As long as this is not one of those “and then I said to the Queen” books, it should be interesting. Exclusive — Trump on ‘Letters to Trump’ Book: People ‘Going to See a Very Fascinating Life’
Stanford Tells Federalist Society Students To ‘Reach Out’ to Diversity Dean Who Encouraged Disruption of Their Event—and To Shut Up on Twitter A fox in the henhouse situation.
Even as Jan. 6 Narrative Implodes, Pence Still Blames Bad Orange Man for Endangering His Life I got a bad vibe from Pence when he came to Rockport after Hurricane Harvey, it has only gotten worse.
WaPo Confused Why It’s Wrong For Catholic Priests To Use Hookup Apps
US gives $260 million in taxpayer money to Central America to curb illegal immigration I almost did not link this because the use of “gives” instead of “gave” goes against my grammar police brain. But it is important to know.
Must-see TV: Mark Levin exposes ‘the scandal no one is talking If you didn’t see this on Fox News Sunday night you need to read this and watch this video of the show.
Netherlands: 10,000 Farmers Protest Against Climate Change Regulations “The Dutch government has committed itself to meeting the EU targets on lowering greenhouse gas emissions, even if it means putting the country’s farmers out of business.”
Biden greenlights major Alaska oil drilling project as climate activists seethe
Alexander Vindman Secretly Pitching Ukrainian Military for Millions in Defense Contracts The man is a traitorous villain.
Jonathan Turley Tears Into Stanford Law School After They Dig Deeper Hole
Psaki Accidentally Tosses Biden Under the Bus, Confirms Big Problem About Him “Psaki: “President Biden does nothing at 9 AM… The fact that he [giving a speech about the bank failure] at 9 AM speaks to how vital the White House recognizes it is.” I know I wouldn’t be up giving a speech that early either, and the fact she mentions it means he usually isn’t either.
Trump’s Song With J6 Prison Choir Reaches No. 1 On iTunes I don’t listen to songs on Itunes or anything else for that matter, but trust me, this means a great many people are listening to this.
THE COLUMN: The Untouchables This is a long article and very well-reasoned on our untouchables.
Explainer: Here’s how the government plans to stop more banks from crumbling and turning this thing into a full-blown banking crisis and if you understand economics read Brief Banking Crisis Update: Luongo Update, and Geopolitical Considerations In The Midst Of The Bank Crisis the last two from Mark Wauck in Meaning in History.
Mitch McConnell Discharged From Hospital After Concussion This must have been much worse than we were told. A hospital stay of 5 days is not what I have seen in any mild concussion, and going into rehab is not from a mild concussion, either.
NBC’s Chuck Todd: Ron DeSantis “Politicizing” Communism By Teaching Students About Its History… Someone needs to ‘splain to Chuck Todd that is not politicizing communism, communism is political.
Biden Admin Approves ConocoPhillips 30-Year Willow Oil Drilling Project in Alaska This is good news, but I will wait to see if it really happens.