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Doctors Expose Just How Experimental ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Truly Is in Florida Medicaid Case Gender affirming being Newspeak for sex change.

Feinstein’s Prolonged Absence From Senate Holding Up Biden Judicial Confirmations Poor old lady, if her staff wasn’t just sitting around for a paycheck they could just resign for her.   They decided she would resign next year.

Feds’ Foreign-Corruption Double Standard: They Protected Bidens Even as They Bore Down on Trumpworld All the while Trump was innocent and the Biden scam had been going on for years.

Biden To Give Social Media “Influencers” Their Own Briefing Room At The White House… The paid propagandist for Biden will be housed in government paid rooms, is the government also paying their salary?

Joe Biden’s White House Involved in Raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Residence  Suspicions confirmed.

Rep. Comer Claims That Hunter Shared One of His Dad’s Classified Documents With Ukrainian ‘Business Partners’

Son of George Soros scoring easy White House access, records show  Joe Biden, the Puppet A hint?

Sexual Equality Has Created a Great Divide Between Men and Women My first though was, hasn’t there always been a great divide.  Remember Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus?  But I get what she is saying.

I’ve never used the word Wacky before,  but in this case it is appropriate. Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Sues Jim Jordan

Rep. Massie, Judiciary Committee Launch Probe Into Reports Biden Admin Pressured FDA Over COVID Booster Approval It will be good to know how much evil Biden has done, but it will never be addressed by the DOJ.

Targeting Women: Transgender Influencing When you see they are not concerned about this issue It reveals that the so called feminist are actually just progressives or even commies.

Biden admin relents, begins handing over mishandled classified docs to Congress

Rep. Jordan Subpoenas FBI Director Wray to Hand Over Documents Associated With Operation Targeting Catholics Will Wray run out the clock on this, hoping we lose the house in 2024?

LEEMAN: Federal Regulators And Climate Alarmists Are Killing America’s Oldest, Most Iconic Industry My marine biologist husband has been noticing and fighting this for years.

Lead Detective in Daniel Perry Case: Soros-Funded DA Removed 100 Pages of Evidence from Jury – DA’s Actions Went from Highly Unethical to Criminal Conduct  I hope he goes to jail, Austin is a true communistic city.

Why isn’t it racism when the media and other Democrats seek to destroy conservatives who happen to be people of color? Bigotry towards conservatives is never racism, it is a necessary objective to Democrats. Democrats Seek to Remove the only Black Male from the Supreme Court

House Judiciary Committee Subpoenas Wray After Learning FBI Planned to ‘Develop Sources’ At Catholic Churches to Rat on Fellow Parishioners

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There have been quite a few articles on the leaked documents: New Details on Intelligence Leak Show It Circulated for Weeks Before Raising Alarm (free article from Wall street Journal) | Leak of Classified Documents on Ukraine, China, and the Middle East a ‘Nightmare’ Says Pentagon  | Leaked Docs Suggest Ukrainian Air Defense At Risk – Pentagon Scrambles To Find Source | Were the leaked Ukraine documents real, fake, or a mix of both? | The Meaning Of The Leaks

Internal memos call into question National Archives narrative to Congress on Trump documents Another part of the Deep State.

Ignoring dead whales, NOAA proposes another site survey off New Jersey Dead whales only matter if the death can be blamed on big oil, or people polluting the planet and causing global warming.

Take a look at Samisdata.  I haven’t had time to watch those videos but I plan to try.

Hunter Biden’s Former Secretary Kathy Chung Spills Beans on Classified Documents: Joe Spread Them Around DC Like Hunter Spreads His Seed, Including in An Unsecure Location… In Chinatown

Missouri AG Seeks to Remove Soros-Linked Prosecutor from Office, Citing ‘Willful Neglect’ of Cases Justice has always been a little iffy for poor people, now it is non existent in protecting them from crime.

Korean restaurant sues Seattle after suffering losses during deadly 2020 CHAZ occupation An example of why I made the above statement.

Comatose People to be Declared Dead for Use as Organ Donors I could use this space to be snarky and say, “There goes the Democratic Party.”  In truth this is a slippery slope situation.

Germans Have Given Up On “Green” Energy

Shocking New Evidence Reveals Feds Possibly Instigated Violence During the Jan. 6 Capitol Riot

Fiddling America Away It must be even harder on someone who knows so much history to recognize it happening here as it did in so many earlier civilizations. Also from VDH Our French Revolution.

The Left’s Disposable Transgender Children | Manifestations of the Gender Cult

Biden’s Northern Border Deal With Trudeau Has Major Loophole, Memo Shows

WHO Quietly Backtracks and Says Healthy Children and Teens are Considered Low Risk and Do Not Need COVID-19 Shot | Switzerland not recommending COVID-19 vaccine, including for high-risk individuals

Hundreds Of Former Feds Have Flocked To Jobs In Big Tech Speaking of government/industrial complexes.

Meaning in History Much to read there.

It’s not just Donald Trump who is experiencing two standards of justice in America these days. Trump is an extreme example but it has always happened on some scale.

Watch: Bud Light VP stresses need to get beer ‘brand in decline’ away from ‘out-of-touch’ frat boy image to one of ‘inclusivity’ We need to learn from our betters, just ask her.

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The Powerful Media Pretend They Are PowerlessWe’re in the earliest days of the 2024 presidential election cycle, and the Democrats and their media allies appear to be attempting to create a rerun of 2016.” Arrogance knows no bounds.

Ex-GOP Senator Offers Case Study In How The Swamp Works He seems pretty happy about his new gig.

Manhattan DA Bragg Claims GOP is “Interfering” By Subpoenaing Former Trump Investigator Well, someone has to do it.

‘Autistic’ son, 13, of fired Florida health worker who challenged DeSantis’ COVID stats is ARRESTED ‘for repeatedly threatening to shoot up his school and stab his classmates’ How sad to have a son who is autistic, even more sad to have one who plans a disaster.

Documents Detailing Secret U.S.-Ukraine War Plan Against Russia Leaked on Social Media With friends like U.S., who needs enemies?

United States Gov’t Seeks to Garnish Accounts of Hunter’s Pal After Failing to Pay $43,954,416 Sometimes it doesn’t pay to be a friend of Biden either.

Study: Over 72% of NYC Violent Crime Suspects Freed Without Bail Go On to Commit More Crimes When you have a job to do, a job to get Trump, what does it matter about the rest of the crime or their victims?

Jim Jordan Subpoenas Manhattan Prosecutor Who Resigned over Suspended Trump Probe

If Rule Of Law Dies, So Does Our Republic “The overtly political mugging of Donald Trump by a Soros-backed New York district attorney wielding a risible 34-count felony indictment that could put the ex-president behind bars for more than 100 years is bad enough.” We all know that over the centuries there have been instances of local law ramrodding someone into jail or prison, but on a national level it has become more and more blatant. Flynn, now Trump.

US/Canada Invasion through Darien Gap Michael Yon gives a few details that shows administration involvement in the immigrant invasion. “Our tax money hands out maps with QR codes to help invaders get north to towns and cities across America and Canada even while our economies collapse. This is a clear weaponization of migration. A clear racial replacement strategy.”

Permission to speak not granted: the editor of Science gives his ruling

Krugman: even if Trump is innocent, this is justice  “Krugman’s article is perfect, in a way, since it encapsulates exactly what they imagine government should be about: helping your friends and harming your enemies.” There may be a few Democrats who will disagree with this, they just don’t get much play in the media.

Justice Thomas says vacations with GOP megadonor were cleared by judicial advisers The Democrat long knives are out for Justice Thomas, they want that seat.

Caitlyn Jenner fights men in women’s sports Good on him/her at least he knows about male muscles.

Not Just Nashville: Attacks Against Churches Nearly Triple So Far in 2023, Report Finds

Outraged transgender activists lash out at Biden over policy flip-flop: ‘F*** Joe Biden!’The White House released a statement Thursday saying that schools would be allowed to ban students from participating in sports not meant for the gender of their birth. The policy kept in place the administration’s opposition to transgender bans being passed by states across the country.”  This white man speaks with forked tongue.  Title IX changes seek to ‘minimize harm’ to transgender athletes -Colleges, high schools could still limit participation in some cases

Transgender Suspect With Communist Manifesto Arrested For Planning Shootings At Schools, Churches: Police I don’t watch major media so I can’t say – Why the Media Isn’t Going to Touch This School Shooting Plot in Colorado


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These articles came up in my email list adjacent to each other.  I find the subject to be attracting more and more reasoned thought as the trans agenda is pushed at us at a faster rate. Survey Shows Increase In Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria Disproportionately Affects This Group.  The next two articles are related and by the same person in  I’m not sure you will be able to open them, it is free to sign up, but not many articles have been those I have chosen to link.  Transgender Children: The Making of a Modern Hysteria The author quotes Lucy Marchiano’s essay is Chapter Three of Inventing Transgender Children and Young People. . . .” virtually all psychiatric disorders are to some extent artifacts of the time and place in which they occur.’ ‘When we suffer from underlying psychosocial vulnerabilities . . . our unconscious looks to culturally sanctioned garb in which to clothe our distress.’”  The author continues in a post Trans Uncle Toms!

Jim Jordan Subpoenas Former Manhattan DA Attorney Who Demanded Trump Be Indicted

‘At Least 40’ Undercover Informants Were Doing Surveillance On Jan. 6, Defense Lawyer Says

FEC commissioner to Bragg: We already concluded no crime took place, pal And the Dems say, “Well yah, but Orange Man Bad!”

NYT Still Suppressing Hunter’s October Surprise  A big eyeroll to the NYTimes.

DOJ ‘inadvertently’ hid evidence in case of FBI agent accused of colluding with Russia

The Only Way to Restore the Norms Is to Finish Them OffFor a long time, we had a norm about trying not to prosecute political opponents even when we could. You beat them at the ballot box. But then they got more brazen, and there was no ambiguity about their crimes. They were actual crimes, and they rubbed them in our face.” Time to get real, to face facts, and get those who are actually guilty of crimes indicted and punished.

This illustrates the problem, we needed to apply the rules, this year is a little late to the game. Obama Received $30 Million From CCP Linked Fugitive As Trump Faces Criminal ProsecutionEarlier this week, actor Leonardo DiCaprio testified in federal court that Malaysian financier Jho Low revealed his plans to donate up to $30 million to help Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign.”

SCOTUS allows transgender individual to stay on women’s sports team pending litigation on state ban This is regarding a 12 year old, at that age the sex difference in muscle mass isn’t as great, but the ramifications for others is damaging to women and girls.

Environmental Org Sues To Halt Offshore Wind Development Over Potential Link To Whale Deaths I am seldom in agreement with environmental groups, but in this case I feel this is overdue.

Travis Tritt drops Anheuser-Busch from tour — and makes key observation about who now owns the company

Government watchdog Judicial Watch sued the Department Homeland Security (DHS) Wednesday for allegedly failing to disclose documents related to its censorship activities.

“Whatever Reason He Is in Prison is Good Enough For Me” – Members of the Press Speak Their Mind to Undercover James O’Keefe at Trump Arraignment

It’s not that they are ignorant; it’s that so much of what they know isn’t soIn his famous speech “A Time for Choosing” Ronald Reagan hit the nail on the head about liberals: they have strong opinions based upon complete falsehoods.” We all have friends and relatives who fit this description.

Texas AG Just Threw A Glorious Legal Wrench In Biden’s Unconstitutional $1.7 Trillion Spending Spree And as those who fit the above descriptions would gleefully say, “isn’t he under indictment.?”  Good on you Mr. Attorney General.

With the Trump Arraignment, Americans Are Seeing the Power of the Local Prosecutor This headline speaks for the whole article, it isn’t the only one today that does.

HISTORY: FDR’s Other ‘Day of Infamy’: When the US Government Seized All Citizens’ Gold. “ via Instapundit.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. files for 2024 presidential run I chose this simple one from a number of links.

Joe Biden visited Ukraine as VP to push for fracking and greater energy production, president’s current national security advisor briefed reporters in 2014 – just THREE DAYS after son Hunter joined gas firm Burisma’s board We knew this, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded.

Voter Donation Fraud Identified in Texas Too – 80+ Year-Old Made Over 26,000 Donations Amounting to More than $161,000 to Dems Over 6 Year Period

State-Run Media at Work: ABC Blurs Out “TEXT TRUMP AT 88022” on Podium During Tuesday’s Speech to Block Donations to His Campaign – But They Didn’t Blur the Ad for Joe Biden! I believe this should be handled as a donated ad to Biden.

Yes, it’s time for my annually revamped Passover post Bookie says, “Every year for Passover, I write a post describing the general principles but with a different person standing in as Pharoah. This year, Biden again gets the Egyptian crown. [If you’ve read this post before, skip past all the familiar parts until you get to the more specific indictment of this year’s Pharaoh.]”  Feel free to read the whole thing, but for this year’s Pharoah go the line that begins, “So what about this year’s Pharaoh?


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I almost wrote without thinking, “well, it’s done.” And then I thought about Good Friday coming up and the correlation that would assume.  I don’t think Trump is God, not in any fashion, but he could be the one who pulls the US out of its downward fall into fascism. I like to think that can happen.  I do not know how this will play out.  I do not trust the deep state.  I trust some of the American people, but the squeaking wheel gets the grease and the progressives, trans, the spiritual dead are the ones who are doing the loudest squeaking.  That is, in the public media.

Anyway, the Trump arraignment is done. So all the TV newsers are on it, all the newletters in my email are on it.  And here am I, on it. It is hard to decide what to link, There is much more happening in the world, this is important to us, but the world is watching, licking its chops to see the end of the USA as it has been known. And there are still wars, hot wars, oil wars, immigration, all the usual happenings of a world in chaos. So now for the links, I will try to not be too long on links.

Trump Indictment: Wall St. v. Davos?

Soros’s Justice in U.S. and IsraelGeorge Soros must be tickled pink. He is living out his childhood fantasy of being “some kind of god, the creator of everything,” as he told the British Independent in 1993, shortly after pocketing at least $2 billion after betting against the British pound.”

The Trump IndictmentUsing state violence to silence critics has a name.” ¶ “terrorism: noun, the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.”

 ISIS Attack in VancouverWith everyone distracted by China, skyrocketing crime and inflation, a nonexistent Southern border, and rapidly increasing authoritarianism in Washington, the Islamic State (ISIS) has taken the opportunity to strike again in North America.”

Florida grand jury accuses Biden administration of abetting ‘forced migration, sale’ of foreign kids

The Judge Overseeing Trump’s Case Might Have a Major Conflict of Interest The truth should be the judge has a major conflict of interest.

Democrat Switches Parties, Hands Republicans Super-Majority in Key Swing State This may not happen, I’ll wait to see if it does.

Here’s What Tucker Carlson Is Calling the ‘Most Shocking Attack’ on Free Speech It is possible this is true, however it might not be true if the judge places a gag order on Trump or the Tik Tok bill is passes.  I do not like Tik Tok but if that bill is passed most of the places I post the links from can be closed down immediately, or at least over a short period of time, Including the blog I post these to.

Speaker McCarthy Says Congress Will Hold AG Alvin Bragg Accountable

Meg Reiss, the Manhattan DA Chief Assistant to Alvin Bragg, Participated in “Innovation in Prosecution” Roundtable At Obama White House I may have posted this before, but in case anyone missed it….

The Slippery Slope How quickly our views on sex changed.

DHS Panel Courted Left-Wing Agents To Aid In ‘Misinformation’ Crackdown

Right Side Broadcasting Suspended From YouTube Over ‘Elections Misinformation’

Could It Happen Here? It Is Happening Here

Prayer Cannot be Gagged Michael Yon has an idea on what to do should a gag order be placed on Trump.

Steadfast and Resolute – There are More of us Than Them True, but it didn’t help in 2020, they stole an election and only we who are the majority seemed to deem it wrong.

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‘Window into history’: Tapes detail LBJ’s stolen election this finally ran in the Caller Times, today.  When will the real history of the Biden, and many others, finally be told. LBJ changed history with the programs he put in place.  How many lives were ruined by him?

Federal judge in Texas strikes down key ACA provision regarding preventive care services ACA, one of the many results of that original stolen LBJ election.

State Department defying a congressional subpoenaThe first thing to recognize about this refusal is that there is no law preventing the release of the dissent channel cables to Congress. It’s merely a “tradition” that they are kept secret. And were anyone to propose such a law it would be a complete farce. Congress is charged with performing oversight of the executive branch.”  In today’s Democrat controlled world they will probably get by with it.

Chinese balloon gathered sensitive intel from U.S. military sites: Report Was there anyone who thought it didn’t gather intelligence?  We saw where it went.

FBI raids home of lawyer dedicated to survivors of sexual crimes, finds him actively downloading child porn, caught with 2,000 sexual photos and videos of children as young as 5: Feds This is one of the true reasons for the FBI.  This is what they should be doing rather than taking political prisoners.

House GOP looking to punish politicized prosecutors by stripping them of legal immunity

Rep. Chip Roy, GOP Lawmakers Back Legislation to Prohibit Religious Discrimination by Government AgenciesOver 20 House conservatives have requested legislation to prevent government agencies from discriminating against American citizens based on their religion.”

Changing Your Birth Sex: The Emperor’s New Clothes  “The same situation is happening today as a group of dysfunctional people allege that they can change their birth sex. Instead of calling them out, our society accepts it.

Mayorkas Explains Why He Doesn’t Use ‘Crisis’ to Describe Border Chaos He thinks that would be “giving up.”  I’m pretty sure that is exactly what has happened by the administration.

This is why I call it a crisis: Video: Abandoned child on floatation device drifts down Rio Grande River This is not just one video it has several and is also a written article.

THANKS, ALVIN! Hunter Biden is going to be indicted. This ran in the Spectator which is behind a paywall, so this will do instead.

Science journals’ political meddling erodes trust in science, doesn’t change political views: study

Two Federal Judges Refuse to Hire Clerks from Stanford Law After Far-Left Protests

Signature verification software used by Maricopa County says 10% is ‘high-confidence’ match

Doctor at Boston Children’s Hospital Demands Increase in Capacity for Child Gender Surgeries

Incredible video from inside one of the Arkansas tornadoes This is intense.

NYC parking attendant, who was shot twice, charged with attempted murder after allegedly wrestling gun away from thief and shooting perp Followed now by this. Bragg changes course, dismisses case against wounded NYC garage attendant who shot suspected thief

Defense Department has “Drastically Shifted Off Course

This is What They Fear Most: UsMany have argued that we are in the midst of the Fourth Great Awakening – awakenings occur over several decades –  which will re-establish the idea of America – that all men are free, sacred beings, embedded in Christ consciousness, or in-spirited, walking with Spirit, defined once again for a new century. But this time, the Awakening is world-wide. It is only the so-called intelligentsia that does not know this.”  This one is one of my designated MUST READS.


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Leading with the Trump links, I’m showing origin.  Look through all these headlines and you will see the gist of the coverage.  Some are just for the headlines, others are almost must reads, if you have the time.

We all miss the wisdom of Rush Limbaugh but according to this, he would not have been surprised at the Trump indictment.  In fact, he might have said, “why did they wait so long?”  Flashback: Rush Limbaugh Was Right – Democrats Are Through with Elections – And Now We have to Live with the Results Gateway Pundit

“Imagine if This Happened to Leading Opposition Candidate Here in El Salvador” – Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele Weighs in on Trump Indictment Gateway Pundit

A Rubicon Is Crossed – from Powerline blog

Is this the man who will preside over Trump case? Judge who oversaw Trump Org fraud case ‘arrives at NYC court to read indictment paperwork flanked by uniformed court officers’ – Daily Mail

Justice Department ‘is irritated by Manhattan DA’s indictment of Donald Trump because they believe hush money charges are weak and could damage more serious Georgia electoral fraud and January 6 probes’ – Daily Mail

Pelosi Inverts American Justice System: Trump Has Right to ‘Prove Innocence’ – Breitbart.  Yes, indeed he does, let’s see how that works in NYC with a biased judge and jury.

Trump prosecutors cross perilous Rubicon, now face test over credibility, consistency and clock Just the News

Dershowitz floats idea for Trump to spin Bragg’s ‘foolish’ indictment in his favor: ‘May help him win’ – Biz Pac Review

Democrats Respond to Trump’s Indictment, Quickly Humiliate Themselves  – Redstate, they don’t think so.

The Trump indictment is a poor test case for prosecuting a former president – Washington Post, if it doesn’t work use this.

EXCLUSIVE: Meg Reiss’s Twitter Account Exposed – Alvin Bragg’s Chief Assistant District Attorney Who Is Allegedly Running the Office – Is a Raging Trump-Hater and Not Shy About It Gateway Pundit

Now for the Nashville shooting and related transgender news:

Sorry, Liberals, Audrey Hale Is Not the Victim – Powerline blog

BREAKING: Biden Says Transgenders ‘Shape Our Nation’s Soul’ Just Days After Trans Killer Shoots Up Christian School – Trending Politics.  The little boy in Joe Biden is pleased to make his masters happy.

Nashville Transgender Shooter’s Manifesto Will Be Released to Public – Redstate.  I certainly hope so.

Karine Jean-Pierre claims trans community is under attack and it goes so horribly wrong for her – Biz Pac Review.  No, she skated on this, I’m sure she doesn’t care what people on twitter have to say.

PhD ‘not sure why’ he’s being laughed at over gender claim: ‘I’m the expert in the room!’ Surely at some point this man had basic biology. Being expert in one thing doesn’t make you an expert on another.

CBS News Bans Reporters From Using the Word ‘Transgender’ To Describe Transgender Nashville Shooter – Redstate

Transgender activists’ victimhood theme takes hit with ill-timed ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ Washington Times.  Sadly for those who wanted to wreak vengeance the day has been cancelled. I doubt the cancellation will take.  I expect to see some rioting.

Cultural-Induced Madness – Patriot Post. “According to The Washington Post, “Students who are LGBTQ face some of the highest rates of depressive symptoms and sexual violence, including rape. In 2021, nearly 1 in 4 reported an attempt to take their life.” This is particularly sad because people who identify as LGBTQ+ are also told that they are victims and oppressed.” ¶ According to The Washington Post, “Students who are LGBTQ face some of the highest rates of depressive symptoms and sexual violence, including rape. In 2021, nearly 1 in 4 reported an attempt to take their life.” This is particularly sad because people who identify as LGBTQ+ are also told that they are victims and oppressed.”

Now for all the other news:

“Fascists Go Home”: Students Shutdown Pro-Life Event at VCU – Jonathan Turley

It’s Table-Flipping Time – Redstate

Weaponization hearing finds at least 20 White House employees involved in tech censorship – Washington Times

Declassified Report Points To Fed Cover-Up Of Sonic Weapon Causing ‘Havana Syndrome’ – American Liberty.  Exactly who is in charge?

How the Media Doubles Down on Falsehood – American Thinker

Science Says State-Run Preschool Is Not the Way – Patriot Post

Inspector general dings DHS over money spent on migrant welcome program Washington Times, and I say, Oh, surely not! #sarcasm

‘Unacceptable incompetence’: CDC made dozens of basic data errors on COVID, epidemiologists find

GOP Rep Demands State Department Rescue Chinese And American Christians Detained In Thailand – Daily Caller.

Left-Wing Violence Chic Victor Davis Hanson at American Greatness

Voter Suppression Is Real And It’s Not What You Were Told – The Federalist

Banning the truth – Don Surber

Christopher Wray and the Politicization of the FBI – American Thinker

Tablet: The Hoax of the Century – Hot Air, writing about this article: Tablet’s Grand Opus on the Anti-Disinformation Complex in which you will find a link to the original article and  other interesting articles.  You could go down the rabbit hole on this one.

I’ll end this with a link from Powerline’s Ammo Grrrll.  I look forward to her every Friday.
Ammo Grrrll may or may not be NEURO-DIVERGENT, WHAT A CRAZY TERM! She writes:

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You are all probably as angry as I am at the Trump indictment announcement.  It is obviously political persecution.  I feel it came today to take all the energy from the recent happening of a trans person targeting a Christian school and the planned weekend of violence planned by the Trans movement.

Trans Day of Vengeance’ to Proceed in D.C. Despite Nashville Shooting

| Pro-Transgender Activists Seek to Hide School Shooter’s Manifesto

|  Group Behind Trans “Day of Vengeance” Raised Money for Firearms Training – Trans Activists Pose with Firearms Threatening Christians Ahead of Rally at US Supreme Court

| Tolerance and Acceptance Were Never Going to Be Enough for the Trans Crowd

|Transgender Shooter Reveals Perverse World of Leftist Ideology |SICK: Biden’s “Transgender Day of Visibility” Proclamation Mentions Gay Colorado Nightclub Mass Shooting, Ignores Christian Nashville School Attack by Transgender Shooter and “Transgender Day of Vengeance

|Are trans murderers on the increase? Yes, but so are trans people.

Congresswoman Forces Flustered DC Officials to Address Aborted Baby Scandal

Religion and patriotism have gone out of style

FBI Ran to Senate Intel Committee for Discussions of Trump Posture Following Reports of Looming Manhattan DA Indictment

Anti-gun protesters storm Tennessee state Capitol, attempt to shove past troopers — media claims, ‘This was a peaceful protest’

Interesting priorities from Trump obsessed FBI

Gov. Katie Hobbs’ press secretary shares tweet about shooting ‘transphobes’ AFTER Nashville massacre  She is no long employed by Katie Hobbs.

As Veterans Learned the DCCC Had Leaked Their Data, the VA’s Tech Chief Was Meeting With His Wife. She Runs the DCCC. There is no shame in the Democratic party.

There Are No Banned Books  I’ve seen some memes on Facebook posted by people who should know better.

“QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley Released from Prison into Halfway House Update: Order Was Signed Back in January I would like to know who exactly had that lick of sense to sign that order in January.

Can’t Make This Up: Fascist Democrats Attempt to Strike Testimony from US Senator Schmitt and AG Jeff Landry from Record – During Hearing on GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP!

Manhattan DA Chief Assistant Meg Reiss LOCKS DOWN Her Twitter Account – Then DELETES Twitter Account After TGP Exposes Her Unhinged Anti-Trump Tweets

“I Was Screaming Before You Interrupted Me”: Rep. Bowman Raves in Capitol on Gun Control I watched a couple of different videos of this.  I know he is an extreme liberal but I will give him credit for being upset with the deaths as he keep screaming about working in school with children for 20 years. 

WH: Biden’s Border Policies “Working” As 1.3 Million Escape Into US Since Biden Took Office

Post-Trump, Biden unleashes hell  “President Trump’s departure from the White House brought back the Dark Ages of the deep state’s ownership of the federal government. The new regime seeks to punish his supporters as well as destroy him.”

MARK JUDGE: American Psycho: The Hatred for Women That Lurks in Gay and Trans Culture. This is particularly apparent when you see trans men doing drag, they are obscene caricatures of women.

Healthy adults don’t need to keep getting COVID-19 boosters, says WHO  I guess WHO isn’t funded by big pharma – The FDA says get used to COVID-19 vaccine boosters


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Useless MindsCommunism and other state-controlled economies have always wrestled with the problem of “useless mouths” If the state feeds, then who shall it feed? The phrase “useless mouths” is most associated with the Nazis, especially their eugenics and euthanasia programs. What happens when the majority of humanity are useless mouths or, worse, useless minds?” thought provoking article from Richard Fernandez.  He has list of jobs that will be made, and are being made useless.

Biden’s Empty Suit Presidency Is Resetting The World Order, And Not In A Good Way

Overcoming America’s Political ParalysisIt’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s China-Linked Business Partner Visited White House 16 Times During Biden Vice Presidency Some people aren’t really fooled they refuse to see, or have not seen, the truth.

Fire leaves 39 dead and dozens more injured at Mexican migration center mere feet from US border Another article put it this way: 38 dead in Mexico fire after guards didn’t let migrants out (from AP) “Surveillance video leaked Tuesday shows migrants, reportedly fearing they were about to be moved, placing foam mattresses against the bars of their detention cell and setting them on fire.”

James O’Keefe Uncovers Massive Potential Political Money Laundering to Democrat Campaigns This is with his new group, O’Keefe Media Group (OMG).

18 State AGs Raise Alarm About ‘Dishonest and Divisive Track Record’ of Biden Judicial Nominee Notice the headlines at the top of the page.  The Daily Signal is from the Heritage Foundation.

The Solution to Economic Chaos, Part 2To Solve ‘Food Insecurity,’ Cut Bureaucrats” notice this correlates to Richard Fernandez’s article at the top of the page and to this from Michael Yon: Cooties Kill Beware of Lice — the Government, and Typhus  “Some things always go with Famine.  War, Pandemic, and HOP.    HOP is the Human Osmotic Pressure of migration.  The tidal push and pull of humanity.”  They are thinking along the same lines and giving us a warning. They are not the only ones.

U.S. Marshals told not to arrest protesters outside justices’ homes, documents reveal

The Age Barrier, And Its Costs – Why are teens, the elderly — and, really, everyone — ghettoized by age?

Scandal rocks Moscow elite after prominent Putin cronies are heard calling the Russian leader ‘Satan’ and ‘dwarf’ in ‘leaked phone recording’  Russia has some major problems, too.

Barack Obama Falsely Claims Guns Are Number One Killer of Children Of course his acolytes believe his word is truth –

Next are the latest school shooting links.

If the mentally ill ‘mustn’t own guns,’ what about ‘trans’ people? “The media hide Hale’s MUSS status because, if they didn’t, you just might suspect the shooting could’ve been an anti-Christian hate crime.”

Nashville Trans Shooter Planned to Shoot Relatives who Couldn’t Accept Trans Status

Legacy Media Struggle to Characterize Trans Shooter’s Sex

Nashville Christian School Shooter Was Second ‘Transgender’ Female Killer in 4 Years

Tucker predicted it…just last week not specifically but certainly a tragic happening.

Should Audrey Hale’s manifesto be released? (Update)

Dem Governor’s Spokesperson Resigns After Posting Threat Against ‘Transphobes’ Hours After Nashville Shooting  Democratic governor is in enough hot water in Arizona, this could heat it up.


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Links and Comments

Miranda Devine to Trump: Don’t Make Excuses And Don’t Attack DeSantis, Tell Us What You Will Do Better I wish he didn’t sound so bitter, but he has every right to be bitter.  However, his previous record of accomplishments while president are enough to gain my vote should he be the nominee.

EVs Are The Yugo Of The 21st Century Mass hysteria has created the need for electronic vehicles.  Most of those who buy them seem to ignore the electricity production used to fuel them.

The next two links are to American Thinker posts, I agree with both of them.  The reporting on the Nashville shooting reveals the incoherence of modern gender theoryIf the Democrat party didn’t find so-called “transgenderism” politically useful, it wouldn’t be celebrated in America nor aggressively promoted in schools, at libraries, on TV, in movies, and on social media. In other words, a “transgender” man didn’t commit mass murder; a mentally ill woman did.”  Did testosterone cause her extreme violence, this inquiring mind wants to know.

If the mentally ill ‘mustn’t own guns,’ what about ‘trans’ people?The media hide Hale’s MUSS status because, if they didn’t, you just might suspect the shooting could’ve been an anti-Christian hate crime.” Undoubtedly it was, nothing could convince me otherwise.

Study: World Population Close to Peak and Steep Decline — No ‘Population Bomb’ on HorizonEhrlich has refused to give up on his theory, popping up in left-wing media as recently as 2022 as an “expert” on environmental issues without any mention of his rough treatment at the hands of objective reality.”

At least 37 dead after fire engulfs Mexican migrant facility following reported disturbance Another horrible happening.

Majority of planned parenthood facilities are located within 5 miles of a college campus, report finds They put their death stores where the customers are.

 Insider Exposes Mandatory CDC Guidelines on Trans Ideology in Albuquerque schools in New Mexico This is video from Project Veritas on a very important subject.

“federal prosecutors revealed Bankman-Fried allegedly directed a $40 million cryptocurrency bribe to one or more Chinese government officials to unfreeze assets held there”

Transgenderism Doesn’t Bring the Promised Happiness The only one I know is terribly unhappy and unhealthy.

When a boy has been assigned a female identity by the adults in his life, chaos and confusion inevitably follow There will be many more horror stories to follow this one as those who have been so abused grow up and speak out.

The IRS Makes a Strange House Call on Matt Taibbi/An agent shows up at the home of the Twitter files journalist who testified before Congress.”

From Althouse: “I think that children are like animals that don’t have any natural predators left and they’re just not afraid of anything….”  “”I was in London not long ago and there were these boys breaking the branches off a tree and this woman said, ‘You boys stop doing that,’ and they said, ‘You can’t talk to us,’ and they were right. You know what I mean? What she was doing was bullying, you know, according to the law, and they knew it.” Said David Sedaris, in conversation with Bill Maher.

Jonathan Turley has two posts about the war on conservatives.

What the media doesn’t say about a mass murderer He means the liberal press who celebrated noted transgender male to female persons.

HOT MIC Catches Handler Telling Biden How to Walk and Where to Stand: “Yes… Down the Ramp…Your Mark is Gonna be the Blue One” Not quite as bad as it sounds except for the part where the handler say, “I’ll help you get started.”

O’Keefe Media Group’s Upcoming Exposé Will Confirm Financial Fraud Scheme Previously Uncovered By The Gateway Pundit O’Keefe is not standing around twiddling his thumbs since leaving Project Veritas.


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