Links and Comments

Merry Christmas

This will be my last post until next week.  I hope you are all safe and warm and have a wonderful Christmas.

Jordan demands FBI turn over all communications with Twitter as probe of censorship heats up

Are Universities Doomed?  Have they committed slow suicide?

Maricopa County Attorney Argues That Voters Who Wait Until Election Day to Vote Then Encounter Problems Reap What They Sow

Keystone Pipeline Allowed to Reopen, Media Continues Lying about Spill

Trump Made Voters Think Republicans ‘Nasty,’ Chaotic, Mitch McConnell Say McConnell is very wrong about this, maybe he has read too much mainstream media who were nasty and chaotic about Trump.

The Storm is OverRegarding the pandemic, I feel like one does after a dangerous storm passes through your town.[…] There is a sense of relief mixed with a feeling of sadness over what has been lost.”

President Trump on the Jan 6 Committee Report – They Didn’t Address the Election or the Role of Federal Agents You’ve heard of the reports, but have you seen his reaction and reply?

Was January 6 Pelosi’s Fault?

Conspiracy Theorists…Attempting to Discredit the Agency”: The FBI Attacks Critics Objecting to its Role in Twitter’s Censorship System 

The Ideological Capture of Our Scientific Institutions Accelerates

Japan Embraces Nuclear Power, Cancels Phase Out Plans

Kwanzaa- A Fake Holiday With A Racist Goal, Created By A Criminal Madman

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Links and Comments

Scalise: We Need to Change Budget Process So Senate Can’t Delay to Ram Through Omnibus ‘Nobody Can Read’ at Last Minute

Silicon Valley Waves White Flag on DACA Amnesty: ‘Extremely Unlikely’ to Pass in Lame Duck Congress

You Have to Watch Rand Paul’s ‘Twas the Week Before Christmas’  If the article is behind a paywall or to go straight to the video,

El Paso Prepares to Shelter 10K Migrants in Advance of Freeze, Possible Title 42 End Most cities and town, even Rockport, are preparing to house the homeless for the deep freeze.  Here in our town it will be Fulton Community Church, donations are needed.

The Jan. 6 Committee’s Referral Is Unconstitutional | Opinion by Alan Dershowitz

Hunter Biden hires top DC lawyer who represented Jared Kushner and Bill Clinton to help him navigate looming House Republican investigations

Thanks to Elon, the FBI has a lot to answer for | Part 2 – Why Curation of Twitter File Release #8 Was So Important – The 2011 BETA Test Went Live in 2020

Hackers Tied to China’s Govt. Steal $20 Mil in U.S. COVID Relief Funds

Tucker Carlson Calls Out the Hubris and Arrogance of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy

Chip Roy Explains Why the ‘Swamp GOP’ Is Working With Democrats Instead of Republicans

Claim: Climate Change is Being Downgraded in University Textbooks My opinion – they don’t need to emphasize it, children were indoctrinated from their earliest TV shows, their kindergarten, the primary school and their high schools. To them it is a proven.

Exclusive: Investigator Finds Major Michigan Voter Fraud 3 Miles from State Capitol

Bloomberg, Axios: Jan. 6 Committee ‘Star Witness’ Story Collapsing at Final Report Time The committee probably disagrees with this, they never report any doubt to their

Despite Claims of the FBI and the Partisan Left — but I Repeat Myself — the FISA Applications Were Lifted Almost Exclusively From the Known Lies and Fabrications Contained in the Steele Report

Tucker Carlson: The Biden Administration Had Its Bureau of Labor Statistics Straight-Up Lie About “A Million New Jobs” Being Created in the Second Quarter So They Could Avoid Admitting We’re in a Recession; The Actually Number of Jobs Created? 10,500

Memorializing the Twitter Files – VIII. Pentagon Foreign PsyOps

Pence: I Hope Trump Isn’t Indicted — ‘I Don’t Know that It’s Criminal to Take Bad Advice from Lawyers’  Have you noticed how favorable Fox is to Pence?

CAN’T MAKE THIS UP: Republican Senators Hold Presser, Accuse Biden of “Intentional” Border Crisis – Then Vote for $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill with No Money for Border

Reminder to the GOP: McConnell’s Senate Candidates Were Bigger Losers than Trump Senate CandidatesWAYNE ROOT: This Christmas, Understand and Appreciate that President Trump is our Braveheart I feel the same about Trump who gave up so much to try to help the world.

Merry Cancelations: Johnny Mathis Christmas Song Censored on Radio for Being ‘Racist’ Johnny Mathis still has a beautiful voice for this beautiful music.

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Links and Comments

Oh, Goody! The Next Round of the Twitter Files Is Here

DOJ snooped on House Intelligence Committee investigators during Russia probe, subpoenas show

FBI Pressured Twitter to Share User Data outside Search-Warrant Process, Records Reveal

Brandon Straka Files a Defamation Suit Against MSNBC, Chris Hayes, and Ari Melber for Egregiously Malicious and Untruthful Reporting

You’re Going to Try to Shut Off the Light Others Are Shining” : Fr. Pavone Responds to News of Dismissal by Vatican Is another reformation needed?  How can this Pope defrock a priest for being pro-life?

After Learning That Twitter Employs At Least 15 Former FBI Agents, We Searched Facebook – What We Found Is Alarming

If You Don’t Want To Catch Covid, Stop Testing For It

Moving Through the Chaos  Read this and then be sure to watch Tucker Carlson’s speech on rumble.  It is so great and uplifting to hear him on the need for religion, his faith as a Christian, and his enthusiasm for American values.  Start the video at the 2 hour 20 min mark.

Maybe Trump Knows What He’s Doing?

Anthropology in Ruins So sad to see so much wokeness causing science to go dark.

Supreme Court delays end of Title 42 immigration rule

VAERS Shows a 4070% Increase in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Since mRNA Roll-out There has been much discussion about this among women on Facebook.

Fire Breaks Out at Saginaw County Grain Elevator – Fire Could Burn for Another Week – Latest Fire at a Food Processing Plant Read this to see the map of how many and where these events have happened.

Twitter Files Part 7 – The DHS/FBI Teleporter One-Way Telecommunications Channel into Twitter, How the FBI Used and Paid Twitter for Censorship On Powerline Blog Scott Johnson wrote this: Michael Shellenberger has just posted another multipart thread on the Twitter Files here — part 7 of the Twitter Files project. This may be the most important of the threads published so far. • As Techno Fog puts it: “[T]his release provides more details on the relationship between Twitter and the FBI, the suppression and removal of the Hunter Biden story from Twitter the FBI’s desire for Twitter to confirm a “foreign interference” narrative that didn’t exist, and how the FBI sought user location information for tweets that weren’t remotely criminal.” • Shellenberger includes a backgrounder by Peter Schweizer on what the suppression of the New York Post’s Biden laptop/Biden corruption stories in advance of the 2020 presidential election.

NYT Claims Swastika Shaped Crossword on Eve of Hanukkah is a ‘Common’ DesignTwo clues were “Boxcars” and “Brandenburg Gate.”” That negates any excuses they may give.

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Links and Comments

When I write all about Twitter today, my meaning is a little different than when I just list links.  Today there are so many links, and so much information showing how the FBI manipulated what was on Twitter, how they allowed only the proper “news” to be shown on Trump, Covid, Fauci, CDC, etc. I cringe when I think how our country has been controlled.  How long have we been gaslighted and led by the powers that be? How long have the powers that be been the CIA?  It is a scary scenario.  Obviously Trump knew the swamp was deep, he did not realize he would be drowned by the swamp.

Anyway, here are the All About Twitter links. I’m posting many because some are probably behind paywalls.  I do not know if the MSM is still hiding this news.

Former Rolling Stone Editor Perfectly Describes the FBI’s Relationship With Twitter

FBI treated Twitter as a ‘subsidiary,’ flagged tweets and accounts for ‘misinformation’

FBI Promised ‘No Impediments’ To Data Sharing With Twitter Before 2020 Election, Internal Docs Show

FBI Responds to Twitter Files, Pt. 6 – Shows Their Utter Contempt for the American People and First Amendment Laws

GOP Rep. Turner: Republicans Will Investigate FBI Coordination with Social Media

Some of that other news

Robert Barnes: what crimes are revealed by the Twitter files, and what issues are raised in Kari Lake’s lawsuit

Vatican defrocks leading U.S. anti-abortion priest Frank Pavone for ‘blasphemous communications’

Are our elites this dumb, or do they just think WE’RE this dumb? Robert Reich edition.

Biden’s DHS Misinforms Congress About Its Orwellian ‘Disinformation’ Board

COVID Could Be Linked to China’s Secret Biowarfare Program: House GOP Intel ReportBig Tech social media platforms quickly made it their job to ferociously suppress any discussion that China may have accidentally created COVID, much less that it could be tied to a Chinese military biowarfare program.[..] This censorship affected scientists, and others, and even resulted in many respected persons, including me, being canceled by social media platforms, such as LinkedIn. […] This draconian response was partly due to President Trump noting this was a possibility, producing a visceral reaction to say the opposite.

Top Maricopa election offices couldn’t reconcile 15k disparity in outstanding votes: internal email

Why Do Liberals Hate Trump So Much?

What’s Really Behind the Left’s Mad Rush to Legitimize P3dophilia

‘Eco-conscious’ Google data center gobbled up nearly 300 million gallons of Oregon city’s water amid droughts, tried to keep it secret We are all at fault here unless we are google free, and few are.  Thus the phrase “google it.”

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Links and Comments – Playing catch up again

President Trump Announces Plan to Protect Free Speech and Digital Bill of Rights

Chairman of Jan 6 Select (Witch Hunt) Committee Withdraws Subpeona Against Verizon For Mike Lindell’s Phone Records After He Sues Nancy Pelosi

Texas Democrat Snaps on Biden Over Border

McCarthy told House GOP conference he supports revival of bureaucrat-taming Holman Rule: source

America, We Can Choose Not to Tolerate Weirdos When and Why did we let it get to this crazy?

Justice Department Sues Arizona over Governor’s Shipping Container Border Wall

British MP Claims a Prominent British Heart Foundation Leader has Ties with Big Pharma — “Covered Up” Evidence Linking mRNA Jabs to Heart Inflammation

IT WAS ALL A SETUP… Brazil Uprising Update: Protesters Who Set Bus on Fire Were All Former Felons – Dressed as Bolsonaro Supporters

Virginia Agrees to Compensate Fishing Industry for Damage from Offshore Wind

Kansas Universities Might Scrap College Algebra Requirement Since 1 Out of 3 Students Fail It the First Time Will college education become even less than a 1950’s high school education?

The Suicide of Academic History

FBI’s InfraGard US Critical Infrastructure Intelligence Portal Hacked

8 Times Our Federal Government Ran A Protect-Biden Racket

UNCOVERED: Secret Meetings Between Biden SEC Official and Political Elite Including George Soros Discovered

The West didn’t colonize. It civilized Indeed it did.  How much better off are the colonized than the uncolonized!

The Albert Sensor Systems: How Government and a 501(c)3 Tracks Real-Time Election Data in 98% of the US – Put Into Effect by DHS After Trump Won in 2016 Remind me again, what country are we living in?

Biden Justice Department’s Vanita Gupta admits to targeting pro-lifers as payback for Supreme Court ruling on Roe

Judicial Watch Releases Damning New Information on the Moderna Vaccine

New York Times mocked for naming Fetterman among the year’s ‘most stylish’ people

Incoming Republican House Foreign Affairs Chairman Calls Tucker Carlson an ‘Agent of Russia’ Based on DC Intel Briefing

Study Finds NGOs Shipping Illegal Immigrants Across The U.S. — Republicans Respond With An Amnesty Bill

All Things Twitter and Facebook

Is Social-Media Censorship a Crime?

Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook is ending a policy that allowed illegal immigrants to use the platform to seek people smugglers to ferry them across the U.S. border, admitting that much of the activity is tantamount to “human exploitation” and “overlaps” with human trafficking. It sure took him a long time to figure that out. The twisted thinking of Progressives is beyond me.

Kash Patel wants to know about the role of Wray and Barr in the FBI and DOJ liaison with Twitter

Our Reporting at Twitter ‘I’m not going to spend $44 billion to reinstate a satire blog,’ Elon Musk said. ‘I did it because I was worried about the future of civilization.’

From Jack Dorsey: There’s a lot of conversation around the #TwitterFiles

ZEROING IN : Missouri AG’s Office Issues “Preservation Of Evidence” For Feds’ Communications With Twitter : Believes Feds Are Hiding Evidence from Investigators

#TwitterFiles No. 5 drop paints a damning picture of Twitter’s Maoist culture

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Links and Comments

The New Castrato  “People often believe they live in unique times, but history smiles, secure in the knowledge that people are children unable to grasp a world beyond their own door.” Am I being elitist to ask and wonder if the children/adults last few generations have heard of the castratos?

The Sewer of Elite Education And these kids or their families were not being paid, as the families of the castratos were.

There is much blame to go around for the state of our nation today, under the Biden regime. Rudy Giuliani tried to get the truth to us, some of us did hear it. “I Gave It to Hannity in 2019, then John Solomon… Who Also Buried It” – Rudy Giuliani Names Names of Those Who Ignored the Hunter Laptop Story And Giuliani was vilified for it.

Who’s Paying for This? Mexican Police Escort 20 Buses of Illegal Aliens and Drop Them Off at US Border in Juarez

Where’s the Outrage?

Investigation Into Attacks on Power Stations Across the U.S. ContinuesAre the attacks — all involving gunfire targeting substations — unrelated pranks, or are they connected to a plot of some kind?”

Why Moore v. Harper Terrifies The U.S. Supreme Court finally heard oral arguments in Moore v. Harper last week. The case involves a mundane constitutional issue concerning the definition of “legislature” as used in the elections clause. Yet it has produced panic among Democrats and a torrent of portentous predictions about the death of democracy from various leftist law professors. In the Washington Post, for example, Harvard University’s Noah Feldman expressed alarm that the court took up the “insane” case at all.”  If this case is ruled in freedom’s favor the left should be terrified, their carefully plotted, and so far successful, voting takeover will be dis-allowed.

Biden Admin May Be Forced by Court to Disclose Internal Communications on Mar-a-Lago Raid this will make no difference to the true believer liberals who think Trump is evil incarnate.

And this is why: Twitter Team Viewed Trump as Leader of Terrorist Group Responsible for Violence and Deaths Comparable to Hitler  It stuns me to see how these people think, including some I love, who have never seen the evil in the Antifa riots that actually killed people, burned businesses and homes and terrified cities during the summer of 2020.

BREAKING: Maricopa County Kept a GOP Heat Map of Expected Voters Hanging on Their Wall – Then 84 PERCENT of Voting Centers with Machine Problems on Election Day were in DEEP RED DISTRICTS! Is anyone surprised at this?

Joe Bastardi is often right. Christmas Day Forecast: Snowiest and Coldest Since 2000

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Links and Comments

There are hundreds of articles on the twitter files, I cannot read all of them and many just repeat the same thing. I know there other happening in the nation and the world.  I have picked these to share today.

Lab Leak: What If That Theory Isn’t True Either? Have we been gaslighted?  What are we to believe?

Times Change, Principles EndureBill Bennett’s Book of Virtues at 30

The secrets of Hunter Biden’s laptop spell trouble for Joe from a UK publication.

We Don’t Have a Free Press

Madoff prosecutor: ‘Highly unusual’ for Sam Bankman-Fried to be speaking publicly

Congress Quietly Slips Ukraine Debt Relief into 4,400 Page National Defense Authorization Act

With new Twitter files, Musk forces a free-speech reckoning for politicians and pundits Jonathan Turley, I hope he is correct but I have my doubt.

Third “Twitter files” installment finally shows FBI involvement in censorship

The coming crash of the Climate Cult Another idea I have my doubts will happen anytime soon.

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Links and Comments

The Grassley-Johnson experience incudes a video of Sen. Johnson questioning  Director Wray, and getting senseless, bureaucratic answers.

The Morning Briefing: Stop Blaming Trump for Failed GOP 2022 Candidates

Sarah Hoyt has more to say about it. Our Trump Card  A lot more, it’s long.

Twitter, the FBI, and the First Amendment

Judicial Watch: Secret Service Caught Changing Story About Hunter Biden Documents

BREAKING: Gateway Pundit Was Right! — AZ Media PR Company Find Impossible Variant in Election Day Data – 25% of GOP Voters Flipped their Votes on Top GOP Candidates  How rotten is that state?

Elon and Jack Talk Shop – Musk Says “Data May Have Been Deleted”

How the FBI got the Hunter laptop story suppressed while attempting to preserve plausible deniability for itself  Be sure to follow the links in the story.

At one point every little girl wanted an American Girl doll.  And their newspaper and books, watch out for the books. American Girl Book Teaches Girls to Change Gender, Even Behind Parents’ Backs

Dem Rep Demands Investigation Into FTX ‘Regulatory Failings’ After Raking In Donations From Its Disgraced Ex-CEO

ICE Quietly Fixes Misleading Data After DCNF Exposed Massive Flaws In Illegal Immigrant Stats

Trump Hired a Crew to Search His Storage Units. Here’s What They Found.

Democrat Voter Fraud: A Brief History  “This is a “brief history” because the complete history of Democrat electoral malfeasance reaching back to Tammany Hall and Tweed would require four volumes or more.”

A Corrupt, Evil Regime Intent on Imprisoning Trump

Loudoun County Fires Superintendent over Handling of Sexual-Assault Cases

I am at an age where deaths happen.  They can be unexpected and expected. Our family has now had two, one on November 1st and one on December 3rd.  I will not be traveling out of town but will be involved in family matters for the next few days, so I will not be posting until we have finished the family gatherings.

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Links and Comments

This is what I have been waiting to see.  I mentioned to my husband that I was surprised no one had connected these dots. BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Big Tech Censorship Is the Largest Campaign Finance Violation in History Costing Americans Billions

 Billions in Covid Aid Went to Hospitals That Didn’t Need It The federal funds benefited some well-off medical systems but weren’t enough for many that were struggling to provide pandemic care

Taibbi Drops More Information on the ‘Twitter Files’ and Exposes an Attempted Cover-UpAccording to Taibbi, James Baker, who was general counsel for Twitter and a former top-level FBI official, inserted himself into the disclosure in an attempt to “vet” the files that were ultimately released. Elon Musk was not notified of Baker playing middle-man.”  No shame from the left, just a firm desire to hide the truth.

Musk fires Twitter lawyer over alleged role in censoring Hunter Biden laptop story


The great Covid and fags cover-up It does seem strange that smokers would be less prone to get Covid.  I wonder if any research has been done correlating the rise in violence with the decrease in nicotine smoking?  It does have a soothing effect. Here’s a link to the blog with the covid papers.

World’s Northern Hemisphere Tropical Storm Accumulated Cyclone Energy Plunges 33% in 2022

DOJ Targeted Tara Reade After She Accused Joe Biden Of Sexual Assault… I’m afraid I am ready to believe anything anyone tells me about the DOJ.

Trump as Lear, raging against the vast left-wing conspiracy and today’s follow up: Trump’s explanation

FBI wouldn’t discuss Hunter Biden probe after convincing Facebook to suppress laptop stories

Loudoun County Grand Jury Gives Horrific Report on School Rape, Concerns Over ‘Transphobia’  Here is the actual very long report.

Supreme Court is over the target The extreme libs, aka Democrats, would like to impeach all the Trump appointments.

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Links and Comments – Boy, Do I have comments!

Are you beginning to feel a little like Charlie Brown and the football?

That is what I posted yesterday.

Remember when we thought John Durham was going to get to the bottom of the Russian Hoax? He did, but what good did it do?

Now we have the Twitter evidence of complicit campaigning by hiding the truth of the Hunter laptop. What good is it doing? The mainstream media is still the public relations arm of the DNC and they will hide this truth as long as they can.

In addition to all the bad things we knew about being banned, suspended, shadow banned and such on Twitter, so much more has actually shown up that proves complicity with not only the DNC, but also the FBI and other government officials. We know not much will come of it, the actual news is not happening on the mainstream media, and what is mentioned is a twisted version of what happened and it’s all Musk’s fault.

Anyway, I have links, many links.  Some even have to do with what might be happening around the world, but most is Must, Twitter, Musk, Twitter. I will list the Twitter/Musk links last.

Deposition Reveals Complex Plot by the FBI to Influence the 2020 Election

And it isn’t just a corrupt FBI, from Mark Wauck’s Meaning in History

Justice Gorsuch Leaves CO Solicitor General Stammering During Oral Arguments on Religious Liberty

Supreme Court to weigh state power over federal elections

Michael Avenatti Sentenced To 14 Years In Prison For Fraud He is no longer of any use to the DNC. He was flying high there for a while.

Orange Man Bad, Joe Biden Should Be Commended, Zelenskyy is Awesome, More Money for Ukraine, Working Great with Adam Schiff and Mark Warner Some GOP members are not with the most of us.

How Corrupt is a Corrupt Media?

What Is the GOP Thinking With This Amnesty Deal?.

Democrats push to lower voting age to 16 Yep, that’ll work.  Let’s let those people who think they can change their sex and pronouns have a vote in our government.  It was a big mistake to let the 18 year old teens vote.

Elon Musk’s Big Mistake In case this is behind a pay wall, here’s a quote:” For a genius, Elon Musk sure got it wrong. He fell for the okey-doke. He took seriously what he was told when he arrived in America. That was a grave error because the story he was told – and the story those of us outside the ruling caste are told – is not the same story that the ruling caste tells itself. It should be, but it isn’t. All that stuff about hard work and free speech – that’s great stuff. But the hard truth is that those who would rule us do not believe a word of it”.

Former FBI Lawyer Who Approved FISA Warrant To Spy On Trump Helped Censor Hunter Biden Laptop Story

NY Times Reporter Stumbles Upon the Truth in Write-up on Media Reax to Musk’s ‘Twitter Files’ Release

CNN Reporter Says ‘Some Want You To Think’ Twitter Censoring Hunter Biden Story Was Censorship Yes, yes we do!

Nicholas Sandmann asks Musk to release ‘hidden’ Twitter files on death threats permitted against him

We Can Reasonably Blame Former Twitter Executives’ Censorship for at Least Five Major Consequences

Comer: Every Twitter Employee Involved in Squelching Hunter Laptop Story Will Testify Before Congress

‘Twitter Files’ Fallout Rains Down On Arizona And Reveals That Katie Hobbs Colluded With The Big Tech And The AZ Government Was Breaking The First Amendment We know, but to paraphrase Hillary, what difference does it make?

I could go on and on, but it is all the same. Enough!

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