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What J6 Is and Never Was Have the Republicans pulled off a stunt to out publicize Jan.6th? That day has turned into a day of jubilation for Democrats calling it an insurrection.  Does the lack of a new speaker out publicize that for Democrats as well as the press?

I confess: I suspected the Idaho murders criminal investigation was being botched. Instead, it was using chilling surveillance tools   In this he indicates he believes DNA was obtained from commercial DNA genealogy sites. In the indictment it states it was from DNA obtained from the family trash and known to be a father relationship to the accused who left DNA at the scene. However, the type surveillance they used is frightening when we know they have also used it for the political prisoners of Jan. 6th.

Merrick Garland Links 5 Capitol Police Deaths to January 6 Riot The riot was bad enough, but to use the deaths in the attempt to keep claiming an insurrection is horror politics.

Opening the Border to Protect It? Does this make sense to anyone?

Oklahoma Bans ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ for Those Under 26 I have no doubt there will be lawsuits against these bans.  Jordan Peterson has a long interview with a young woman who is “detransitioning” who began a transition at the tender age of 12. Transition of Minors Is Malpractice

Weather Isn’t Climate … Unless It Is

Did Trump Win the ‘Meme Wars’ With His Post About Being Nominated for House Speaker? Scroll down to see his funny face.

SCOTUS to vote on hearing 2020 election case against Biden, Harris, Pence, senators, congressmen

Why they hate Jordan Peterson  this was written after this happened: Psychologist Jordan Peterson could lose license if he refuses social media ‘re-education’ (ignore the video, read the article)

When science isn’t political: Harvard Med research on mRNA vax spike protein undermines fact-checkers, COVID censorship

WTH? Pinal County Elections Director Collects $25,000 Bonus After Reporting Inaccurate Results, Retires, Moves to Texas BEFORE Recount Discovers Hundreds Of New Votes For Abe Hamadeh

 January 6 Committee  “Inadvertently” Expose 2000 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS of Republicans and Their Family Members

Ninth Circuit Rules That an Advisory Board Member Can Be Fired Over Antifa Association

Control vs Adaptation

THE MORNING RANT: Bravo to the GOP Rebels If They Can Break The Congressional Seniority System; (plus a crazy alternative idea – “Reverse Seniority” )

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The Coup We Never Knew and now we know it was happening long before we realized it.

That’s the spirit! Damar Hamlin Wakes Up, Asks Doctors ‘Who Won the Game?’ And did you notice that when he was stricken all the players “took a knee” to ask God to heal him.  I hope those are the only knees we see from now on, those kneeling in prayer.

How the left rejected geneticsHer work revealed that while no person is “hard-wired” by their genes to any particular personality traits or destiny of success or failure, our genes really do create a significant impact on how we turn out.”

Dan Crenshaw Shows His True Colors After Tucker Blasts Him for Calling McCarthy Objectors ‘Terrorists’

Journalist Paul Sperry Teases Major Russia Collusion Story

Owners of Bruce’s Beach, once seized from Black family, to sell land back to L.A. County This not exactly what comes to mind when we speak of “reparations.”  This is a different type of reparation and makes sense to me.

Twitter Files Prove Evans’ Law Of Inadequate Paranoia It is possible my personal paranoia was inadequate, but when it comes to conspiracy theories I am ready to believe anything.

Biden Makes More of a Mess, Compares Illegal Aliens to Holocaust Victims And that isn’t even the worst he has done.

Ovidio Guzmán-López: Deadly riots grip Mexican state after drug arrest

Developing: Wisconsin Gableman Election Fraud Team Member Comes Forward with Damaging Evidence from 2020 Presidential Election Way too late to make any difference.

McCarthy fails. They blame Trump

Which of the two following makes more sense?

Biden Proves He Knows Nothing About the Border or Immigration in a Rambling Speech

Interesting Timing – President Trump Outlines Plan to Destroy Drug Cartels

A Significant Majority of Republican Voters Agree With the GOP Rebels A statesman would have stepped down by now.  I don’t know who would be best but McCarthy is damaged goods.

Majority see FBI as Biden’s ‘personal Gestapo’ after Trump raid And even more reason after the Twitter files were dropped on us.

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I don’t know about you, but after the third vote, I vote McCarthy out, and wish he would be a statesman and step down from trying to become speaker. Now there have been 6 votes he didn’t win. Enough!

No this is not from the Babylon Bee – Brilliant Plan – Kevin McCarthy Vows to Assuage Republican Fears About His UniParty Propensity by Organizing His Installation with Democrats

The Morning Briefing: New Republican House Majority Is a Driverless Clown Car

Dr. Andrew Huff: EcoHealth President Dr. Peter Daszak Was Working for the CIA While Funding Lab Work in China

Dr. Robert Malone Calls For International Tribunal to Investigate Dr. Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak

The New Pause lengthens: 100 Months with No Warming At All

Coca Cola, Science, and the Race Card

More than 1.2M Fugitive Illegal Aliens Remain Living Across U.S. Despite Having Final Deportation Orders

China’s nuclear forces built in part with U.S. technology

Ben Shapiro: The death of eternal truths and the new Paganism

As Republicans launch new legal strikes, Arizona’s largest county says 4,849 ballots not counted

Horowitz see the problem as this: Horowitz  The Top-Committee Chairs In A Mccarthy House Are The Worst Of Globalists

Musk: ‘Twitter files’ shows U.S. demanded for suspension of 250,000 users, including CNN, Canada

Memorializing the Twitter Files – XII. Twitter & the FBI Belly Button This is very long and has details.

Rescue beaver makes Christmas dam in house  Beavers gonna do what beavers gotta do.  Cute video

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WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? Jan 6 Committee Sealed All Important VIDEOS and Documents for 50 Years – So They Can Continue to Lie About J-6 Protests and Fed Involvement

The Republicans in the Swamp are Doing Swampy Things And I do not approve. After Three Failed Attempts to Elect a Speaker, The House of Representatives Adjourns Until Noon Tomorrow

America’s Population Could Use a Boom Failing to address population decline may exact a heavy toll. Many well educated demographers are concerned about this, but on the other hand, liberal CBS seemed to think having failed prognosticator Paul Ehrlich on 60 minutes to discuss over population was the thing to doPaul Ehrlich Claims Vindication for his Climate Catastrophe Prediction

Ontario College of Psychologists Demands Jordan Peterson Undergo Woke Re-education

Have you taken one of Hillsdale College’s online courses?  They are free. Hillsdale College’s The Great Reset Video Series

For Teachers Unions, Parents and Children Come Last

REPORT: The FBI Still Hasn’t Arrested A Single Person For Attacks On 230 Pro-Life Churches And Pregnancy Centers In 2022

In Brief: Feminism Killed Feminism

Trump’s statement on abortion was wise, effective, and prudent

Liz Cheney Exits Congress 6 Years Later and Millions of Dollars Richer

Twitter Stuff:

Judge Orders Biden Admin to Hand Over Communications With Tech Companies

JUST IN: Another Twitter Files Drop: How Twitter Let the Intelligence Community In

Second Twitter Files Drop of the Day Includes Adam Schiff Seeking Ban of Journalist Paul Sperry

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Happy New Year!

These links cover the past few days.  I’ve been a little under the weather but not much real news has happened over the holidays.

This is a Peterson I’ve not noticed before but he is making some very good points.  PETERSON: Midwit Mire — The Lesson Conservatives Are Missing From The Twitter Files

At What Point Do We Call Out the RINOs and Idiots for Not Seeing the Massive Democrat Voter Fraud?


Was the sexual revolution a government psy-op?  Maybe a delicate subject but makes a lot of sense.

America’s Persecuted Political Prisoners I don’t mention this enough, America’s shame.

Adam Kinzinger Lies About Ray Epps Again, and We Should Probably Figure Out Why

Bombshell in Newly Released Testimony of Ray Epps Is Going to Raise Even More Questions

Biden Admin Says It Will Not Comply With House Republicans Oversight Requests The shoe is on the other foot.

Former Chief of Capitol Police Raises More Questions About Jan. 6 Security Failures and Pelosi

The Laughable Pivot Some in the Media Are Taking Over Trump’s Tax Returns

The Trump tax returns

Rigged the COVID debate’: How federally enticed censorship undermined science during pandemic

Benedict XVI — Priest, Prefect, Pope, Rest in Peace

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Nearly 50% of participants in ‘Monkeypox in women’ study were biological men Is there any portion of science that is not politicized?

Alyssa Farah Griffin brags she had to work behind Trump’s back to keep her buddies Fauci, Birx on TV Apparently Trump had realized what a farce they wre.

Sam Bankman-Fried reportedly met with senior Biden aides four times THIS YEAR, according to WH logs This article had a nice graphic showing how this grift works. Disgraced Crypto Billionaire and Top Democrat Donor Sam Bankman-Fried Met with Biden Officials at Least 4 Times, Including in September We should know by how often they are still call Trump a grifter that a grifter is In the White House.

A new Church Committee?

Breaking! Ray Epps Admits To Orchestrating The Infiltration Of The Capitol In A Text To His Nephew (If I had a dollar for every breaking news headline I get in emails it would pay for my blogging obsession.)

Horowitz: Possibly the most important study on COVID shots might explain why COVID never seems to end

Biden the Green president –  Biden signs $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill in billionaire Democrat donor’s beachside mansion in St Croix – after it was flown to him on a Spirit Airlines flight from Washington And Libs are still despising on Cruz for going to Cozumel during the big freeze in Texas.

This seems a good spot to put this link.  Biden is very gung-ho about getting this mineral from Africa. Joe Rogan: EXPOSES The Battery Mining Industry!! EXTREME Problems in The Harshest Conditions !?! If you don’t want to watch the video just read the short squib below it explaining the problem.

Why haven’t we heard about the Nordstream pipeline lately? Back To Nordstream

What If We Had Relied on “Renewable Energy” During the Christmas Cold Snap; also, Climate Fraud and Related Data Tampering

Report: Associated Press Took $8 million in Donations to Fund its 2022 Climate “News”  “Instead of being paid advertisements presenting only information necessary to the client, the Associated Press refers to it as….”philanthropy-funded news.”

Four words no conservative says

A Twitter Files preview (2) Liberals are trying hard to cause the dissolution of Twitter.  I get a PC Mag newsletter every day, each day has something affirming the liberal twitter type app Mastodon.

The Ads Tell the Story Has anyone not noticed the ads in the past year?  They are really pushing the liberal line and lifestyle.

BIDEN ECONOMY: The DOW Incurs Worst Year Since 2008, NASDAQ Incurs Worst Year Ever – If You Add in Bonds, It’s the Worst Year Since 1871!

HUGE: House Republicans Find Text and Email Evidence that Pelosi Staffers Secretly DECREASED Security at US Capitol for Jan 6 – While at Same Time Pelosi Was Organizing Film Crew that Day

 2010 DHS Contract to General Dynamics Information Systems for Domestic “Media Monitoring and Social Media Networking”  

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FBI Office Investigating Hunter Biden Sent Twitter Numerous Censorship Requests Right Before 2020 Election

Far-Left Is Now Targeting Emails from Conservative Groups I thought I sent out an email on the 26th, but on the 27th there was no sign of it in my sent files. I am very small potatoes to be censored by the cancel crowd.  However, I do remember a time when it seemed every other gmail I sent to this group was returned to me as undelivered. Hmmm……

Catholic NGOs Receive Billions in Government Funding to Provide Illegals Housing, Food, Healthcare, Financial Assistance and More I just wish they would rebuild the Vietnamese church here close to my home.  It was ruined by Hurricane Harvey.

DEVELOPING: Federal Prosecutors Looking Into GOP Congressman-Elect George Santos’ Public Filings After He Admitted to Embellishing His Resume – As Ilhan Omar Walks Free for Marrying Brother I am not defending Santos, just pointing out the extreme hypocrisy.

No, judge, the First Amendment protects hate speech

Females on average perform better than males on a ‘theory of mind’ test across 57 countries Many females already knew this.

Black Lives Matter Lauded Fidel Castro, Domestic Terrorists

I referred to this yesterday but did not include a link. UK woman arrested for the thought crime of silent prayer delivers a chilling message

‘Pfizer and Moderna better get this clarified’: Study finds worse antibodies after mRNA boosters

GOP Leaders Order FBI to Turn Over Twitter Suppression Evidence  but already we had this: The Biden White House’s Obstruction of House GOP Oversight Has Begun

House Judiciary Republicans Call Out White House, POLITICO for Working Together on Story Leak

Former FBI Agent Offers Further Perspective DoJ/FBI Efforts To Derail Nunes

#Twitterfiles show “things that perhaps we suspected were going on but now we know were going on”

A Twitter Files footnote (4) I rarely watch news shows anymore.  This week I turned on Fox news and also watched some Spectrum news on the morning shows.  Both had biased reporting on the same thing, the testimony of the young woman who said Trump grabbed the steering wheel of the car he was in and verbally attacked the Secret service driving him.  She was completely refuted by those same people.  That part was not reported.  Also noticed Fox news was running an ad for Blackrock.  When did that start?

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DOJ Official Admits Targeting Pro-Lifers Is Response to Overturn of Roe As far as I know no one in America has been arrested for silently praying across the street from an abortion clinic.  That happened in Great Britain.

Top Ten 2022 Media Climate Stories – Fact Check

Internal Source Says “Significant Miscount” In Abe Hamadeh’s Recount Nets Hamadeh With Hundreds of New Votes In Race Called by 511 Votes Will is make a difference?  Will it change the outcome?

The TakeoverSelf-righteous professors have spawned self-righteous students and unleashed them into the public square”  Found through Legal Insurrection’s report from the Daily Wire which is behind a paywall.  How many liberals will realize 35 years from now how wrong they were?  How bad will this world be by then?  I hope for the best and expect the worst, save for a miracle from God.

I do have hope when I see this: The rise of Archaeologists Anonymous  They stay anonymous because they dare not speak the truth, even about archaeology. “in these hidden places, professional geneticists, bioarchaeologists and physical anthropologists have created a network of counter-research.” So there are scientists who keep searching for truths even when truth will cancel their research were it know by the woke community of “scientists.” More: “What seems obvious to the general public — that prehistory was a bloody mess of invasions, migrations, battles and conflict — is not always a commonplace view among researchers. Worse, the idea that ancient peoples organised themselves among clear ethnic and tribal lines is also taboo. Obvious statements of common sense, such as the existence of patriarchy in the past, are constantly challenged and the general tone of academia is one of refutation: both of established theories and thinkers and of disagreeable parts of the past itself.”

Thought for the Day: Pope Benedict at Regensburg Powerlines’ Steven Hayward writes of Pope Benedict who is apparently near death.

The Men Behind the Curtain – Part 1 and Part 2. Histories of The Counsel for Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.

HHS Records Reveal Biden Admin Flights Stopping in Multiple Cities to Drop Unaccompanied Alien Children–Plane Originating in San Diego Stopped in Three Cities  Happened well before Abbott started his flights and busing.

Photos: 2 Million Views On A Twitter Thread That Asks A Picture Of Michelle Obama Pregnant & Still No Picture – We Finally Solved That Conspiracy She looks very young and happy in a couple of them.

Root Cause of the Crime Problem The sad history of how a young man who was murdered by a system that won’t stop young criminals.

There are Twitter news stories today, but I am sick of them.  This is why:
Fascism  –   făsh′ĭz″əm noun
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government. Oppressive, dictatorial control. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

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Still more twitter articles:

Why You Need to Start Paying Attention to the ‘Twitter Files’  Whether you use twitter or not you need to know this.

Morris: Twitter Files 9 Shows CIA, Other Security State Involvement in Censorshipagency]?” “The ninth release of Twitter Files displays aggressive efforts by the CIA and other agencies in the security state to force Twitter’s hand in censoring various political opinions and speech, through constant contact with the company’s executives, one of whom Taibbi reveals is ex-CIA himself.”  Are you concerned yet.

It’s On: House Investigation Into Twitter

Dynamite Summary From Taibbi: A World Run By Anti-People

Twitter Files Release #10 – A Whole of Govt Approach to Control American Speech

Matt Taibbi Reflects On “Repulsive, Horrifying, Dystopian” World Run By ‘Anti-People’  Matt on why he is doing the twitter files reviews.  He is patriotic.

And in other news:

Between White House and FTX Operative Revealed, Raises Serious Questions About Biden Involvement

The drag queens’ dirty little secret: Their lack of talent is intentional

Kinzinger Smears MTG Over Jan. 6, Accidentally Exposes Holes in Dem Narrative Against Trump

Report: DOJ looking to release inmates who have been victims of abuse behind bars on compassionate release program I may be naive, but I don’t understand why/how this is allowed to happen?

Schadenfreude: Department of Energy ramps up the war against their tax slaves (us)

Biden admin used taxpayer funds to ‘sponsor’ foreign journalists attending climate change ‘reporting tour,’ emails reveal

China Expert: Communist China Using TikTok To Promote Drug Use, Violence In America In Attempt To Ruin Country

Arizona Border Hospital Hit With $20 Million Bill For Treating Illegal Migrants – ‘It’s Unsustainable’

New Report Documents Explosion of Leftist Terror Attacks on US Churches

Without a Hope or a Prayer: Why the Arrest of a British Woman Outside of Abortion Clinic is a Wake-Up Call for Free Speech

Judge Peter Thompson Rules Elections with Broken Machines in 60% of Precincts and No Chain of Custody for Ballots Are Free, Fair and Certifiable

The Dumpter Fire Omnibus Bill Goes From Bad to Worse in Mind-Numbing Ways

Ye of little science: Creation was created by a creator

 Merry Christmas I had to laugh at Jonathan Turley’s Christmas story. In comedic movie style it seems what could go wrong, did go wrong.  I sure hope yours was a better one.

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Merry Christmas

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