This is a long one today. Check it all out, read what interests you.
Project Veritas Pfizer Video and The New Triumvirate: Big Pharma, Big Government and Big Media
Brits yank back COVID vaccination program as US plunges forward with one-size-fits-all strategy Great Britain doesn’t seem to have as much invested in money or politics as we do.
The West Is Prosecuting Its Crusade Against Russia with Stunning Naïveté “the more deeply the United States and its NATO allies intervene in Ukraine, the greater the risk Russia will perceive the conflict, as indeed it already seems to, as a proxy war between itself and the West.”
Biden administration playing ‘shell game’ to mask illegal immigration, former CBP chief alleges I don’t think this mask is working any better than the virus mask.
Jim Jordan probe into FBI, DOJ, DHS politicization takes shape with flurry of interview requests I am waiting to see how many requests are honored immediately and how many are put off as long as possible.
CNN’s Race-Baiter Van Jones Blames Racism for Black Cops Beating Tyre Nichols to Death I did not hear what Van Jones said, but I do not disagree with this as racism because racism is just bigotry, and we all know bigotry exists in every race and culture. I am sure these policeman were bigoted against a black man they thought was one of the bad ones. We all know racism/bigotry exists in black culture just as it does in white or another culture. We’ve all heard the phrase “poor white trash” which is bigotry of whites against whites. It would assume to much to think that doesn’t exist in black culture.
Reported pick as next White House chief of staff met with Hunter Biden repeatedly That is to be expected, we all knew the man was a big problem. This is the problem with Zients – “As White House COVID coordinator, Jeff Zients scapegoated unvaccinated people, implying they could be singled out with new lockdowns, and made repeated false statements about vaccines.”
Mayorkas Smuggled 100,000 Migrants Into the U.S. Through A Hidden Parole Pathway Just a drop in a bucket of illegal migrants.
Deep Triggered, The CIA and Intelligence Community are Very Worried About the House Subcommittee on Federal Government Weaponization “The website Just Security, “author former CIA operative Douglas Johnson, is very concerned about the House Subcommittee on Federal Government Weaponization. The concern is clouded under the auspices of fearing politicization by questioning the intelligence community about weaponized government. ¶ The article is a mainstream bureaucratic outlook where the professional intelligence apparatus views themselves as beyond being accountable to the elected public officials, specifically the House members of the committee. The permanent unelected officials have a self-perception above the reach of the elected officials.”
There are many articles on the Twitter release #15. That release is very damning of the extreme measures takes to silence conservatives and making the lie they were all Russian bots. I am placing them all under this paragraph.
Twitter File Release #15 – Hamilton 68 Group Labels Counter Opinions “Russians”, Corporate Media Amplified, But Twitter Could Not Find Evidence
Twitter Files reveal BizPac Review was one of the conservative sites placed on a list of Russian bots I use BizPac links in most posts I send.
Twitter Files #15: More glimpses behind the Potemkin village the left built
Elon Musk calls ‘Hamilton 68’ scandal ‘biggest journalism scam in a very long time’ · American Wire News As the owner of Twitter he knows how deep that rot was.
Twitter Files #15 Blows up a Lot of Those ‘Russian’ Influence Claims From the Left
The Mike Pompeo speech on China’s influence on US universities that MIT killed “But as is often the case, one of the biggest stories in the book has so far been overlooked.”
‘Rocket man, OK—little, not OK’: Pompeo reveals secrets of Kim Jong Un, others in book
WHOA: Even Liberal Newsweek Casts Doubt on DirecTV’s ‘Fairness’ for Nixing Newsmax The Spectrum package we take doesn’t include Newsmax, but we can watch it on smartcast TV’s in Pluto and other carriers.
Western censorship is just as bad as Russian strikes against press freedom It’s true. Far more censorship that mattered to the general public. Twitter is not used by a majority of the public.
DERSHOWITZ: Criminal Justice Has Become Weaponized And Partisan. It Wasn’t Always This Way
Brief Update Re The Rand Report “In the previous post, What’s Behind The Talk Of Negotiations? we devoted a fair amount of space to the new study that was published by the Rand Corporation. The study focused on a cost/benefit analysis for America in a protracted war with Russia.”
Caller-Times to shift printing operations to Houston starting Feb. 28 “Gannett, the company that owns the Caller-Times, said in a notice to its management” I’m not sure when the CCCaller Times was taken over by Gannet, or when the Austin American Statesman began using the printing plant in Corpus Christi, but I can tell you they are basically US Today with a little local news thrown in to keep the public fooled. Their liberal slant has probably been the cause of more people quitting them than the owners realize. We uneducated goof offs who are conservatives find it hard to handle their news.