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As long as this is not one of those “and then I said to the Queen” books, it should be interesting. Exclusive — Trump on ‘Letters to Trump’ Book: People ‘Going to See a Very Fascinating Life’

Stanford Tells Federalist Society Students To ‘Reach Out’ to Diversity Dean Who Encouraged Disruption of Their Event—and To Shut Up on Twitter A fox in the henhouse situation.

Even as Jan. 6 Narrative Implodes, Pence Still Blames Bad Orange Man for Endangering His Life I got a bad vibe from Pence when he came to Rockport after Hurricane Harvey, it has only gotten worse.

WaPo Confused Why It’s Wrong For Catholic Priests To Use Hookup Apps

US gives $260 million in taxpayer money to Central America to curb illegal immigration I almost did not link this because the use of “gives” instead of “gave” goes against my grammar police brain. But it is important to know.

Must-see TV: Mark Levin exposes ‘the scandal no one is talking If you didn’t see this on Fox News Sunday night you need to read this and watch this video of the show.

Netherlands: 10,000 Farmers Protest Against Climate Change RegulationsThe Dutch government has committed itself to meeting the EU targets on lowering greenhouse gas emissions, even if it means putting the country’s farmers out of business.”

Biden greenlights major Alaska oil drilling project as climate activists seethe

Alexander Vindman Secretly Pitching Ukrainian Military for Millions in Defense Contracts The man is a traitorous villain.

Jonathan Turley Tears Into Stanford Law School After They Dig Deeper Hole

Psaki Accidentally Tosses Biden Under the Bus, Confirms Big Problem About HimPsaki: “President Biden does nothing at 9 AM… The fact that he [giving a speech about the bank failure] at 9 AM speaks to how vital the White House recognizes it is.”  I know I wouldn’t be up giving a speech that early either, and the fact she mentions it means he usually isn’t either.

Trump’s Song With J6 Prison Choir Reaches No. 1 On iTunes I don’t listen to songs on Itunes or anything else for that matter, but trust me, this means a great many people are listening to this.

THE COLUMN: The Untouchables  This is a long article and very well-reasoned on our untouchables.

Explainer: Here’s how the government plans to stop more banks from crumbling and turning this thing into a full-blown banking crisis and if you understand economics read Brief Banking Crisis Update: Luongo Update, and Geopolitical Considerations In The Midst Of The Bank Crisis the last two from Mark Wauck in Meaning in History.

Mitch McConnell Discharged From Hospital After Concussion This must have been much worse than we were told.  A hospital stay of 5 days is not what I have seen in any mild concussion, and going into rehab is not from a mild concussion, either.

NBC’s Chuck Todd: Ron DeSantis “Politicizing” Communism By Teaching Students About Its History… Someone needs to ‘splain to Chuck Todd that is not politicizing communism, communism is political.

Biden Admin Approves ConocoPhillips 30-Year Willow Oil Drilling Project in Alaska This is good news, but I will wait to see if it really happens.


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Politicians and the Problems of Age As an elderly person who has undergone many symptoms of aging, I believe 75 is even a little to old to be in top form.  However, as we can see around us many are top form at that age.  There are many reasons other than cognitive ability to have a 75 cut off point for politicians. Very few politicians start out at an older age, that is one of the main reasons I am against them, TERM LIMITS. Many have been there for way too long.

[UPDATED] Jan. 6 Videos Show Antifa Infiltrating Trump Supporters, Trumpers Stopping Vandals

Etsy warns sellers of delay in processing payments due to Silicon Valley Bank collapse I know a couple of people who are sellers on Etsy, but this will not affect their lives as it is not their major source of income.

Silicon Valley Bank employees received bonuses hours before government takeover | Feds say there will be NO bailout for SVB despite fears of market meltdown as Biden holds crisis talks and it’s revealed bonuses were paid to staff just HOURS before bank collapsed And that doesn’t even compare to this: Silicon Valley Bank CEO sold $3.5M in shares just two weeks before collapse and he was not alone in this. Twitter Roundup On The SVB Failure There is a list including some big name banks involved in this enough to be scary.

Kevin McCarthy Goes There in Speech, Goes off on Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell for Lying I am pleased and surprised at what all McCarthy has done and said.

Turley: Twitter Files Hearing Was A “Soviet Show Trial,” Democrats Used It To Attack Free Speech And A Free Press He was outraged at their behavior, I hope he wasn’t surprised.

Academia’s latest invention: ‘Petro-masculinity’ As one of the great unwashed, I have to ask, what in the world will they think of next.

Should Trump’s lawyers be punished for advocating their client’s position? And should he be punished for having lawyers?

CNN Surprisingly Skeptical On Charging Trump In Stormy Daniels Hush-money Case An ounce of reason must have attacked their minds.

Cable News Is Riddled With War Profiteers

Texas trooper issues stark travel warning to Americans after three women vanished crossing the border to visit a flea market – as it’s revealed more than 550 U.S. citizens are now missing in Mexico

Democrat Suddenly Supports Fentanyl Crackdown After Blocking $300M for Border Screening

‘As bad as we thought’: James Comer says docs show ‘Biden family was getting money from CCP’ I hope he has actual proof and is not pulling an Adam Schiff on us.

The Democrats Have Lost the Plot From Matt Taibbi: Beyond that, much of the hubbub yesterday involved the many “When did Elon Musk start beating your wife?” questions, and the line about me being a “so-called journalist.”

Stanford President and Law-School Dean Apologize to Judge Duncan I did not link to this story originally.  So many instances of conservatives or even just not woke people being shouted down by students have happened it almost wasn’t news.  But a dean joined in on the rout making it even more egregious. Many people called for an apology. Judge Duncan has accepted the apology.

Whale Death Confusion Abounds and Some Is Deliberate

America’s Reichstag MomentWhy was the January 6th riot allowed to happen in the first place? ¶ The Nazi party used two events to cement its political power prior to World War II.”

Federal workers owe $1.5B in back taxes after GOP remedies die under Democrat legislative controlFor more than a decade, GOP lawmakers have proposed bills to respond to federal workers with outstanding tax bills, who now total 149,000.”


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Report: Elon Musk plans to build his own town in TexasAccording to a report from the Wall Street Journal, Musk is planning to build his own town in Bastrop County.” I had to laugh when I saw this link to the Times UK “Elon Musk plans to build new city in Texas desert,“ someone needs to send that reporter a map. Drought stricken maybe, a desert, not. We all remember Levittown, a town built by a capitalist.

The Second Largest Bank Failure in U.S. History Has Many Worried

A Look Into the Trans Activist Couple Arrested for Assaulting a GOP Lawmaker and Police

DOJ Gets Hit With Huge Legal Motion After Merrick Garland Falsely Claims 5 Officers Were Killed On J6

Dear Conservatives, I Apologize Don’t expect to see many of these apologies.  I accept her apology and applaud her for it.

Confirmed: Department of Defense Paid Far-Left Newsguard $749,387 to Continue to Censor The Gateway Pundit and Conservative Media

Cops Harass Parents Who Let 6-Year-Old Daughter Take a Walk Outside, Arrest Dad This is not my America.

The Chair of the January 6 Select Committee Just Made a Damning Admissionthe January 6 Select Committee chair, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), didn’t even review them before forcibly plunging the nation through this kangaroo court. ¶ “I’m actually not aware of any member of the committee who had access [to the footage]. We had a team of employees who kind of went through the video,” he said.” I guess that would be the ABC director and his team who produced their working videos.

An Incomplete Threat Assessment The U.S. intelligence community’s annual assessment of threats was notable for one threat it overemphasized and two it failed to mention.

NBC’s Lester Holt Leaves Republicans on the Cutting Room Floor That is just business as usual. When Lester Hold first came on the scene I thought he was an honest and reliable reporter.  I no longer think that.

‘This Can’t Be Real’: Twitter Users Can’t Believe What the IRS Wants ReportedIf you steal property, you must report its fair market value in your income in the year you steal it unless you return it to its rightful owner in the same year,” a portion of the 2022 tax guide states. ¶ “Income from illegal activities, such a money from dealing illegal drugs, must be included in your income on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8z, or on Schedule C (Form 1040) if from your self-employment activity,” the rule states.”  This isn’t funny but it is laughable, and that is what I did when I first read it.

‘A very disturbing event’: Shellenberger describes ‘censorship-industrial complex’ created with taxpayer funds This website, the daily bs is by Bo Snerdly.

Dems Humiliate Themselves During Twitter Hearing With Question That Brings Down the House There are many people who don’t use or understand Twitter, but most of them don’t think they need to ask dumb questions.

Biden DOD firing vax refuseniks to ‘purge conservative service members’: House Armed Services member

National Archives Hasn’t Reviewed the Nine Boxes of Biden Documents From Attorney’s Boston OfficeThe archives had not previously publicly disclosed the number of boxes taken from Boston

Horowitz: The doctor indicted for not killing his patients

The Price Of Eliminating Consequences  We are all paying that price.

Red Cross Packets Show Migrants Where To Cross The US BorderThe Red Cross has guides for U.S.-bound migrants that include a map to the border, resources along the journey and a paper on what to do when encountering the dangers along the journey, according to documents obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation.”


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This is a long post.  I have chosen to do quite a lot of discussion along with the links.  Comments galore in this one.

This writer has a very different opinion about Tucker Carlson and the J6 videos.  Read it, see if you agree, if you want to challenge or see some truth in his view and on the other hand some bias against Tucker or Trump. I am glad we have Tucker’s view, and I am pleased to see where the ABC director added sound to the views he chose to use for the J6 Committee.  It has all been overplayed for a long time.  Some people have been political prisoners for way too long.  If this gets them help I’m all for it. The Skewed Narratives About J6 I certainly agree with the headline, but I find it reprehensible the author failed to mention the political prisoners.

When I Covered Climate Change for Reuters I Thought CO2 Was Certainly to Blame for Rising Temperatures. I Was Wrong

Southern Poverty Law Center Has Long History of Carrying Water for Antifa Extremists  When you to this link, notice the other headlines shown at the top of the page.  Interesting stuff. The SPLC and AntifaSPLC claims its lawyer’s arrest “is not evidence of any crime, but of heavy-handed law enforcement intervention against protesters.”  Unbelievable!

The Feds Are Trying to Punish Elon Musk for Exposing the Twitter Files They hate him as much as they hate Trump, a rogue billionaire who wants to get the truth out.

The Real Problem With Tucker Carlson’s January 6 Footage  or the problem Schumer and Mc Connell had. “McConnell may have thought he was simply saying he thinks the Capitol protests were a Very Bad Thing™, but I heard what he (and so many others like him) really thinks. He means he didn’t like THE STORY Tucker Carlson was telling with the new footage. THE STORY already had its tellers. THE STORY had already been framed. THE STORY had already been written. How dare Carlson come in with rewrites? Who approved him to retell THE STORY?”

Today’s Killers Are Getting Away With Murder These stories make me even more outraged at the political prisoners in DC jails.

Growing Number of Jan. 6 Defendants Ask Judges to Delay Trials in Light of Newly Released Footage this is behind a pay wall, but the headlines tell the story.

Panic in D.C.: Garland Tells Whopper of a Lie, Proving Why Tucker’s J6 Coverage Was So Important the quote is pretty far down in the story so I will just quote it here: “Listen, as even now, Garland lies. He talks about officers assaulted on “that day” and then says, “Five officers died.” (video)   No officers died that day. The only person “killed” that day was Ashli Babbitt who was shot by a Capitol Police officer. Now multiple police officers committed suicide in the subsequent months. That might raise other questions as to why that might be. But it’s a lie, and grossly misleading to say that they were killed or that they died that day.” A second female protester Rosanne Boyland was killed when she was repeatedly gassed, trampled and then beaten with a stick by Police Officer Lila Morris. Two other Trump supporters, Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips, died when Capitol Police started firing exploding gas canisters on the Trump crowd without warning..

Heated topic: Major flaws discovered in studies used to bolster efforts to ban gas stoves

Sobbing spring: Feds struggle to fill seats for ‘ecogrief’ training session I see this on the same level of stupidity I see when all those crazy warning labels on very small plastic bags urge us to NOT put them on our head. Or don’t eat your tide pods.  “Ecogrief is the name some psychologists have given to distress that some feel over a changing environment.” And the price is “FWS, an agency within the Interior Department, is paying $4,000 for each virtual session, funded through the agency’s regular budget for employee training and development.”

Report: Justice Department Issues Results of Investigation Into Breonna Taylor Death I have no doubt those words were spoken by both black and white officers.

Dr. Redfield FLIPS: This Virus WAS UNNATURAL – MOST LIKELY COME FROM THE LAB” (VIDEO) I don’t understand calling this a flip, I think this doctor always had that opinion.

But this is a definite flip: Wray: “The FBI Assessed, Going All the Way Back to the SUMMER of 2021, That the Origin of the Pandemic Was Likely a Lab Incident in Wuhan

New Mexico Soros-Backed Secretary of State, Maggie Toulouse-Oliver, Used Illegal Software to Combine Election Results and Tried to Cover It Up, Breaking Several State and Local Laws in the Process Kari Lake keeps fighting her battle of votes, but with the entrenched system in Arizona I don’t see how she can prevail.

Can Satanism Be Banned From Schools? “the issue for constitutional purposes is, What did the word “religion” mean as used in the Constitution’s First Amendment, at the time the document was written, for purposes of free exercise?”  How far do we take the originalist argument?

Jonathan Turley asks: Did the “QAnon Shaman” Get Shafted on Sentencing? New Footage Raises Questions Over the Chansley Case

Hess CEO States Obvious on CNBC: Oil and Gas ‘Needed for Decades to Come’ Back in the 1970’s when I worked at a newspaper in advertising, this was the Amerada Hess Corporation.  It brings back some memories.


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‘TREASON’: Trump calls for select committee members to be prosecuted, all J6 prisoners released I’m not sure the definition is treason, I think it is.  I certainly agree with the rest of this headline.

Gigi Sohn Withdraws FCC Nomination ““The FCC must remain above the toxic partisanship that Americans are sick and tired of, and Ms. Sohn has clearly shown she is not the person to do that. For those reasons, I cannot support her nomination to the FCC, and I urge the Biden Administration to put forth a nominee who can bring us together, not drive us apart,” Manchin said in a statement.”

Tucker delivers more narrative-busting footage: Officer Sicknick ‘slain’? Josh Hawley a coward? Not quite! Our local paper, the Corpus Christi Caller Times, owned by USAToday folks, had no mention of the show at all.  I checked only the Washington Post and New York Times who also had no mention of the show or its results. I did not find it I the Wall Street Journal, either. I found no link on the now left leaning Drudge Report.

Briefly Noted: Tucker And The J6 Videos Mark Wauck “Briefly noted—not because this isn’t an important development, but just because we can keep it brief by trying to fit it within the big picture.”  He links Conservative Tree house, Senator Mitch McConnell Rips Tucker Carlson for Depicting a False Impression of the Horrific Insurrection He Experienced on January 6th and then says this:” Turtle and Bluto Barr were hell bent on getting rid of Trump.”

I don’t know who “Duke” is, but I had a big laugh over this piece he authored this piece. Chuck Schumer Is a Bit Mad at Tucker Carlson Over the J6 Video Release Last Night

Southern Poverty Law Center attorney among 23 arrested for domestic terrorism

More than 100 migrant kids found in abandoned trailer in MexicoIn addition to the children were 212 adults from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Ecuador, the National Migration Institute (INM) said in a statement.

The Biden Admin Lost 20,000 Migrant Children, and That’s Not the Worst PartOf the 108,981 Safety and Well-Being Calls conducted since January 2021 for children discharged from ORR care, there are 19,726 sponsors who could not be reached,” reads the letter from Acting Assistant Secretary Jennifer Cannistra of Administration for Children and Families at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ¶ And they have no plans to look for them.”

Thank You for Asking, Mr. President Some of us see the humility in ex-President Donald Trump, some see only the arrogance.

R.L. Stine Accuses Publisher of Censoring Goosebumps Books without Permission I don’t have this book, but thankful that I do have old books and many others do, too.

McCarthy goes on offense, forcing Senate Democrats into tough votes Many didn’t thin Trump would hold on to what he ran on, and many doubt how well McCarthy will do as speaker.  I hope his time is as well spent as Trump’s was.

Treasury Official Set to Testify on Biden Family’s ‘Suspicious’ Wire Transfers Previously Worked for Joe Biden  Will we get truth or fiction?


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Don’t mess with Matt Walsh. Matt Walsh sends Dem lawmaker into verbal paralysis with one simple question about gender surgeries on minors

In the UK Top health official asked when to ‘deploy the new variant’ to force compliance with pandemic restrictions, leaked messages show

D.C. Council President Tries to Pull Crime Bill ahead of Senate Disapproval Vote Never forget, whatever the bill the aim is to get statehood for DC.

Researchers find high levels of dangerous chemicals in East Palestine air  This doesn’t say when these tests were taken.  I’m sure that before and rain, wind or snow this would have been true.  But there have been weather events since then that should have cleared the air.  Unfortunately rain or snow would move it into the ground.

Texas A&M system bans DEI statementsThe announcement from TAMUS Chancellor John Sharp follows a Feb. 6 directive from Gov. Greg Abbott. A memo from Abbott’s chief of staff, obtained by The Texas Tribune, told the state’s public colleges and universities to use merit, not DEI, in its considerations.”

Life Among the RuinsAmerican society is facing three existential crises not unlike those that overcame the late Roman, and a millennium later, terminal Byzantine, empires. We are suffering an epidemic of premodern barbarism. The signs unfortunately appear everywhere. Over half a million homeless people crowd our big-city downtowns.”  Victor Davis Hanson

Bombshell emails show Fauci COMMISSIONED a 2020 study that he then used to disprove COVID leaked from Wuhan lab

Biden FAA Nominee Can’t Answer a SINGLE Question About Aviation from Republican Senator

FBI Searching for Four Americans Kidnapped by Armed Gunmen in Mexico This is listed under politics, I consider it as real news.

Luongo: Powell Has Won The War For The Dollar (Pt. 1)  This is promising.

FBI politicized J6 cases, targeted pro-lifers, whistleblowers tell House panel on weaponization Confirmation  of our thoughts.

Washington Post, Rolling Stone issue corrections about FBI Jan. 6 whistleblower Stephen Friend

FBI Shielded Identities Of Undercover Assets Who May Have Been Inside Capitol On Jan. 6, Whistleblower Says

Woops! Cat, Bag, Out!  You may have noticed I’m posting more from Mark Wauck lately.  He does a lot of good reporting. This one is on Samantha Powers wife of Cass Sunstein, both Friends of Bill, or Handlers of Bill and Obama, who is to know that whole story. “Samantha Power, the head of USAID, admits that the US is at war with Russia with the hands of Ukrainians.”


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I’ve been saving links all week, only about a third of them are shown here.  Too much to work with.  All have come to me with headlines claiming breaking news! Over and over and over. Take you time, enjoy.  Don’t let these get you down.

House investigators set to grill Treasury official as Biden family probe deepens

Georgia Senate Passes Bill To Close Sneaky ‘Zuckbucks 2.0’ Loopholes

Massive gas tanker crashes in Maryland and EXPLODES into fireball killing the driver and setting local residents’ homes ablaze as large plumes of black smoke and embers billow from crash site

Washington state registered ‘many’ foreign nationals to vote, emails show

Not so fast: CA NOT going to shutter nasty old Diablo Canyon nuke plant

Dem Mayor Highlights the Importance of God: ‘When We Took Prayers Out of Schools, Guns Came Into Schools’ New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams.

Chinese National Who Hid CCP Ties and Defrauded Taxpayer Grants Has Been ‘Removed’ by ICE

So many headlines from The Patriot Post.  Just click the link and check them all out.

Don Surber wraps us with Highlights of the Week He discusses 31 items.

State crackdowns on ‘gender affirming care’ for kids parallel heated debates within medicine

FBI politicized J6 cases, targeted pro-lifers, whistleblowers tell House panel on weaponization

Texas’ Proposed ‘Get Married, Stay Married, and Be Fruitful and Multiply’ Law Has People Talking and Heads Exploding

Manchin: Leaked climate agenda memo proves Biden admin putting ‘radical’ policies over American needs

Agent Reveals That FBI Created ‘Threat Tag’ to Target Pro-Lifers

Washington Post: Top FBI Officials Opposed Mar-a-Lago Raid At least some of them want to be lawful.

EXCLUSIVE: Jimmy Carter’s smiling, man-of-the-people image that saw him carry his own luggage was ‘all show’, say ex-Secret Service agents who claim ex-president was ‘rude and short’ and ‘talked down’ to soldiers If I tagged my links this would be tagged as Carter gpsso[.

How the feds spend $74M a year to try to censor Americans They are doing a very good job of it.  Are we in their crosshairs?  Of course, we are.

Tesla says it broke ground on $375 million lithium refinery in Nueces County near Driscoll.

Air Force leader’s testimony on military vaccine mandates contradicts IG report, Gaetz says

Greta Protest Against Windmills! Not all windmills, just some windmills.

“A simple but obvious fact has been lost over the past few years, amid Trump’s direct attacks on the FBI, and liberal defenses of the FBI against those attacks…”

Democrat Mayor Arrested on 56 Counts of Child Pornography Has Ties to Pete Buttigieg Buttigieg is already in trouble over Ohio, will this be the tipping point to his ouster?

Hawley Wrecks Garland Over DOJ Bias, While Cruz and Lee Finish Him Off

DPS sent at least 3,000 driver’s licenses to organized crime group targeting Asian Texans Oops!


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Reflections on the 20th CenturyThe greatest consolation of the modern age, our replacement for God, is the lie that the State loves you. There is your home, in the comfort of small spaces and the State is smaller than the world. For some, better a familiar tyranny than the frightening freedom in those infinite reaches.” By Richard Fernandez

Who needs Nikki? I don’t think Don Surber likes Nikki Haley.

Microsoft Company Pushed Discredited GDI Blacklist Targeting Conservative and Libertarian Sites To read all of Jonathan Turley’s posts , then scroll down.

Will America Be The Biggest Loser Coming Out Of Ukraine? To read all click here.

The Hunger Games Begin – Soaring Energy Costs Lead to Rationing of Vegetables in U.K.

To see how crazy that Trump special investigation was in Georgia, just take a look at the jury foreman. More – President Trump Responds to Georgia Grand Jury Foreperson and the Circus Media Tour She is Undertaking

Neo’s take on the January 6 Footage.

DoD politicization scandal expands: Files on two more House Republicans leaked to Dem oppo-research group

Biden Is Still After Your Gas Stoves

Why is there no Covid-19 commission in America? “Over the past year, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Denmark have begun or completed public investigations into their countries’ responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.” Horowitz: Major German paper reveals Pfizer fabricated clinical trials to cover up deaths

Another Clintoncide. EXCLUSIVE: Arkansas cops rule suicide in death of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein – who was found shot and tied to a tree with an electrical cord around his neck – despite no sign of weapon

REPORT: Biden’s DOD Allowed An Unsecured Server To Spill Sensitive American Military Emails Online For TWO WEEKS

The ‘Great Awokening’ Is Transforming Science and Medicine Woke won’t cure much.

And some are calling this another Great Awakening. What Is the Asbury Revival?

Texas Gov. Abbott warns illegal immigrants, ‘You’re picking the wrong state’

Ex-Mexican security official convicted for taking millions in bribes from Sinaloa cartel, helping import drugs into US

The Fetterman Dilemma In my opinion another case of Democrats wanting to win at all costs even though the candidate was extremely flawed through health concerns.

Key Dominion exec admitted company products ‘riddled with bugs’ days before 2020 vote: Fox lawyers But where how does this help us get our country back, get the world back in sync? “In a 2018 email Fox News obtained from Dominion Director of Product Strategy and Security Eric Coomer, he acknowledged the company’s technology was marred by a “*critical* bug leading to INCORRECT results.”¶ “It does not get much worse than that,” he later added. ¶ In 2019, Coomer lamented that “our products suck,” adding that “‘[a]lmost all’ of Dominion’s technological failings were ‘due to our complete f— up in installation,'” according to the defense brief.

DHS revives Trump-style asylum limits to stop new border surge They will never admit the likeness, but at least it’s happening.

Detransitioner Files First Lawsuit In Canada Against Medical Providers Those who have fallen for this fad will have a lifetime of regret. It is just too sad.

JK Rowling: The Witch Trials, The Plotting and The BurningHarry Potter was not the overnight success. Joanne Rowling’s novel was rejected by 12 different publishers before a publishing house committed to the manuscript. Initially, only 500 copies of the book were to be released. The publishing company was apprehensive to use “Joanne” as they were not sure boys would read a book written by a female author, so Joanne became “JK”. What followed Joanne, a woman on welfare, was completely unexpected


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Report: Norfolk Southern has greased politicians’ hands to the tune of nearly $100 million since 1990 This money comes from us.  The costs of goods and services includes transportation costs.  We are paying for their bribes.

Eric Swalwell outpaces Nancy Pelosi living a luxurious life with campaign cash: report

Mystery Solved: Left-Wing Billionaire Pierre Omidyar Bankrolls Shadowy Anti-Musk Group

This is how it happens: The Institutional Pathology That Took Down James O’Keefe  Project Veritas Board Accuses James O’Keefe of Misusing Donor Funds, Denies Forcing Him Out  That didn’t go over well at all.  EXCLUSIVE: Project Veritas Staffers tell Board: Quit or We Walk!

Biden Appointee’s Firm Admits He Belonged To Alleged Chinese Intel Operation

EPA takes over management of Ohio train accident, orders railway to clean up toxic spill How do you take away the damage already done to the people who live there? How do you clear their lungs?

CNN and Reuters Just Let Slip a Small Problem With Those Air Raid Sirens During Biden’s Ukraine Visit I am embarrassed we have such a clown as “leader of the free world.”  Not a leader and we don’t seem to be free anymore. Biden Babbles Before the World in Ukraine, Weirdly Grabs Man’s Bicep

Major Christian Church On Brink Of Schism As Conservative Bishops Slam Same-Sex Marriage Blessings Will we have another reformation from woke?  Methodists, Baptists, and now Anglicans all wanting a rethink of going overboard with progressives.

Liberal Filmmaker Slams ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care After Son Came Out as Transgender I wonder if the liberal filmmaker realizes she is also a victim of group think?

Remember Agenda 21? If you want to check this to see how much it has accomplished just read this from 1992.

Key Accuser in Kavanaugh Case Admits to Lying I viewed this in Firefox with no ads, but when I used the Microsoft Edge browser I could hardly see it.

Democrat-tied research firm improperly acquired personnel files of 11 service members: lawmakers

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The press versus the president Part 1.    Part 2Part 3Part 4. I sent the first part around a while back.  Thanks to Wendy Kilpatrick Laubach who posted links to all 4 parts on Facebook, I can now send those links to you.  I must admit I have not read all the 4 parts, yet.  I save them to the pocket app and read later.  This is from one of the most legitimate sites to be found.

Wicked Bastards on the Run This list is long enough to give me hope.  The sad thing is there are no links to all the items on the list.  But many of them have been linked here previously. One of them may be the reason my son sent me this link: Lodi councilman faces money laundering, election fraud charges

Congress takes first shot at federal censorship: a moratorium on DOJ payments to social media It is a great start and they have called it the Elon Act.  How Far-Left Democrats Continue to Collude with Big Tech to Censor Conservatives

‘Double-Crossed And Lied To’: Treasure Hunters Accuse FBI Of Coverup In Hunt For Civil War-Era Gold I watched a TV show with these guys on it a year or so ago, I believe they have been double crossed.

Dem Rep Handed Out Congressional Awards To Members Of Alleged Chinese Influence Operations California has some very dishonest members of Congress.

Beloved Los Angeles ‘peacemaker’ bishop fatally shot

NEVER BEFORE SEEN VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi’s Filmmaker Daughter Alexandra Pelosi Caught on Tape REFUTING J6 NARRATIVE – Admitting Jan. 6 Protests Not an Insurrection, DC Courts Too Biased That time a Pelosi accidentally told the truth.

Dershowitz says it was unconstitutional for Georgia grand jury to release report on Trump The constitution does not get in the way of people who want to ruin Trump.

The Greatest Scandal In Gay Rights History?  How journalists – yes, journalists – want to shut down reporting on child transition. By  Andrew Sullivan.  Here is Neocon’s discussion of his article.  Andrew Sullivan: the trans activist movement for children is a movement against gays You may want to read it for the shorter version.

Hours After Trump Announces Upcoming Visit to East Palestine, FEMA Reverses Course and Will Support Ohio Community  Trying to beat Trump to it is all it takes to get some action.

Norfolk Southern: Too much greed, too little care  Strange Stuff Two Weeks After East Palestine Toxic Chemical Spill, EPA Administrator Tells CNN Site Not Safe for EPA Workers

Did Biden Appoint a Chinese Mole? GOP Lawmakers Demand FBI Investigate

Thoughts on our ruling class monocultureWhile elections change out elected officials sometimes, the rest of our society – the bureaucracy, academia, media, corporate leadership, what is generally known as the “gentry” or “ruling class” – remains the same.”

Arab-Latina activist working as chief equity officer for progressive group is actually a white woman

Head of German intelligence unit was a Russian double agent How many are in our government, Russian, China, Korea, Iran, how many?

Twitter Files: Sen. King and State Dept official allegedly leaned on site to target opponentsIndependent journalist Matt Taibbi released another batch of “Twitter Files” Saturday night using a series of tweets to reveal the internal communications between Twitter executives and government officials looking to target constituents and a political rival, as well as label various users’ accounts as “Russian-controlled.”

How the Biden administration has quietly helped to ‘score’ conservative speech  Jonathan Turley

Undercover DC Police Officer Pushed Protesters Toward Capitol, Climbed Over Barricade: Court Filing I am using the Lucianne link on this because many of you cannot get past the paywall at the Epoch Times.

15 FACTS on the Dozens of Federal Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol

Asbury Revival is a Christian wake-up call: listen to the Holy Spirit and expect the unexpected


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