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Today is the anniversary of the death of Rush Limbaugh.  I, like many of you, loved him, loved his show and his straight talk.  I listened to him from before he left Sacramento until his very last broadcast. I have many other links saved post today, but I will start with tribute links to Rush.

First I heard from Bo Snerdly, aka James Golden.  I get his newletters at least twice a day. I wish he had taken over the show, I believe he would have been the closest voice to what Rush had to say.

Remembering Rush Limbaugh: Inspiring and Hilarious Quotes from El Rushbo

Rush Remembered: Longtime Limbaugh Listener Looks Back on Second Anniversary of Talk Radio Titan’s Passing

This is from the Lafayette, Louisiana station we listened to Rush on when he first went national.

Limbaugh’s brother on second anniversary: ‘God spoke through Rush

Now for the news, some of it is from Realville.

FACT CHECK: Did George Soros Endorse Ron DeSantis?

Texas Universities Demand That Job Applicants Pledge Woke Allegiance This headline should say Some, not all universities are doing this.  Some major ones are.

UFO shot down by $400K US missile may have been a $12 hobby balloon: report Confirmation of what a great many seemed to know.

The Offshore Wind Turbine Whale Slaughter Continues?I doubt greens are going to get too excited by this latest whale death, or all the other problems offshore wind appears to be causing. The days when greens chained themselves to trees to stop timber cutting, or set out in boats to stop the despoilers of nature, those days are mostly gone.”

Who’s Behind The Unexplained Explosions In Russia?

The Shameless Abuse of John Fetterman Comes to a Head (from yesterday) Fetterman’s Abusers Pathetically Circle the Wagons After His Latest Health Emergency (today)

Canadian Intelligence Finds Evidence of Chinese Interference in Elections Was maybe a little Soros involved, as well?

Meet Anderson Cooper’s Boss – Big Pharma I think Fox runs as many pharma ads as anyone.  I am appalled at how ailing the network ad business seems to think we are.

‘Say hello to Snow White’: Ex-JP Morgan exec contacted Epstein about Disney princesses Something truly evil happened with the Epstein gang.

Biden admin rejects Ohio’s request for disaster aid after toxic train derailment That district did not add enough money or votes for Biden.

SCOTUS drops case involving Trump-era border policy from case calendar They seemed to agree with the DOJ that it would be moot by the time the case was scheduled.

Rachel Levine emails reveal push to PROFIT on ‘gender clinics’ at Children’s Hospitals (damning thread) I hope you will be able to see this behind the Townhall paywall. “     Email reveals a Dr. who was associated with a children’s hospital discussing with Rachel Levine the “potential revenue” regarding a gender clinic. They’re destroying children for profit. […]     — Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 17, 2023

The American longing for a Great Awakening  From Bookworm, Andrea Widburg, who is Jewish. Read it all.  Here is the end paragraph. “I continue to believe that America badly needs a revival. Like the black community, which is a microcosm of so many of our greatest woes, America, too, needs faith, family, and spiritual fatherhood. Indeed, given the number of women overall who are having children without fathers, it appears that non-blacks need real fathers as badly as blacks do. Because Jews are hardwired to worry whenever there’s a rush to religion, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried that the rampant antisemitism moving through the U.S. today might get mixed up with this deeply Christian revival. However, I have faith that America’s rising antisemitism is almost entirely a leftist phenomenon and that the evangelical roots of this revival will not turn ugly.”


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Federal Court Enjoins New York’s “Hateful Conduct Law” as Unconstitutional While you and I will probably not offend with “hate speech”, this is a major win for free speech.  Especially when we consider where it came from.

Did a Government Intel Asset Plant Key Evidence in Proud Boys Case? It sure looks like it, but when it comes to Kangaroo courts does real evidence make a difference?

New York Times Writers Call Out the Paper’s Anti-Trans Onslaught It seems there is no fury like a trans group scorned. They have canceled many people of all walks of life.

SCOTUS Will Decide Whether to Take up a 2020 ‘Rigged Election’ Case on Friday  Apparently there were some rigged elections in 2020.  #sarcasm.

I’m leaving the FTC — and Biden’s radical chair is why

Brother’s reaper Power line is discussing an article in the New York Post that in turn is from an article in the Daily Mail.  So, you have three links on the same story.  I believe the Daily Mail is more extensive in coverage. Each has a little to add.

The hot air of spy balloons  I enjoyed this article, you will too.

Report: Team Biden Pressures Trump’s Attorney to Testify Before Grand Jury If we ever get our country back I hope many of these people are held in the same conditions they are holding the J6 prisoners.

Records Imply Secret Service Agents Were Asked For Favor in Biden Cover   That is the Hunter gun coverup.

The Racketeering Censorship of ‘Disinformation Inc.

Team Biden’s Facebook Protection Squads Leftist social media speech suppression is surging!

Justice Department Will Not Prosecute Matt Gaetz  Nor should they.  He did have relationships with women, but this was a political hit job. Would there have been anything mentioned if it had been a gay or trans person?  Inquiring mind wants to know.  There is nothing more hypocritical than a political hit.

Woman claims Catholic church denied communion because of rainbow masksA group of Catholic women claims they were denied Communion at an Englewood church for wearing rainbow-colored face masks. Sally Odenheimer said it was an effort to show support for Maggie Barton, an LGBTQ teacher fired from the church’s affiliated Catholic school.” Sorry, ladies, (if they are ladies) but rules are rules.

Eco-warriors, look away! Seattle schoolboy, 17, exposes the carbon footprint of private jet-loving stars, tycoons and lawmakers… and their annual Co2 emissions are up to 300 TIMES the size of the average American’s You just have to love the initiative of a kid like this.

Klaus Schwab Outlines How the Transformation Will Deliver the New “Master of the World”… and Elon Musk said this: Elon Musk Criticizes the Concept of “World Government” at the “World Government Summit” – Says It Could Lead to the ‘Collapse’ of Civilization  You’ve got to love this, too.


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Ex VP Pence is not happy about a subpoena. Jonathan Turley discusses.

“The United States is going to need a lot of missiles if its fighter jets are to shoot down every stray balloon that sets off a radar warning in American airspace.”  Ann Althouse is discussing and quoting a NYTimes article that is behind a paywall.  “‘At any given moment, thousands of balloons’ are above the Earth, including many used in the United States by government agencies, military forces, independent researchers and hobbyists....”

Arizona Senate Elections Committee Passes Resolution To Ban Foreign Voting Machines and Require Source Code, Ballot Images, Chain of Custody Documents, and Log Files To Be Made Public

DeSantis takes on Davos

State Planning to Move 658 Migrants to Vacant Kmart on Chicago’s Southwest Side I consider this a very good use of empty buildings and I wonder why it is not  used more often.

‘Basically Nuked a Town’: EPA Identifies Three More Dangerous Chemicals on Train That Derailed in Ohio

UPDATE: First Missile Fired From F-16 Over Lake Huron Missed – Military Has No Idea Where it Landed Whoops!

State Department Funded Foreign Think Tank Working To Censor Americans

Edward Snowden keeps trying to get people to watch this video.  The CIA and disinformation in the Vietnam era.

101 Page Whistleblower Document Reveals The Biden Pentagon Suppressed Concerns About COVID Shot Side Effects And Many Soldiers Suffered Horrifying Injuries As A Result

Boxes of documents in Boston’ latest reveal in Biden classified saga  But look! There’s another balloon!

State Department Funded Foreign Think Tank Working To Censor Americans

FBI Agents Misused FISA Data To Surveil ‘Political Party,’ US Congressman, Audit Finds Like many other links of this type, I know this will come as no surprise to regular readers.

Emails, Documents Reveal Tangled Web of Amazon, Pentagon Connections Surrounding Defense Cloud ContractSen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, is requesting that the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DOD OIG) reopen its investigation, claiming that a former DOD official, Sally Donnelly, failed to disclose a potential conflict of interest to the DOD OIG when it was investigating the allegations of ethical misconduct surrounding a contract which involved billions of American taxpayer dollars.”

Hitting the Taiwan BeachThe key thing to keep in mind in any conflict in the Indo-Pacific is that sea denial/access depends as much on ground expeditionary forces covering naval movements as it does on forces afloat. This applies to China as much to the USA.”

U.S. spies partnered with American tech companies to fight Russian cyberattackers in Ukraine

James O’Keefe Is Veritas – We Don’t Have Time for Games. We Don’t Have Time for Ego Plays” – Steve Bannon Goes to Bat for James O’Keefe The board is playing with fire.  They will not last without him.

ChatGPT went to Congress, became a pro-choice, anti-gun liberal; refused to write conservative bills

The Sudden Dominance of the Diversity Industrial Complex ““In the scope and rapidity of institutional embrace,” writes Marti Gurri, a former CIA analyst who studies media and politics, “nothing like it has transpired since the conversion of Constantine.” “  It does seem to encompass all those other industrial complexes that have arisen since Eisenhower gave his quote with became so famous .

Sy Hersh Swings and Misses Big Careless claims that the U.S. blew up the Nord Stream pipelines cover for the real scandals of the Biden  The author sums up with this: “There is indeed a scandal that involves Biden and Russian pipelines, but it’s not the one Seymour Hersh wrote about. It’s simply this: a venal and careless old man was so obsessed with undoing his predecessor’s work that he greenlighted a war in Europe with consequences that are likely to impact how Americans live for years to come.”


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Bombshells, Landmines, and Nemesis Victor Davis Hanson on the Schadenfreude being heaped on the leftist progressives who persecuted Trump and all his minions.

Africa a medical mystery to the globalist COVID elites  The WHO and other entities cannot seem to understand that Africa did the right thing with a pandemic.

Asteroid explodes over English Channel after hurtling through Earth’s atmosphere And we are shooting down weather balloons and calling them unknowns.  Someone on Twitter has identified the octagon shaped object as a weather balloon from Aerostar balloons. (reported by Scott Adams in a video)

Pentagon Confirms Shot-Down Objects Aren’t Balloons, Makes an Even Weirder Admission This was from 8:30 this morning, I hope they have a clue by now.

Seymour Hersh’s pipeline bombing story is being challenged this link is in the article: The purpose of this post is to debunk the claims made in Seymour Hersh’s Substack post titled “How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline” using publicly available information.

FBI agents misused FISA data to surveil ‘political party,’ US congressman, audit finds

House Oversight chairman wants probe of ‘bizarre’ Secret Service actions to help Hunter Biden

While everyone has been fixated on balloons and classified papers a train derailment in Ohio was an extreme environmental disaster.  There’s a Real Environmental Catastrophe Unfolding In Ohio and the Media Is Downplaying It Or Just Not Reporting It for Some Reason

United States tells citizens: Leave Russia immediatelydue to the war in Ukraine and the risk of arbitrary arrest or harassment by Russian law enforcement agencies.”

Democrats’ Unconstitutional Crusade To Disbar Texas AG Ken Paxton Shows How Far They’ll Go To Win Elections

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Links to shotdown objects are at the bottom of the post.

Hunter Biden’s attorney denies Republicans’ request for recordsThe move may have thrilled hardcore Democrats, but it is the Republicans who should be most ecstatic with Hunter’s initial position.”  That sentence might be true if Republicans, Conservative and Democrats were treated equally, but we know Democrats have a scale of justice weighted in their favor.

Club for Growth Invites Ron DeSantis to Join Wall Street Controlled Republican Candidates Haley, Pompeo, Pence, Youngkin and Scott for 2024 Planning Session at Donor Retreat  In this article Sundance is concerned about the DeSantis plans re Club for growth.  I am concerned about the Club for Growth in every instance, as I suspect Sundance is as well.

Migrants are Paying $10,000 to”Financial Sponsors” to Sponsor Them

Leftists Go Into Four-Alarm Frenzy: Trump Laptop Found! Trump Laptop Found! Trump Laptop Found! This is the first I’ve heard of this, but I don’t doubt it. And it turns out it wasn’t even Trump’s laptop.

‘Maybe we were asked for a favor?’ Secret Service accused of a ‘cover-up’ over its alleged involvement in police probe when Hunter Biden’s lover Hallie dropped his handgun in a trash can near a school in 2018 So much of the Hunter Biden/Big Guy stuff is just so sordid, you wouldn’t believe it in a movie.

Meaning in History, just take you headline pick or read them all.

China Now Claiming It Has Also Intercepted a UFO  Doesn’t everyone?

Missouri AG officially probing ‘disturbing’ whistleblower claim that transgender clinic ‘harming hundreds’ of kids It is a tragedy that so many great universities and medical schools have been corrupted over social justice and the gender/trans issues.

Disinformation Inc: Read one of the ‘blacklists’ used secretly to defund conservative newsThe Washington Examiner revealed on Thursday that it is on GDI’s list and spoke to an ad-buying source who said Breitbart News is also. Separately, GDI has said that the 10 “riskiest” news outlets for purported disinformation are the American Spectator, Newsmax, the Federalist, the American Conservative, One America News Network, the Blaze, the Daily Wire, RealClearPolitics, Reason, and the New York Post.” Read the article to see the complete and extensive list of so called false information sites.

Nevada Governor Declares State Of Emergency After Pipeline Leak  Gasoline, not natural gas.

‘Impeachable’: Megyn Kelly, VDH talk consequences of alleged Biden role in Nord Stream pipeline blast Shameful as well.

Fierce Backlash As Project Veritas Sidelines James O’Keefe After Pfizer Bombshells No more money from us. Earlier story here: Hostile Takeover of Project Veritas Seeking to Remove James O’Keefe – DeSantis Aligned Operatives Spearheading Effort for Removal

WaPo Hit Piece on Anna Paulina Luna Completely Falls Apart, Major Corrections Made We sure wouldn’t want one of those conservative “white” Hispanics making a good show of how bad leftists are, now would we?

Biden Is Reportedly Planning a Massive Migration Swap With Mexico

Biden’s attorneys transferred cache of docs from Boston law office to National Archives, emails show

By this morning I had at least 12 email newsletters with the breaking news headline on the object shot down over Canada/Alaska and the fact that 2 were shot down by 12 PM with another being followed over Montana.  Here are some links: CNN report on downed flying object spurs UFO talk as Montana airspace closes, reopens over ‘anomaly’  ; Schumer’s political spin ;  US Jet Shoots Down Second High-Altitude Object Over Canada/ ;    U.S. fighters shoot down unidentified flying object over Canada ;  There are more but… Enough! Enough!


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GOP senators testify on FBI in first ‘Weaponization’ panel hearing  This is an excellent example of biased reporting.  Notice the quotes around weaponization at every use of the word.  Notice they give no example of why it might be called that, just denigrate that it is and do give quotes of what the Democrats have to say about it than they do to the Republicans. It seems the writer is just mystified why anyone would even call it weaponization.  I guess he just hasn’t see anything but CNN, ABC and NBC/MSNBC news.

Whistleblower reveals FBI tried to open criminal cases on 140 people just for taking bus to J6 rally

‘Two FBIs’: Whistleblowers accuse DC HQ of trampling Constitution, field offices

The FBI did not get by with this. FBI To Retract Catholic Infiltration Memo, Conduct Internal Review

DOJ Responds After Jim Jordan Hits Garland, Wray With Subpoenas The Republicans seem to have learned how to fight like a Democrat.

 Biden’s sanctions backfiredWe suffer, while 5,000 miles away Zelensky has tea with King Charles” Our suffering here in the US is nothing compared to what the people of Ukraine and the people who have been urged to migrate to the US have suffered from Biden policies.

U.S. officials prepping legislation to revamp asylum system This plan seems to  show favoritism to those who more highly educated and dismiss those who are actually seeking a better life from undeveloped countries.

Oversight chair issues sweeping document demands to Biden ‘gatekeeper’ in secret records probeInvestigative panel zeroes in on former Biden executive assistant Kathy Chung, citing timing of employment and her full-spectrum access to materials in question.”

Did You Catch Biden’s Shocking Admission During His SOTU Address? You have to read down to find this: “Did you get that? Biden admitted that the oil industry — which remains crucial to our entire way of life, no matter what the Earthist fantasizers say — will not invest in domestic production because they don’t trust him”   I included this phrase in case it is behind a paywall. If it is, try this link.

Chuck Grassley: Whistleblowers Say FBI Has Evidence Joe Biden Involved in Family Business Schemes

ABC, NBC Still Silent on Hunter Biden Laptop Hearing as CBS Breaks the Ice

The Last Straw of US No more Disney for her family.

“Free Speech for Whom?”: Former Twitter Executive Makes Chilling Admission on the “Nuanced” Standard Used For Censorship Jonathan Turley discusses the hearing.

There are many links to what happened in the hearings some new Congressional stars seemed to emerge with their questioning.  Rep. Anna Paulina Luna TORCHES Yoel Roth – Exposes Democrat-Big Tech-Government Collusion and Former TWITTER EXECS ARE LEFT SPEECHLESS and she had whiteboards to prove what she said.  This from the House Oversight Committee: Byron Donalds Lights Up Twitter Officials, Drops Receipts on Contact With Biden Team

A Balloon Pops D.C.’s Myth BubbleFederal agencies have become too comfortable using disinformation.”

Matt Walsh Leaves Dem Lawmaker Speechless With This Simple Question About Gender-Affirming TreatmentWhile Republicans asked Walsh about some of his findings, Democrat state Rep. John Ray Clemmons instead sought to discredit him, asking what credentials he has to make him qualified to speak on the subject. “The background that qualifies me to speak to this is I’m a human being with a brain and common sense and I have a soul,” Walsh responded. “So, therefore, I think it’s a really bad idea to chemically castrate children. That is my experience. Now, it’s true I didn’t go to college, but I did go to school long enough to learn how to read. So, I can read the data for myself and that’s exactly what I’ve done.””

I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle. From a hard core liberal this is a hopeful sign.

Smithsonian Is About to Get a Brutal Lesson in Constitutional Rights  Take a look at the other headlines in this page.

What is going on in New Jersey?  These were local Republican council members. Another Republican Politician Has Been Shot and Killed in New Jersey

EXCLUSIVE: ICE Chief Admits To Enormous Illegal Immigration Data Errors Exposed By DCNF

I’ve got a busy couple of days ahead.  This news is from last night and this morning.  More on Sunday.


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Fauci paper suggests feds knew COVID vaccines were doomed from the start: ‘Decidedly suboptimal’Elsevier’s medical journal Cell Host and Microbe published a “perspective” led by Fauci’s office last month that shows NIAID had good reason to believe COVID vaccines would fail even before they were authorized, based on research spanning Fauci’s 38-year tenure leading NIAID.

China Has Completed ‘Dozens’ Of Missions In Massive Spy Balloon Campaign: REPORTThe Chinese spy balloon recently interdicted by the U.S. Air Force is just one component of a massive military surveillance campaign that operates out of a strategic military base and has completed “dozens” of missions, The Washington Post reported, citing officials.”

‘Zuck Bucks 2.0’: Liberal Group Uses Legal ‘Magic Trick’ To Fund Election Offices, Even In Red States, Watchdogs SayThe group, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), alongside various other “left-wing” nonprofits and companies, formed an $80 million initiative called the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, which targets election offices with grants, trainings, resources and consulting services, even in states that block public funding for election offices. The Alliance claims to be nonpartisan, but a review of documents by the Honest Elections Project and the John Locke Foundation show that the group is designed to “systematically influence” aspects of the election administration and push progressive voting policies.”

‘Crazy’ and ‘Wrong’: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Destroys Biden Narrative in SOTU Response  This is a nice article on her speech, but also has the video of her speech. This author has a different opinion. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is the Latest Casualty of the State of the Union Rebuttal Curse

Fact-Checking 7 Claims in Biden’s State of the Union Address

Ben Shapiro: Satan is so hot right nowThis week, the Grammys were held in Los Angeles. […] They also featured a full-on satanic ritual onstage, starring used-to-be-just-a-gay-dude-then-genderqueer-now-gender-nonbinary singer Sam Smith and transgender female (translation: biological male) Kim Petras. Their song, “Unholy,” won them Best Pop Group/Group Performance. Their performance, in which the tubby Smith donned a Satan outfit and top hat with horns while Petras gyrated in a cage surrounded by Satan-costumed strippers, made headlines for its transgressive imagery.” I have not watched this, nor do I intend to, I do not need these images in my mind.

Trump delivers ‘The Real State of the Union’: Come on Joe, you can do it!’

Biden scolds SCOTUS for overturning Roe — right in front of them

I think they have picked the scapegoat.  Investigators Zero In On Biden Aide With Links To Hunter In Docs Scandal  “Kathy Chung, who is now a Pentagon official, has emerged as a key individual as she oversaw the transport of materials to the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C., after Biden left the vice presidency in early 2017. Multiple reports said Chung has already been interviewed by federal investigators as part of the Justice Department’s probe. The House Oversight Committee sent her a letter over the weekend seeking documents and information as part of a congressional inquiry led by Chairman James Comer (R-KY).”

EXCLUSIVE: Majority of Women Who Got Abortions Were Pressured Into Them, Study Finds You will not find this in the popular press.  The Daily Signal is a newsletter from the Heritage foundation.

Comer: Feds used Twitter to ‘limit the free exercise of speech’ And someone there is still trying to, thus yesterday we had Twitter Suspends Republican Senator’s Account Over Hunting Photo but by mid afternoon Elon Musk had reinstated the account.

North Dakota town rejects Chinese project near US military base after Biden administration refuses to act Nice to see the locals stopping what big government won’t.

Jim Jordan Outlines FBI Whistleblowers Currently Giving House Judiciary Transcribed Testimony

Federal Judge Suggests Abortion May Be Protected Under 13th Amendment’s Ban on Involuntary Servitude  Jonathan Turley.

Elon Musk Identifies Dangerous Player in US Government Censorship and Media Manipulation – Obscure Agency Called the GEC I don’t remember ever hearing of this agency.

Missing Documents and Files in Ongoing J6 Cover-UpsOverclassification ensures the public won’t get a full view into the government’s behind-the-scenes machinations leading up to the events of January 6.”

The Biden Family Problems are Converging

Here’s How Much US Farmland Has Been Bought Up By China

Women Are Sacrifices for Pfizer’s ‘Greater Good’

Here’s The Real ‘Long COVID’ Crisis — The One Nobody Is Talking AboutBut it has nothing to do with the virus. At least not directly. It’s the fact that Democrats used the pandemic to quietly but dramatically expand government dependency, knowing that once in place, these expansions will be hard

What’s Going On? US Military NOW SAYS There Were SIX China Spy Balloons Spotted During Trump Years – BUT NO ONE WAS NOTIFIED Is someone admitting to sedition? FYI Sedition – Wikipedia – Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority.


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Oh good grief! This telling gets worse the more information we have.  Is it believable?  Who knows?  Who do we trust? New Info on Chinese Spy Balloon From NORAD Commander Is Jaw-Dropping

Rep. Judy Chu Was Named ‘Honorary Chairwoman’ Of Alleged Chinese Intel Front Group

Disgruntled migrants escape from NYC to Canada using taxpayer-funded bus tickets – report I hope they don’t freeze up there, most are from the tropics.

Joe Biden Lawyers Likely Conducting Cleansing Operation Of Hunter-Related Material When Stumbled On Classified Docs We will never know, will we.

This may be the scariest headline you see this year. NSA wooing thousands of laid-off Big Tech workers for spy agency’s hiring spree

Not couch cushion money: Former members sitting on $54 millionYear-end reports show unspent balances controlled by ex-lawmakers” Another way to get rich in politics.

The Pushback Against Gender Ideology Proves Conservatives Can Win The Culture War

Your Government Wants to Keep You from Seeing Voter Rolls

UN Looking To Push Religious Communities To ‘Fully Comply’ With LGBTQ Agenda

Kamala Harris Is Trying to Define Her Vice Presidency. Even Her Allies Are Tired of Waiting. This is the basis for several articles I ran across, here is one: The Democrat Long Knives Come Out for Kamala Harris; Democrats Tell Their Newsletter The New York Times That They Have to Ditch Harris To Have Any Chance of Winning in 2024

Fauci obliterated by critics for charging up to $100K for speaking engagements: ‘The audacity of this man’  The man knows no shame, his arrogance overrules common sense.

The Same Person Who Slipped Up that Obama Was Spying on Trump Is the Same Person Who Oversaw DoD Unit that Sent $23 Million to Hunter’s Metabiota I was going to write “well, of course” but then I thought about all the people in that administration and it could have been just about anyone doing it.

Biden quietly releases al Qaeda terrorist Majid Khan to Belize after 16 years in CIA custody in Guantanamo Bay as US was focused on Chinese spy balloon: Terrorist who was radicalized by 9/11 says: ‘I promise I’ve changed’ I know this wasn’t the only thing that happened while we watched the balloon. In fact there was also this: Defense Department details $3B of new military aid for Ukraine

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Congress is set to expose what may be the largest censorship system in U.S. history

Hillsdale College Sees 53% Increase in Applications as More People Reject Wokeness

There Are Big Problems With Biden Team’s Evolving Story About Prior Chinese Balloons  here they are – Trump and His Team Shoot Down Report About Chinese Balloons During His Term

Biden’s Story About the Spy Balloon Doesn’t Add Up; Here’s What Most Likely Happened

Bookworm says it is a problem is the military didn’t follow orders. I agree. Has our “constitutional” military declared its independence?If Biden is to be believed, the same military that went rogue under Trump has essentially disregarded Biden’s orders too.”

Record Cold in New England, As Natural Gas Comes to The Rescue Again

Top German Investigator: No Proof of Russian Involvement in Nord Stream Pipeline Blasts

Time magazine’s beef with Elon Musk They are worried about too many satellites, but I don’t think they were worried before he took over Twitter and exposed the left’s extreme bias.

FAA put on notice about pilots suffering from Covid-19 vaccine adverse events

Report: Did Biden Offer Putin a Secret Deal on Ukraine?

Demonic: Pfertilitygate I know people who have had menstrual problems from this.  Fortunately, I do not know anyone who has lost a baby from miscarriage or stillbirth from the vaccine.  However, I believe it is happening far more that we like.

Survey: Many MIT Faculty Fear Speaking Freely While Students Support Barring Speakers with Opposing Views

Ending with a fun video.  I can’t believe I’m Joe’s Osama,” says the shot-down Chinese balloon. “How would you like it if someone measured your width in buses?” From Saturday Night Live via Ann Althouse Blog.


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George Washington University installs morning-after pill VENDING MACHINE on campus to give students easier access to emergency contraception following the reversal of Roe v. Wade I’m sure many won’t agree, but many fertilized eggs never attach and are discarded anyway, so I find this far better than a later, even very early abortion. They have placed it discretely in the basement along with other female necessities.

Donald Trump Warns of Chinese Spies Everywhere in America I don’t think this is an exaggeration.

As Democrats rant about ‘death threats,’ a GOP elected leader is gunned down in New Jersey

Briefly Noted: The Drip, Drip, ContinuesMost of the dripping isn’t exactly new. It dates back to the Hunter laptop that Bluto Barr and waste of space FBI Director Wray concealed from the nation before Election 2020

Bad News Endures for Both Parties

‘Accounting experts’ dive into Trump’s tax returns, make some astounding claims I this financial reveals on a level with How to Lie with Statistics?

SEC considers easing climate-disclosure rules after investor pushback

Stop Crying In Congress, It’s Pathetic

Exclusive: New York Times Waited More than 500 Days Before Reporting It Authenticated Hunter Biden Laptop Emails

Massachusetts bill would allow prisoners to ‘donate’ their organs in exchange for freedom A new low.

President Trump vs. the SwampThere are two groups of Trump haters. The first are what this writer terms, “The Weak Sister Crowd.” […] The second group of NeverTrumpers are the Deep Swamp critters who benefit off the U.S. Feral Gruberment’s largesse.”

Koch, Soros Operatives Host Secret Meeting To Plot Iran Nuke Deal Revival  The Rockefellers fund is involved, too.  Those people are always up to something.

“Doctor” Jill Biden is Neither a Doctor, Nor a Jill, Nor a Biden. Discuss.  And discuss they do.  When it comes to Phd’s who defended their dissertation, I am married to one and he is never called Dr. by his choice, he was called Doc or Dr. Hoese by students as he taught them in university. And that is proper, he did have some colleagues who, like Dr. Jill, wanted to be called Dr. at all times. And I must admit that at times it does give a certain authority.

U.S. Shoots Down Suspected Chinese Spy Balloon over Atlantic  “an operation is currently under way to recover the resulting debris.”  Now I see, wait until it is over water for a soft landing and recovery.

Got ‘em  video of shoot down.

FAA Closes Airspace Above Two States for ‘National Security Initiatives’ before the takedown.

Former Federal Prosecutor Defending J6ers Decries “No Alternative To Trials In DC” – What He’s Doing To Change ThatAnd in the meantime they are being held inhumanely with delayed trials.  This should have been over and done with long ago.  In fact, should it have happened?

Russian hackers claim responsibility for cyberattacks on US health care systems

California Will No Longer Enforce the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for K-12 Schools  Goodnews! The headline says it all.

Yellowstone Co. Sheriff Believes Unknown Object Captured on Camera over Billings is “Legitimate” – But He Has No Idea What It Is  Is this what the clown didn’t want us to see.  Or was it the person visit of the Bidens with each other?

Defense of the Philippines  by Richard Fernandez, a man whose view I respect.

The New Pause lengthens again: 101 months and counting …  maybe the reason we have the extreme cold spells.

This is so funny you must read it. Saturday morning cartoons, DC style


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