntarily cooperated before home was raided

Alex Berenson claims Biden administration pressured Twitter to ban him, reveals damning evidence from lawsuit against big tech giant  It may be the administration pulled rank in this case, but in many others no one has to prompt Twitter or Facebook to censor anyone.

Roy Moore wins defamation case against Democratic PAC, jury awards him $8.2M The aim was to prevent his election and it worked.

‘With all due respect’ : Dem Rep calls out MSNBC host for ‘overdoing’ it on Mar-a-Lago raid story

Doomsday Climate Predictions Meltdown: Arctic Sea Ice Extent Reaches 12-Year Mid-August High

German Gov Announces Heating Cuts To Face Dwindling Russian Gas Supplies Due to wrong predictions of the Earth’s demise due to climate change.

Big Picture, Review all DC Activity from June 3rd with New Eyes This begins by showing the mysterious envelopes being passed and opened at the Bush Funeral.

EXCLUSIVE : National Archives and Media Caught in a Lie : Evidence Shows Obama Did Have Classified Docs and There is Absolutely No Way to Prove He Didn’t

Many great memes presented by Bookworm.  the it’s a mad, mad, mad, mad America illustrated edition

“What Difference at This Point Does It Make?” – Socialist Mop Reposts Viral Video of Hillary Clinton Stealing Classified Documents Set to Music  This is very good, and a little funny.

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Adams blames Texas for New York’s shelter crisis. But the problem started long before asylum-seekers.

A father traveled for over a month from Venezuela to Texas before boarding the bus to New York today with 89 other immigrants, including a family with a child as young as one.

The FBI and its media allies scramble to justify the Mar-a-Lago FBI raid

Democrats botch one bid after another to woo Latino voters

FBI, R.I.P.?  – By Victor Davis Hanson The FBI is dissolving before our eyes into a rogue security service akin to those in Eastern Europe during the Cold War.

Poll Shift: Plurality Says Migration Makes U.S. ‘Worse Off’ I think it depends on how you define the question, legal immigration, yes; illegal immigration, no.

Polls Show Vulnerable Democrats in Trouble 3 Months from Election Night One can only hope.

Observations on the Mar-a-Lago Raid So many observations, so many links, a real question of what to link.  This one seems reasonable enough to link as stand in for many of the others.

CDC drops quarantine, distancing recommendations for COVID  I think many of us dropped these actions some time ago.

Salman Rushdie stabbed during appearance in New York  As of 2 pm my time, he was still in surgery.

FBI seized 11 sets of classified documents in Trump Mar-a-Lago raid: report But wait, Trump denies possession of nuclear documents, suggests FBI planted Washington Post story  The FBI used both the WaPo and NYtimes for their Russia hoax stories, those 2 papers also ran this story.  Hmmm…. ‘Release the documents now!’ Trump reacts to Garland presser, as leaks say FBI was looking for classified nuclear documents Also How long will Trump’s post-FBI raid Republican rally last?

Scathing new ad shames AG Merrick Garland for not protecting SCOTUS justices, ‘cowering to the woke mob’

Nancy Pelosi’s son – who secretly joined mom on her controversial trip to Taiwan – is a top investor in Chinese telecoms company, despite House Speaker’s campaign to tackle China’s corporate influence in the US

Elon Musk Weighs In On IRS Preparing To Hire Army Of Agents

Deep State Scrambling After Judicial Watch Sues to Uncover ‘Russia Collusion’ Hoax Records

LEWIS: Many Republicans Won’t Tell The Truth About Trump. Here’s WhyToo many beltway Republicans are eager for a return to the good ‘ol days of a “comfortable conservatism” marked by more spending at home and intervention abroad. The fact is, Donald Trump brought the GOP kicking and screaming into issues they’d been avoiding for decades — from trade to immigration to ‘woke’ corporatism. Oh, and he helped bring about the most originalist Supreme Court in my lifetime.”

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