Potential rail strike threatens to kneecap US economy ahead of midterms Michael Yon has been warning about this and many other problems.
The Dangerous Rise of Carbon Fundamentalism The religion of the true believers.
GALILEO COULDN’T PASS PEER REVIEW AT NATURE He had some serious trouble with the Church if I remember correctly, couldn’t pass review with them either.
Chris Wray Put FBI on High Alert After Scouring Gateway Pundit and Flagging 1 Comment Out of 35,000 Daily Comments Following Mar-a-Lago Raid Bullies are always scared of those who fight back.
The DOJ’s opposition to the special master exposes a nefarious motive
Democrats stiff Joe Manchin of the goodies they promised him for voting for their ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Someone who falls for their sleight of hand after being around them that long deserves to be stiffed. However, we the American public do not deserve what is happening
Texas teacher on pedophiles: ‘Don’t judge people just because they want to have sex with a 5-year-old’ Where are these teachers coming from? What a twisted mind.
Chief Justice responds to VP’s dig : Disagreeing with a ruling ‘not a basis’ to question court’s legitimacy · American Wire News America is in such serious trouble with the current administration.
For the IRS, All-Powerful Isn’t Synonymous With Competent
I wish our President was as intelligent as this lady, the new Prime Minister of Great Britain. U.K Energy Reaches Crisis Point, Britain Announces New Oil and Gas Leases and Lifts Moratorium on Fracking
She Represented Carter Page Now she is saying this: So, here’s my big (for me) announcement: I am retiring from the active practice of law in the courts. I will no longer be representing clients in litigation (criminal, civil, appeal, administrative) matters or defending investigations. I am done being a working litigator. Read it all.
The Biden administration’s lawfare against Trump alllies continues – The New Neo
Little recourse, little consequence: Court rulings signal impunity for Spygate perpetrators
Chuck Todd Shocked by Harris Claim That The Border Is Secure When even Chuck Todd doesn’t believe you…
A Different Take on the Dismissal of the Trump v Clinton Lawsuit
A journalist is murdered, a Democrat pol is charged, and local reporter finds a way to blame Trump
Hochul gave COVID test contract to campaign donor that charged taxpayers double
The Largest Marine Evacuation in History – A Beautiful Reminder of the American Spirit As We Remember 9/11 In Remembrance.