Doctors Expose Just How Experimental ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Truly Is in Florida Medicaid Case Gender affirming being Newspeak for sex change.
Feinstein’s Prolonged Absence From Senate Holding Up Biden Judicial Confirmations Poor old lady, if her staff wasn’t just sitting around for a paycheck they could just resign for her. They decided she would resign next year.
Feds’ Foreign-Corruption Double Standard: They Protected Bidens Even as They Bore Down on Trumpworld All the while Trump was innocent and the Biden scam had been going on for years.
Biden To Give Social Media “Influencers” Their Own Briefing Room At The White House… The paid propagandist for Biden will be housed in government paid rooms, is the government also paying their salary?
Joe Biden’s White House Involved in Raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Residence Suspicions confirmed.
Son of George Soros scoring easy White House access, records show Joe Biden, the Puppet A hint?
Sexual Equality Has Created a Great Divide Between Men and Women My first though was, hasn’t there always been a great divide. Remember Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus? But I get what she is saying.
I’ve never used the word Wacky before, but in this case it is appropriate. Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Sues Jim Jordan
Rep. Massie, Judiciary Committee Launch Probe Into Reports Biden Admin Pressured FDA Over COVID Booster Approval It will be good to know how much evil Biden has done, but it will never be addressed by the DOJ.
Targeting Women: Transgender Influencing When you see they are not concerned about this issue It reveals that the so called feminist are actually just progressives or even commies.
Biden admin relents, begins handing over mishandled classified docs to Congress
Rep. Jordan Subpoenas FBI Director Wray to Hand Over Documents Associated With Operation Targeting Catholics Will Wray run out the clock on this, hoping we lose the house in 2024?
LEEMAN: Federal Regulators And Climate Alarmists Are Killing America’s Oldest, Most Iconic Industry My marine biologist husband has been noticing and fighting this for years.
Lead Detective in Daniel Perry Case: Soros-Funded DA Removed 100 Pages of Evidence from Jury – DA’s Actions Went from Highly Unethical to Criminal Conduct I hope he goes to jail, Austin is a true communistic city.
Why isn’t it racism when the media and other Democrats seek to destroy conservatives who happen to be people of color? Bigotry towards conservatives is never racism, it is a necessary objective to Democrats. Democrats Seek to Remove the only Black Male from the Supreme Court