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Uncovered Recruitment Email Confirms Infamous ‘Intel Letter’ Was Meant to Interfere in the 2020 Election No surprise there.

Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman Sold up to $15,000 in Bank Stock Two Days Before Value Plummeted If it weren’t for this I might think it was an innocent sell, but because of this, I don’t. Goldman, one of Congress’ most prolific stock traders, represents New York’s 10th congressional district, which encompasses the New York Stock Exchange. He has an estimated net worth of up to $253 million.

Soros Takes Control Of Failed Liberal Media Network And I thought he already owned them all.  In spirit, he does.

Biden Names Failed OMB Nominee Neera Tanden to Replace Susan Rice at White House If at first you don’t succeed….

The RESTRICT Act Gives Up Nearly All Notions of Checks and BalancesBeginning in the 19th century, snake oil salesmen falsely claimed their elixirs and tonics could treat a wide array of ailments. In the 21st century, a group of senators are hawking a bill they assert can cure the oh-so-many maladies caused by using the social media app, TikTok. Just like snake oil salesmen of the past, these Senators may talk a good game, but their antidote is far worse than any purported affliction.”

RFK Jr. Lays Out 3-Step Plan To Dismantle Deep State Censorship The man has some good ideas, but he is at heart a Northeast liberal of the Kenney clan.

J6 Political Prisoner Dominic Pezzola’s Attorney: Evidence Confirms J6 Was An Organized Government Plot — There Is NO EVIDENCE Of Conspiracy By Patriots I haven’t read this article,  I just sigh and wince at the thought of our American government and their progrom against conservatives, especially those of the MAGA stripe. (Progrom-noun  An organized, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution of a minority group, especially one conducted against Jews.)

Most Americans support anti-trans policies favored by GOP, poll shows

Judge in Trump’s ‘hush money’ trial engages in blatant dissimulation Read this, your rights are being infringed as well.

Biden DOJ ‘Actively’ Tried to ‘Dissuade’ Marshals From Enforcing the Law to Protect Supreme Court Justices, Senators Say

Colorado Teachers’ Union Passes Resolution Declaring that Capitalism ‘Inherently Exploits Children’ I’m sure they would know exploitation when they see it.

Inside Hunter Biden’s clash with the White House

Saved from yesterday’s news:

Whitlock: America’s broken family structure killed Jordan Neely and might destroy a former Marine

Montana Gov. Gianforte To Ban Sale Of Agricultural Land, Critical Infrastructure To Foreign Adversaries I don’t know if this is constitutional but it has been done in time of war, and if what is going on isn’t war, what is?

Some sites have several good reads – Don Surber, Jonathan TurleyMeaning In HistoryMichael Yon

The New Ugly Americans Victor Davis Hanson

The Case of the Missing Climate Crisis:  Greek Edition also watch this short video, The BEST Climate Clip I’ve EVER seen – What do you think?? #SCIENCE

The Justice Wars – Justice Thomas responds to report donor funded relative’s education, says money went to school vs Left-Wing SCOTUS Justice Took $3M from Book Publisher, Didn’t Recuse Herself from Cases


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Texas gunman who shot dead five people had elaborate DEATH CULT shrine in his bedroom as well as cartel tattoos – as his ties to criminal underworld are exposed Although this happened in Texas, he was not a “Texas” gunman, he was an illegal who had been deported four times. Some people think Texas has only gunmen.

 AOC Goes Rogue, Teaming Up With With MAGA Enemy Matt Gaetz on Stock Bill also  Ocasio-Cortez Will Not Challenge Gillibrand For Senate In 2024, Spox Says What is she up to?

Covid Hospital Protocols Destroyed Thousands of American Families, This is the article she wrote previously: What Happened in Hospitals During Covid? It is grim.

How America’s Obsession with DEI Is Sabotaging Our Medical Schools

FBI Whistleblower Form Reveals ‘Criminal Scheme’ Involving Joe Biden, Foreign National, Comer Subpoena Claims It is already being denied, I know who I believe.  Merrick Garland Claims Hunter Biden Tax Probe Not Improperly Politicized After IRS Whistleblower Claims Late afternoon news had these details: New Emails Prove Hunter Biden Was Selling Access to His Father

Charging Decision in Hunter Biden Case Reportedly Imminent, Major Concerns Arise Amidst News This concerning the gun and tax evasion issues.  Are there really any doubts?

From Sketchy Balloting To Shady Funding, New Montana Laws Say No To Rigged Elections

Judge rules Kim Gardner will go to trial on seven counts of neglect of her duties (Update) A progressive AG would not charge major crimes.

The science says “get ’em while they’re young!”

Watchdog: IRS has Spent $10M on Weapons, Ammunition, and Combat Gear Since 2020 Frightening, why does the IRS need weapons in the first place?

We Already Have a Disinformation Governance Board: Media Decides What You Can and Cannot Hear From RFK Jr.

What Orwell actually believed A video with words and pictures showing his history and beliefs.  This is one person’s opinion based on Orwell’s writings.  He remained a socialist while realizing how socialism has so far always ended with totalitarian despots. Worth watching.


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The Supreme Court is under siege:
The Left’s Plan for Hostile Takeover of Supreme CourtTheir current tactics demonstrate what “by any means necessary” really means.”

Senate panel splits on power to force Supreme Court ethics code They have forgotten there are three parts to our government.

MSNBC Show Host Mocking Conservative Justices Speaks Right to Alito’s Point

Al Franken Crawls Out of His Hole to Attack Democracy, Calling Supreme Court ‘Illegitimate’ I never understood his so-called humor, either.

Supreme Court unanimously rejects ethics complaints by Democrats against Justice Clarence Thomas

A twitter post as shown on Instapundit. “FBI says man accused of attempting to kill Brett Kavanaugh says he was ‘shooting to kill 3’ justices.”

Supreme Court to Hear Case That Could Rein in Federal Agencies One of the best reasons to delegitimize the SCOTUS.

Dem-run border city to declare state of emergency ahead of Trump-era migrant policy’s end They seem to understand there is a huge problem coming their way.

Gender Clinic Trained Elementary School Teachers on How to ‘Transition’ Little Kids Are you surprised?  I didn’t think so, it is all coming from the same evil source.

Biden Admin Depletes Reserve U.S. Stockpile in Israel in Bid to Replenish Ukraine

Seth Dillon lays waste to Chelsea Clinton for coming out ‘in favor of porn for kids’

‘Way over his depth’: Chuck Todd schooled over claim scientific research proves ‘gender is a spectrum’

GOP senators tell Blinken hand over Hunter Biden records, amid questions about role in laptop story

Joe Biden Is Guilty Of Child Abuse — At Scale — And Nobody Cares I care and I believe this, “Rodas went on to say, “it can be argued that the U.S. government has become the middleman in a large scale, multi-billion-dollar, child trafficking operation run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children.”

Everyone Is Preparing for War Between China and the United States I hope not, but it looks very like it.

DHS orders employees to drop regular duties, shift to coming border surge

Where Did All the Biden Illegal Immigrants Go?

The American Anti-Woke Coalition From one of my favorite Brits, Konstantin Kisin.

Almost hard to believer, but she got this right, at least the headline. ‘Learning Loss Is Real’: Lori Lightfoot Slams Randi Weingarten’s Teachers’ Union for Delaying School ReopeningOutgoing Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot on Monday criticized Randi Weingarten and the influential teachers’ union she runs for delaying school re-openings after the pandemic.”

There are several new uses for false religions.

Counseling ban promotes gender identity as religion, censors science, diverse critics tell SCOTUS Transgenderism is one of the new religions.  Abortion is also one.

Here is the biggy: The Case For Making Earth Day a Religious Holiday It has been one to many people for years. The two writing this have undoubtedly been celebrating it for years.  I will not fault the Native Americans with Mother Earth, as I do believe we should take care of it and not foul our nests.  I admit I didn’t read much of this article, someone else will have to check their facts and figures.

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America, the Single-Opinion Cult This leads off several links with the same concerns.

Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace leads to this article by Naomi Wolf: The Crime of “Talking to Tucker Carlson”

Elon Musk calls it the woke mind virus in an interview with Bill Maher.  I watched the whole episode.  Elon Musk realized what was going on and bought Twitter for a good reason, not a financial reason, a gift to the world reason.

Dominion vs. ‘Russian Collusion’ and ‘Disinformation’ Victor Davis Hanson illustrates the difference in how  Republicans and Democrats are treated

Obama and his friends are a perfect illustration of the modern-day elitist Democrat

Ann Althouse writes on one way words are used to scare those who fear the climate. I was deeply puzzled by “Here’s the real reason the Vikings left Greenland/A new study found some Viking settlements experienced up to 10.8 feet of sea level rise over four centuries.”

Rounding Up Some News Mark Wauck does a roundup on international news links and ties them together in a neat package.

Watch Fox News Slide As Tucker Carlson Rises, With Help From Musk “The world has changed dramatically since 1996, though, and no more so than in the last seven years. Trump’s election in 2016 tore off the last vestiges of moderate camouflage shielding the progressive cancer that infects America.”

NewsWeek Finally Acknowledges Border Crossing Sexual Violence in Kari Lake “Fact Check” About Sexually Abused Migrant 8-year old This is not going to bother the conscience of any progressive anymore than any of the other atrocities have.

Daddy Dearest: Hunter Forced to Appear in Arkansas in Fight Over His Child’s Name and Support

Oh Snap, Did Neil Oliver Just Go Full Tucker Carlson? “In his monologue Neil hits on the power behind the Potemkin Village, the multinational corporations behind the scenes, the groups who control the public impressions of politics while orchestrating their next exfiltration of wealth.   Incredibly, Oliver goes into the background of Sudan and Ukraine to outline how the corporations that control government need assistance from the military those government officials control.”

AFT’s Randi Weingarten Shut Down on Twitter, CNN After Falsely Claiming She Fought to Reopen Schools You are going to love seeing this woman’s lies thrown back to her.

Elon Musk Rips ‘Gender Transition’ for Minors, Calls Term ‘Cisgender’ a ‘Slur’ I’m liking this guy more and more.

Uncomfortable History I have not read the book, nor do I intend to as I have enough to read daily.  However, my opinion is that the history of the world is conquering, reconquering, war, pillaging, raping, taking slaves, taking captives, taking territory.  I know of no place where this has not happened.  If you are interested in the Native Americans and much more history of them and our continent, you will probably want to read it.  I would have when I was younger.


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Samuel Alito Says He Has A ‘Pretty Good Idea’ Who Leaked The Dobbs Opinion

The Very Strange New Respect for Authoritarian Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “The enemy of your enemy is not your friend; he’s a guy who might want to throw you in jail.”

Jim Jordan subpoenas three federal agencies for docs on censorship

North Carolina Supreme Court sides with GOP lawmakers in congressional map dispute

Rep. Tlaib joins list of Democrats calling on Sen. Feinstein to resign They desperately need someone alive in that seat.

Sorting Out Myths and Facts About Abortion in the U.S

Elon Musk Drops the Hammer on Twitter Account Debuting Pedo Flag

Wait, WHAT? – DOJ Inspector General Reveals More than 10,000 Federal Employees Have Access to NSA Database for Surveillance InquiriesOffice of Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified yesterday that more than 3.4 million search queries into the NSA database took place between Dec. 1st, 2020 and Nov. 30th, 2021, by government officials and/or contractors working on behalf of the federal government. These search queries were based on authorizations related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).”

Were They Told to Stand Down? The DOJ’s Arizona Election Fraud Investigators Go AWOL Following 2020 and 2022 Elections – Where Are They Today?

Conservatives Lost the Culture War and the Trump Agenda Is the Only Path ForwardThe only way a candidate from the Right can possibly win the presidency in 2024 is by campaigning on limiting immigration (build the wall), increasing tariffs, getting out of Ukraine, and restoring law and order (especially in regards to elections and the opioid crisis).” I am afraid the reason we are in the mess we are in is the very many differences in conservatives. We each have our own opinions and many of us are not able to give in for the greater good.

 Florida Scores Huge Win for Free and Fair Elections Over Marc Elias and an Obama Judge

Report: 35K Migrants Wait in Juarez, Mexico, to Rush Southern Border When Biden Ends Title 42  This does not include those who are on their way or being flown in by the trio of ex presidents, including Bush. From Michael Yon: Flying Invaders Directly Into Communities.  For the big picture:  Federal Government Behind Massive Operation to Send Illegal Immigrants into U.S.

Congress moves to free IRS whistleblower to talk about Hunter Biden probe, protect him from reprisal

Baby, it’s still C-O-L-D outside And windy and rainy.

Iran navy seizes tanker near Oman that was on way to Houston

Appalling’: Unearthed Documents Reveal How Hospital Pushes Medical Transitions On Children

The reasoning of the Democrats I know I agree.

Hunter Biden Was Frequent Email Correspondant With Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Who Organized the “51 Intelligence Professionals” Disinformation Campaign

The Russia Hoax Orbiting Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is So Much Bigger Than Blinken

This is disgraceful – Nearly 700 Professors Sign Letter in Opposition to Teaching About America’s Founding, Constitution

But there is hope – Over 100 Harvard professors band together to protect free speech, prevent censorship on campus during ‘crisis time’

Congress Hears Testimony of 85,000 Missing Illegal Alien Children and U.S. Govt Sponsored Sex Trafficking Operations

Attorney for producer suing Tucker Carlson, Fox News makes critical admission: ‘Never met … in person’

I know this is very long and it isn’t even a catch up post.

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For some reason these did not post yesterday. More to come later tonight.

The Woke Movement Is Assassinating MLK All Over Again He couldn’t have been clearer about his vision for a color-blind society. And in the 40 years that followed his death, our country moved in that direction, year by year, heart by heart. But much has changed. The woke mob, critical race theory, and the DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) movement have reopened a once-gaping, raw wound that had almost closed.

Blinken may be slapped with subpoena after refusing GOP request to open books on AfghanistanIt’s extraordinary to have 23 embassy employees dissenting to the policy of the secretary of State and the White House,” Rep. Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican, told “Fox News Sunday” host Shannon Bream. It is stunning to see progressives who believe their power is greater than the House of Representatives, or in some cases the senate.

Was Massive Vote Fraud Confirmed with a Fishtail?  It sure looks like it.

Meet the Young Attorney Who May Have Saved Kari Lake’s Election Challenge

The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations We heard this a lot a few years ago. But it is real bigotry. We have replaced character and integrity with personality and charisma.

Ron Johnson: ‘Bank from China’ Voluntarily Provided Biden Family Records While U.S. Banks Won’t

Nagging Unanswered Questions About War in Ukraine When Victor Davis Hanson has questions we are in a pickle.

Where is the 2023 Version of the 56 Signers of The Declaration of Independence? Hiding under their desks?

Why Not America First?  Many younger people have been fed the progressive, communistic view of American re imperialism. They have been taught we are bad beyond repair.  They have no idea of the real worth of America.

The FBI and the Proud Boys

Bill Maher Defends Meritocracy

Joe Biden Swan-Dives off the Deep End With Incoherent, Offensive Speech As a comedy routine he had it down pat, as a president it was a shameful display of non-empathy.

American Thinker – check out all their headlines.

A shorter list today.  I am tried of the Trump issue and the shoots in Nashville is not something I want to link, I know you will hear and see more that you can handle of it.  Prayers for all involved.


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We had a Spectrum outage in Rockport last week, for FIVE days at my house.  On Friday we traveled to San Antonio for family time with all my children. Fun times.

There was so much I missed, but it all paled into nothing when Fox fired Tucker Carlson!  I have saved them all, some links I will share with you, but I’m pretty sure you don’t want all 1000 items.

Whistleblower: U.S. Govt. is ‘Middleman’ in Massive Migrant Child Trafficking Ring

Migrant Horde Heads Toward Southern US Border

Fox is the Ray Epps of news

Roberts rejects Senate Democrats’ call for testimony on Supreme Court ethics

Society of Pediatric Psychology ‘Teaches Members How to be Activists’

It’s junk science There is a lot of junk science going on.

Twitter Users Call For Boycott Of Cosmetic Brand Over Partnership With Dylan Mulvaney

In extraordinary move, Trump lawyers ask Congress to intervene in classified documents controversy

Democrats Change Definition of Numbers, Say 2022 Spending Levels They Cheered Are Now ‘Disaster’

Pelosi’s pork: Park Service siphoned $200 million to former speaker’s pet project

The Stealth Impeachment of Judge Newman in the Federal Circuit

Read Jonathan Turley, I have a number of links so just check him out.

Same for Meaning in History.

Tennessee Officials Report the FBI Is Hiding the Transgender Manifesto Outlining Objective for Mass Murder This is from last week, I’m sure Sundance has much more to say as well.

Three Former Presidents Launch NGO to Fly Illegal Aliens Into the U.S. I suspect you can guess who they are.

FBI: California Professor Tried to Arrange Rape of Child, Lure Her with Doll — ‘University of the Horrific’

Environmentalists Want to Make Their Religion Official

Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Refuse to Speak with CNN After Meeting with DOJ

Federal appeals court rejects Trump’s effort to block Pence testimony

Tucker Carlson ousted at Fox over speech stressing the importance of prayer and the evil nature of the forces besetting America, claims insider

Fox News ‘Is Dead,’ and Tucker Carlson Is Already Living Large With a Job Offer

My own opinion of the best use for Conservatives and Tucker Carlson is to take over the Rush Limbaugh 3 hours.  He is a straight shooter of the truth, a man who sees the clear picture of truth, and he is probably well able to talk three hours straight.


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Prize-Winning Journalist Reveals How Ukraine President, Officials Allegedly Embezzled $400 Million Seymour Hersh reports this.  He has been known to exaggerate according to some journalists.

“The Fall of the FBI” takes James Comey to task, and more

Sen Johnson sounds alarm on ‘jaw-dropping’ Biden family bank records: ‘Revealing’Ron Johnson says his report ‘ignored’ by media because they are ‘advocates’ for the left

Covid Doctor Who Left Hospital Job Has a Vision for Health Care “COVID Revealed What the Medical System Is All About”  This leads into my next linked article, actually a video.  It is an interview of a woman who worked in a transgender medical center and has realized how bad that is.  I am listening as I type these links in.  I hope more of the medical community wakes up and speaks up.

“Rapid-onset Gender Dysphoria” (ROGD): The woman in the above video mentions how many girls are jumping on the bandwagon of trans due to social media.

Bans on Transition Care for Young People Spread Across U.S.

Planned Parenthood communications director commits suicide – after ‘police launch child porn investigation into him’ and raid his apartment building

Washington State Democrats Vote to Hide Transgender Runaways From Parents

Lt. Col. Vindman Admitted Leaking Documents Meant To Help Dems Impeach Trump—Never Served Time, While 21-Yr-Old Jack Teixeira Was Arrested For The Same Crime

Anheuser-Busch CEO Behind Failed Bud Light ‘Apology’ Is A Former CIA Spy Handler

Trump financial disclosure reveals how the former president is profiting

Judge Squashes Alvin Bragg’s Ridiculous Restraining Order Request Against Jim Jordan

This is a great parody on what trans teachers have said on social media.

The American Revolution and the Bud Light rebellion

An Honest Doctor’s Experiences on the Front Lines During COVID-19 “This is an important testimony to add to the historical record.”

Sunday Talks, NBC’s Chuck Todd Discovers That Black Teenagers are Shooting Each Other

C-SPAN declines to cover two consecutive House Judiciary field hearings, fuels accusations of bias

We’re missing a major mental health crisis: Teen boys are struggling, too “Being male is the biggest risk factor for suicide, yet that fact isn’t widely known”


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At least four more Chinese spy balloons? Perhaps 20?

REVEALED: Shadow Billionaire Funding Sexual Assault Suit Against Trump Is LinkedIn’s Founder

Shamelessly parading his disgraced son, taking selfies with accused terrorists and insulting America’s allies… it’s all in a day’s work for our declining president on his corrupt Biden Family European Vacation

Bragg vs. the Windmills Or Don Quixote rides again.

The Business of Wokeness is Bad Business

Many posts from Michael Yon speak of the Chinese invasion through the Darien Gap.  If you can’t see anything, click where it says, Let me view this content first.

Raging transgender activist caught on video flipping Turning Point USA table at University of Washington: ‘Get the f*** off my campus, you Nazi! Brainwashed students really be this and think they are being realist.

Transgender Former Biden Official Takes Plea Deal to Stay out of Jail Over Luggage Theft Charges

Reuters: Iran Used Earthquake Relief Flights to Deliver Advanced Weapon Systems to Syria

Baylor University Hosted ‘Queer Sex Ed’ Event on Campus I remember when Baylor was a Christian university.

Judge Slaps California Church With $1M Fine for Holding Services During COVID I saw two people wearing masks in Walmart yesterday, on around 30 and the other over 60.

Protesters demand trans inmates be removed from all-female New Jersey prison, where 10 were born male

 “Their Smug Civility was Infuriating”: Yale Editorial Denounces the Politeness of Pro-Life Students; Questions Right to Speak on Campus

Ross McKitrick: The important climate study you won’t hear about

Parler is no more  This was news to me.  I joined Parler when it began but never did anything with it, from time to time I got emails from them but I never read them, thus, this is news to me.

Ex-Obama Staffer Blows the Whistle on Biden ‘Kickback Scheme’ With Bombshell Interviews

Redfield warned Fauci not to ‘give terrorists recipe’ to modify bird flu to kill 5%-50% of infected

Fraudulent Studies Withdrawn as Professor Is Caught Faking the Racism Narrative

Biden grants Obamacare access to illegal immigrant Dreamers in DACA program

 All About the Leak:

Former CIA Officer Larry Johnson: This Is A Controlled Leak To Prepare The Public For “Crash Landing” Of U.S. Foreign Policy Maybe, maybe not.

The 21 Year Old Leaker — Something Is Not Right

Everything You Need to Know About the Alleged Pentagon Leaks Should I have made this the first leak link?

Credit Where Due, Glenn Greenwald Nails This Discussion of Media and the U.S. Intel Leaks

Big Leak Roundup  “What’s going on? What’s the Big Picture? This looks like another Deep State coup in the making, probably spearheaded by the Intel agencies and the Pentagon. Our position has been that that’s what’s behind the drip, drip, drip, of revelations about Zhou

Why a Former Magazine Reporter Says the Intel Leaker Story Will Get Ugly Fast

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Ron Paul Says There Has Been a Coup in America, Claims it Began With the CIA Murder of JFK (VIDEO)The question is asked, “Is he wrong?” Since the Russia hoax I have been inclined to say the same myself.  However, my question is this, did it really start with JFK’s murder, how did the CIA get so much power so quickly?  How long has it been going on?  What is your opinion, have recent revelations caused you to believe this?

“THIS IS IMPEACHABLE” – BIDEN BUSTED – Removed President Trump’s Executive Privilege in Order to Raid Mar-a-Lago to Cover-Up His Own Illegal Possession of Classified Docs

Trump Sues Michael Cohen for $500 Million for Allegedly Lying ‘With Malicious Intent’  “The lawsuit details Cohen’s “myriad of public statements, including the publication of two books, a podcast series, and innumerable mainstream media appearances,” while ignoring “cease and desist” orders.”  Cohen has seemed out for revenge.

I’M SENSING A SHIFT IN ATTITUDES: Should College Come With Trigger Warnings? At Cornell, It’s a ‘Hard No.’ When the student assembly voted to require faculty to alert students to upsetting educational materials, administrators pushed back.  Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit.

Here are the 7 biggest revelations from the US leaks so far

Bud Light may tank all the woke ads I doubt it.

The Media and Politicians Keep Trying To Censor Things That Turn Out To Be True

DOJ Openly Ignores Hunter Biden’s Ties to International Arms Trafficker Who Sold Grenade Launchers, Anti-Tank Missiles

Biden’s Border Chief Shuts His Deadly Trail in the Panama Jungle This does not jibe with Michael Yon’s recent post.

Get Trump, Get America

Joint Chiefs Chairman Disconnected from Reality Regarding China

HE’S SHOT: Hunter Has to Help a Confused Joe Biden Again!

U.S. sends Green Berets to Ukraine, says leaked Pentagon documents

Officials: 1 critically injured, thousands of cattle killed in South Fork Dairy explosion in Dimmitt If a friend had not sent this to me I would not know about it.  I have seen nothing in other media.  It may be there, but I haven’t seen it even after a search.


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