I don’t like living in this newly fascist country. Bannon sentenced to four months in prison for contempt of Congress conviction, $6,500 fine But it is where I live. I would like to see judges like this punished.
‘Against the Great Reset’: Leading thinkers take aim at globalist elites in new volume
Watchdog finds more than 400 alleged crimes documented in Hunter Biden laptop “This Report would not have been necessary if law enforcement had done its job.” The FBI thought its job was to elect anyone but Trump.
These 6 GOP Senators Who Voted to Confirm Mayorkas Won’t Condemn Him After Revelation in False ‘Whipping’ Charge
As ‘Correction Season’ for Pollsters Is Underway, RealClearPolitics Looks to Clean Up the Process Do you watch the polls? Do you believe the pollsters? “Well, RCP is looking to address this. The outlet has announced they will begin to rate and categorize the polling companies on their level of quality.”
Afghan Migrants Say UN Workers Gave Them Directions To US Border “The migrants said that before they arrived in Guatemala that aid workers provided them with maps guiding them to Mexico so that they can reach the U.S. southern border.”
Still a Unipolar World “In recent weeks, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said the United States is trying to impose a new world order, one designed to control Russia, China and Europe, as well as the lesser powers of the world.” Thanks to a friend for sending this.
Pentagon to Pay Travel Expenses for Service Members’ Abortions Wouldn’t this be on the same level as paying for, or providing the abortions?
Rebuttal: Fordham Professor Says Latinos Can ‘Achieve Whiteness’ to Exhibit Racism My question is why so many are trying so hard to make everyone a racist, unless they are “black”? And as we all know, those who are trying to do this do not believe a “black” can be a racist.
ABC News Producer Missing Since FBI Raided His Home This happened in April and we are just now hearing about it?
Narrative backfire: ‘Mainstream media’ most widely feared threat to democracy in new poll “The stunning results from the latest New York Times/Siena poll of registered voters follow a range of recent polling suggesting that by seeking to investigate, prosecute, and stigmatize their political opponents as anti-democratic “extremists,” Biden and other Democrats are arousing fears among voters that it is they themselves who are acting in heavy-handed ways alien to the American democratic tradition.” And they call us fascists. Meanwhile: Who Denies Election Results Democrats had denied almost every election won by Republicans since 2000.
Biden predicts Gisele Fetterman will be ‘great, great lady in the Senate’ She would certainly be better than her husband who has aphasia.
The Left Is Using Science ‘Consensus’ To Shut Down Free Speech in America
Judicial Watch Sues for Records on Possible FBI Obstruction of Hunter Biden Investigation
Durham probe falls flat in courtroom but still exposes depth of FBI’s anti-Trump mania
Pop Culture Matters Even If It Doesn’t Matter To You “You don’t have to like or participate in pop culture if you don’t want to, but know it is not dependent upon your participation for the left to win.” This is one of the ways we got to where we are today, we were not paying attention to the pop culture going on around us. Parent were awakened to the extremes when the lockdown happened and they had to home school.
So, What Is ESG Anyway? One of those acronyms we need to pay more attention to.
We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives “Whatever the term or image, the imperative that conservatives must break from the past and forge a new political identity cannot be overstated.” It remains to be seen what the party will truly be, not Republican as in Grand Old Party, nor alt right conservatives. I have no idea what the name might be.