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Stacked deck: Whistleblowers face long odds of prevailing against FBI’s top brass

Arctic Ice: A Cold Reality Check for Climate Alarmismwhile many continue to discuss and predict an ever-warming world with melting ice caps and rising seas, events like the detour of the Yevpatii Kolovrat paint a more complex picture of climate realities.”

Remembering When The New York Times Reported East Coast Beaches Would Be Gone by 2020

Project Veritas Sues James O’Keefe Because He Left After They Fired Him – Demand Injunction to Stop O’Keefe From Working

Birx: we deceived you in order to get you to comply And she looked so honest, were we deceived by her “niceness?”

Whistleblowers Claim Evidence Against Hunter Biden Placed in ‘Highly Restricted Systems’ That Prevent Other FBI Officials From Reviewing Materials. This causes me to believe that is true. FBI Director Confirms Biden Bribery Document Exists, Still Won’t Turn It Over to Congress

Biden sexual assault accuser Tara Reade escapes to Russia, worried about being jailed or killed in US A year ago I would have thought this was a publicity stunt.  This year I think she may have good reason to fear, and then I think “is this really true?”

What’s Wrong and What’s Right With Debt Ceiling Deal | Biden lost the debt negotiations  I do not know enough about economics to have and educated opinion. My instinct tells me we have far too much debt. Here’s what Ben Shapiro says: Ben Shapiro: Our fake spending debates

Good advice.  You Asked for a Rebuttal, Dad  Be gentle but firm with your liberal friends and relations.

Judge Renews Focus on Clinton Foundation Tax Problems after Durham Report  Did that report tell us anything we didn’t already know?

DOJ drains funds raised on behalf of January 6 defendants This seems to be an illegal “taking” by government.

CDC Conference Described as ‘Superspreader Event’ After At Least 181 Attendees Test Positive For COVID-19  I try not to be gleeful at the problems of others, but in some cases I find it harder to resist.

Philosophical questions with no answers.  Three very interesting essays  From Richard Fernandez, The Return of Good and Evil, Part 1; The Return of Good and Evil, Part 2.  From Sarah Hoyt, Nationalism, Internationalism, Empire and Colonialism

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This going to be a long one, a long weekend and several days of gathered news. They are not listed in order by dates, some are older, some are from today.

Trump Critics Need to Stop Complaining about ‘Baggage’ Rajan Ladd picks up on an article by VDH and elaborates on it. “If the “baggage” made them targets, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, and others would have been targeted by the media, probed by agencies, and destroyed.  Instead, they are lauded as model politicians and unifying figures.”

Target gave $2 million to LGBTQ education organization urging schools to hide gender transitions from parents, wants gender ideology integrated into math classes  This is based on a report from Fox news.Carlos Saavedra is a vice president of brand marketing at Target and a treasurer at GLSEN. GLSEN focuses on getting districts to adopt policies that will keep parents in the dark on their child’s in-school gender transition, providing sexually explicit books to schools for free, and integrating gender ideology at all levels of curriculum in public schools.”

Welcome to the World of Minority Contracting   “Government goals and set-asides for “disadvantaged” firms breed corruption and fraud, deepen racial divisions, and cost taxpayers billions.”

Trump says he’ll END birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants: Vows on ‘day one’ to end ‘birth tourism’ for border crossers if he wins the 2024 race This could be based on intent, someone with a green card, who is earning their way to citizenship should, in my opinion, have their American born children have citizenship at birth.  There are many discussions to be had on this subject.

Climate activists were in for a surprise after they tried to hurl orange powder at London’s famed flower show I had a little chuckle at this, I would have acted the same. “at London’s famous annual Chelsea Flower Show, three of them who jumped into a fancy garden display and began hurling orange powder all over it, got sprayed down with a garden hose by one of the locals.”

Why Erdogan’s victory matters for the West I am not really up on the politics of Ukraine, Russia or especially, Turkey.

Unfollow the Science: 300 COVID Articles Pulled, Many Over Lack of Ethical Standards If you are not able to read, try this: Retraction Watch

Pinkerton: In Memoriam: C. Boyden Gray, the Man Who Warned Us About the Administrative StateAs Waldo put it, “This faith in science and the efficacy of scientific method thoroughly permeates our literature on public administration. Science has its experts: so we must have ‘experts in government.’” To be sure, there’s nothing wrong with expertise, and yet we must realize that the expertise we most need is common sense. After all, human nature is not science. Come to think of it, “political science” is not science; it’s a tricked-up wannabe suffering always from “science envy.”

Bigoted Dems ignore Tim Scott’s character and instead attack color of his skin According to a member of the View, a bigoted program on daytime TV I’ve never watched, he is not really black, he is a white supremist.

Republicans secure massive gas pipeline approval in debt ceiling deal I am a doubting Thomas as to when this will happen.

Arrest of Chicago ‘Peacekeeper’ police substitute demonstrates the folly of ‘defund the police’” A man wearing the vest of the new “Peacekeeper” corps deployed over the Memorial Day weekend, to stem the mayhem on a holiday weekend that has become an opportunity for murder tallies to soar, was arrested for a violent attack.” Well, it is Chicago, what did they think would happen.  The police there don’t have a stellar reputation, either.

California Democrats Try, Fail to Restrict Pregnancy Crisis Centers

Professor fails student for refusing to condemn her Christian faith I know some people who are sorry their children ever went off to college to be brainwashed.  This has to be related: The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Combating The Censorship Industrial ComplexSiegel sees the media as playing a remarkably complicit role in the last seven years. “The American press, he writes, “once the guardian of democracy, was hollowed out to the point that it could be worn like a hand puppet by the U.S security agencies and party operatives.” It’s complicated.

The 1980s Satanic Panic and Transgenderism Today I don’t think this is a valid comparison.  The point being made is that all the hoopla of the 1980’s was false, yet at the same time the author is saying the transgenderism is real and a very tragic, so there is really no comparison other than the fact that both seem to be a mental illness of sorts. The  way the children of the ‘80’s and 90’shave turned out to be so decadent it makes me wonder if part of that panic was real.

Honest Science on Transgenderism Revoked This seems to fit the theme today.

Migrants Once Excited By End Of Trump-Era Order Now Frustrated With Biden’s Policies

China Abruptly Shuts Down Pentagon Request For High-Level Defense Meeting

Stacked deck: Whistleblowers face long odds of prevailing against FBI’s top brass

Moving to France Showed Me True Cost of ‘Free’ European Health Care, Child Care, and Retirement

PhRMA, Pfizer Funded LGBT Index Scoring Hospitals for Promoting Gender Ideology

If you needed proof that the world, at least our part of it, has gone mad, here it is. PetSmart latest company to face boycotts over ‘Pride’ promotionsThe company is taking fire for its 2023 “You Are Loved” collection that features, among other items, rainbow-colored dog bikinis, bandanas and chew toys, cat capes and collars, and even reptile costumes for those who prefer four-legged friends of the cold-blooded variety.”

Don’t forget to check Jonathan Turley, Don Surber and Meaning in History.

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‘The View’s’ Astounding Ignorance of Justice Clarence Thomas I hope you will be able to open this.  It is astonishing that the members of the view do not know about the origins of Tim Scott or Justice Thomas.

Texas Children’s Hospital announces ‘heart-wrenching,’ ‘painful’ plan to end sex-change program for minors — CEO vows to refer patients out of state The CEO is really concerned about the bottom line profits; I find it heart wrenching they were doing this to children in the first place.

John Durham to Testify Before House Judiciary Committee  A year or so late.

The Left Has Pushed the Envelope VDH wraps up a number of concerns, they have indeed pushed the envelope, and beyond.

DeSantis: I Will Be ‘Aggressive at Issuing Pardons’ to Victims of DOJ Weaponization on Day One Is there a Republican running for president who wouldn’t say this?

As Marine Mammal Deaths Continue, 50 Blue State Mayors Call for Offshore Wind Farm Moratorium

Biden Admin Claims The US Doesn’t Give ‘Financial Support’ To Illegal Migrants. There’s Just One Problem I doubt that even he believes this lie.

Congress demands answers why Biden DHS ending border tool key to stopping child exploitation

Mere Words Won’t Deter Corrupt OfficialsImagine if the police caught Ted Bundy and, instead of trying him for his crimes, released a bombshell report detailing his brutality with reams of evidence—but then let him walk free.”  […] “Not a single one of these creeps has apologized.” They haven’t apologized, they have no shame about it, only bragging rights.  If they are ever punished for their crimes against the nation and humanity it will be a huge surprise to conservatives.

‘Socially contagious’ gender dysphoria study retracted from journal after trans activists retaliateThe study explored the hypothesis that the dramatic increase of young people claiming to suffer from gender dysphoria might indicate a “socially contagious syndrome” called “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” a term coined in 2018 by Dr. Lisa Littman.” We all know fads come and go, that is especially true in girls. Why is it wrong to acknowledge they are involved in a social fad, a hysteria of the mind that can alter and ruin their lives forever?

The mainstream media will give good coverage to a foreign nation trying to interfere in American elections. Mexican president ramps up anti-Republican rhetoric, urges Hispanics not to give DeSantis ‘any votes

‘The FBI Knows What Car Was Used In J6 DNC Pipe Bomb, But Refuses To Identify Prime Suspect

America’s Dangerous Shortage Of Free ThinkersOur country has become a conformist society where free expression is rewarded with the swing of a truncheon. We’re on a road that leads to repression, and we are not far from the destination.”  Are conservatives free thinkers, or are we just contrarians?

FREEDOM!” – “QAnon Shaman” Jake Chansley Released From Halfway House, Speaks Out On His Freedom and The Power of Forgiveness

OBSESSED: CNN and MSNBC Mention Trump by Name 399 Times in 10 Hours They ae hoping to have him as the nominee again so they can be sure to win another run of the presidency under Democrat/Communists.

Bud Light To Sponsor Pride Parades Despite Ongoing Boycott  The words “slow learner” comes to mind.

Another group of slow learners- Target partners with org pushing for kids’ genders to be secretly changed in schools without parental consent  They’ve apparently severed ties with the Satanic designer and in some Southern store have moved the pride apparel and paraphernalia to an inside position instead of posting blatantly at the front as you enter. But still they persist.

Resignations Pile up in AZ Gov Katie Hobbs’ Administration as Chief of Staff Steps Down Hmm…. So far Kari Lake has lost all her tries at ousting her, so why are the rats leaving the ship?

The Grumpy Economist write about Work requirementsHow could you be so heartless as to force unfortunate people to work, vs. how immoral it is to subsidize indolence, and value of the “culture” of self-sufficiency.”  Warning: economic words ahead, some thinking required.

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Latest Developments in the Hunter Biden Tax Probe Does Not Look Good for AG Garland

Smoking Gun: Hunter Biden’s “Pay for Play” Contract/Emails Revealed From Days Before the Infamous “Son of a Bitch Was Fired” Trip to Ukraine

Why? Dropped charges for ‘white supremacist’ who drove U-Haul into WH barricade raises eyebrows  I can’t say why, but from the beginning many right wingers have been saying “false flag.”

Michigan college professor sued for forcing students to fund Planned Parenthood through ‘course fees’ She was making money for more than Planned Parenthood.  I heard of professors who have written their own lab manuals as a money making scheme.

Oath Keepers Leader Sentenced To 18 Years For Role In Jan. 6 Riot  A travesty of justice in America.

But this seems just,  Great SCOTUS Victory for 94-year old victim on Local Government asset seizure

The Machete Standard: The Firing of an Activist Professor Leaves More Questions Than Answers

Woke, Broke, And Bankrupt This is about our Navy, other services too. are in the same shape.

A trans person speaking out against the medical transition of children

‘Way Outside the Norm’: IRS Whistleblower Accuses Agency of ‘Slow-Walking’ Hunter Biden Probe Much to my surprise, this happened on CBS Evening News.

Send Them BackOnly a country that has lost the will to survive would tolerate the invasion underway all across America.”

The Latest Device Given to 50 Senators Is Bound to Gin Up Conspiracy Theories  So, who are they going to call?

John Brennan, Enemy of the PeopleJohn Brennan, the Hamas-loving authoritarian and partisan propagandist, almost surely knew it was a con from the start. Yet he spent four years on television sounding like a deranged subreddit commenter. Even after privately admitting he knew there was no collusion, Brennan kept lying and using his credentials to mislead the public.”

Target holds ’emergency meeting’ for southern stores, allegedly ‘terrified’ of a ‘Bud Light situation’ “Even more troubling, in celebration of Pride month Target made the potentially fatal marketing blunder of partnering with UK-based satanic clothing brand Abprallen, which offers designs proclaiming “Satan loves you” and “Satan respects pronouns.”” I wonder why they think only Southerners would care.  As a friend said, “thinking was not involved.”

Biden’s latest border policy change raises alarm it will embolden child exploitation No thinking going on here, either.

New IRS whistleblower letter suggests DOJ interference in Hunter Biden probe dates back years I have no reason to doubt him.

‘These Numbers Are Staggering’: Chinese Migrants Continue To Surge Across Southern Border

FDA Posts Tweet Warning about Dangers of Online Disinformation – Then Reality Comes Back Hard and Bites Them in the Horse’s Ass

Somewhere in the past few days I saw an article saying the gov’t was encouraging companies to send out near expiration covid tests.  I cannot find that article now, but this week  Dick received two covid tests from two different companies, in different states.  One set has expiration dates in Sept 2023 and the other set has an expiration of 12-23.  Hmmm….   I did find this article, it is from last January.  U.S. Mails Out Some COVID Tests That are About to Expire  I’m feeling left out, I haven’t received any.  We never ordered tests from anyone, anytime.

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30 Tons of Ammonium Nitrate Goes Missing From Train I can only imagine where this might turn up.  It won’t be pretty.

House probes Wildlife Service’s social justice agenda; Nature put downriver of agency’s priorities well, this is shocking to me, I thought climate change was the new religion. It must take a back seat to Social justice. But on the other hand, there is this: Scientists Urged to Aid ‘Rights of Nature’ in Science

Biden to end familial DNA testing at border, key deterrent to fraud and child trafficking I have linked articles saying this administration was trafficking children, women and men into sex slaves.  This news makes it even more apparent.

Horowitz: CDC warns of monkeypox outbreak from ‘festivals.’ Solution? More ineffective vaccines! Remember Fauci got his start with the aids epidemic, one that could have been contained in the same way monkeypox could be contained.  This lead to the next article: How bad was the gaslighting?

Biden Claims Credit for ‘Quad’ Alliance Trump Reinstated in 2017

Judicial Watch: Pentagon IG Concludes Naval Academy Superintendent Made False Statements in Effort to End Career of Midshipman  This is a case of justice being ignored, the student was reinstated for something that would never have happened without those lies. The liar has not been punished.

A New Meaning for Sedition and the Death of Free Speech: Conversations with Three Defense Attorneys about Media Misrepresentation and Potential Consequences of the Proud Boys Trial My heart grieves for the injustice done in the wake of the January 6 event.  Our administration is shameful.

Ann Althouse discusses an Andrew Sullivan article. “Dylan Mulvaney is exemplary of the new queer order: a femme gay man who had to take female hormones to stay relevant.”

For his article: The Queers Versus The HomosexualsWe are in a new era. And the erasure of gay men and lesbians is intensifying.”  I find it interesting that gay people seem to be realizing what this trans thing is doing to them in a much better way than the Feminists do. Why are Feminists so afraid to uphold natural women in sports?

A Cabal of SociopathsWorse, the perpetrators are being richly rewarded for their violation of law and public trust.”

Ukraine Admits Murdering “Quite A Few” Russian Civilians Who Back Putin And His Invasion Just the by products of war apparently.

Historic Public School Disaster: You’re (Probably) Smarter Than an 8th Grader  “The Department of Education recently found that nearly one-third of 8th-grade students in the U.S. can’t describe the structure or function of the American government.”  From the videos I’ve seen many college graduates aren’t any smarter when it come to government, history and geography.

FISA And The Constitution that lack of knowledge is one reason this can happen.

What the Hell Is Wrong With These People?  “Imagine literally being upset about your state government preventing you from physically removing the genitals from your minor child.”  Or being upset at “banning” books full of queer/trans porn from elementary and high school children.

British intelligence found FBI Russia collusion probe so absurd it stopped helping

John Kerry and Biden Regime Target Small Farms in Their Ongoing Climate Crusade – They’re Going After the Food Supply

Indict the ‘Trump/Russia Collusion’ Conspirators: Clinton/Comey/Brennan You know this won’t happen. The powers that be are still focused on getting Trump.

Is Mexico really moving migrants away from the border?  They really are but – “Predictably, the AP fails to mention one of the real reasons that the number of illegal crossings has decreased significantly. Under Operation Lone Star, the Texas National Guard has installed many miles of new razor wire fencing and stationed armed troops along our side of the border.”

Did the Pentagon Just Make a $3 Billion Accounting Error—or Did It Do Something Even Worse? The Pentagon’s “accounting error” will allow President Joe Biden to send an extra $3 billion in military aid to Ukraine without congressional approval. Was this deliberate?


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We stopped taking Scientific American about 25 years ago when their political slant became so apparent it was in every issue.  It has become much worse.  Are women, leftists progressive women, taking over the world?  Here’s the Tweet a Science Magazine Editor Should Have Deleted Hours Ago Social justice warrior women have been in the forefront of some of the worst liberal takings lately, I am thinking of Budweiser ads and some others that have been instigated by women.

Gorsuch Condemns the ‘Breathtaking’ Use of Emergency Powers During Covid

Pro-Life Activist Claims Intimidation After FBI Visits Mother’s Home

Senator Dianne Feinstein suffered brain inflammation

Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor trade jabs in Andy Warhol copyright case

Kevin McCarthy’s Job Approval Soars 18 Points Since Becoming Speaker He has done better than expected, but some of us want more.

Not a Terrorist? The Biden Team Killed the Wrong Person Again I’m not sure we should blame the Biden’s for this, some top commanders are to blame, it has happened with every administration.

Durham: FBI Dropped 4 Different Probes into Clinton Family Ahead of 2016

Democracy Dies in Darkness The Durham report is a damning indictment of the FBI — and the media This is from the Washington Post, an extremely liberal news source, this opinion piece is by a conservative.  The liberals who read and subscribe will probably be howling with pain.

Secretive Bilderberg Gathering Of Global Elites Kicks Off: See Who’s Attending & What They’re Discussing I hope you will be able to link this, it is on ZeroHedge.

Glenn Beck and Mark Levin lay out exactly how to make the ‘Biden Crime Family’ pay for their lawlessness: ‘The time for talk is over!’

“Carson’s ‘Silent Spring’ Fails Test of Time” (New York Times verdict in 2007)

Politico didn’t run any articles like this about Jean Carroll, Trump’s accuser

“The Only Person Closest to Roger Is Donald Trump” – Elizabeth Ailes, Widow of Roger Ailes, Holds First Interview – Slams the Murdochs for Destroying FOX News The lady has a valid point.

Dirty FBI Revokes Security Clearances of Whistleblowers Before Congressional Testimony – But 51 Signatories of Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Still Have There’s  This complaint is real but I wish they had used the proper “their.”

Durham Report Reveals FBI Shut Down Four Criminal Investigations into the Clintons But we already knew that, Clintons and Bidens can do no wrong.

Are We Missing Something?  “Biased news reporting and snarky editorials can be truly annoying. But what about news and commentary on important matters that is missing altogether? Isn’t that the kind of media bias that can really get us into trouble?”  This wraps up the bias complaints for the day, I could find more if I wanted to.

Director of Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh Smear Group Begs for Mercy After Releasing Confidential Documents

The Durham Gloss on the Russia Hoax

Some sites have new posts up faster than I can keep up, and most are very good. Here are some of them.

Jonathan TurelyDon Surber; Meaning in History.


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At last some good news to report.  Texas Legislature Passes Ban on Gender-Transition Treatments for Minors

FBI Director Explains Why a Key Biden Bribery Document Isn’t Being Turned Over Unhuh, yeah sure.  It is getting a little hard to believe these people.

The Federalist names and shames ’61 hacks’ who pushed the Russian collusion narrative

Texas Children’s Hospital lied about stopping gender care

Tale of two whistleblowers highlights reprisal risk as Congress probes weaponization issues

Peter Strzok Isn’t Taking the Durham Report Findings Very Well

House to Investigate IRS Retaliation, Removal of Team Probing Hunter Biden

Are School Libraries Banning Thousands of Books? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Trust the Left’s Narrative

Left’s spin on DurhamTom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said, “As confirmed by Durham: Obama knew. Clinton knew. Biden knew. Comey knew. Brennan knew. McCabe knew. Strzok knew. Clapper knew. Schiff knew. FBI knew. DOJ knew. They all knew Trump was innocent but they smeared and spied on him. Worse than Watergate. Trump is a crime victim!” Of course, Trump isn’t the only victim, the people the United States of America are victims, all the immigrants thinking to come here and get a free ride are victims, Ukraine is a victim, the world is a victim of the not so silent coup perpetrated on the USA.

‘This Should Not Be Happening’: Eric Adams Calls Out Biden Over Migrants In New York City The people of the blue citiies and many not along the border have no idea what has been happening here for years.

Chip Roy Confronts Abortion Activist with Graphic Recording of Her Casually Discussing Late-Term Abortion

Austin City Council Wants To Hand Millions In Graft To The Homeless Industrial Complex

 The King’s Climate Predictions

Christopher Wray Is WrongAs former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy put it:  “Just so I have this straight, we’ve implemented new FBI  training so that agents know they shouldn’t swear in [FISA] court  applications to the truth of political opposition research that they  haven’t corroborated? What was the prior training that said that was  OK?””

 ‘Spies Who Lie’ – Ex-CIA Chief Confirms Feds Plotted Against Trump Did we really need his word to confirm it?  No, we didn’t.

HHS Earmarks Millions of Dollars to Give Illegal Immigrant Minors Long Term Foster Care

Elon Musk hits back at CNBC reporter over claims that Hispanic Texas mall shooter was a ‘white supremacist’: ‘Bull****  They really shouldn’t try to catch Musk out in anything, he is smarter than all of the MSM put together.


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Reflections on Motherhood

BREAKING: Durham Releases Russia Hoax Bombshells in New ReportThis is actually breaking news and hit my inbox at 3:28 PM today, along with about 5 others saying the same thing.

Judge orders Biden administration to explain parole releases after Washington Times reportA federal judge in Florida ordered the Biden administration on Monday to explain its release of illegal immigrants on “parole” at the southern border, citing a Washington Times report saying some 2,500 paroles were issued even after the court issued a temporary restraining order.”  Judges can get very testy when this type thing happens.

Lawmaker shares shocking video of overcrowded border facility; Kamala responds as more migrants are bused to her house Of course, Rep. Tony Gonzales is a Republican so his voice doesn’t count.

Arkansas prosecutor accused of using ‘her clout and legal skills’ to protect longtime pedophile uncle We know this type thing happens, it doesn’t matter political party or how low or how high the office, corruption is rampant, and this kind always has been.

‘They Finally Figured Out How to Attack Conservative Talk Radio:’ Mark Levin Criticizes Automakers Dropping AM Radio Looks to me like a real opening for an entrepreneur to fill the void and manufacture addon am radios tuners for new cars.

The Democrat Plan to Pump and Dump Trump – They badly want Trump to be the GOP presidential nominee, but they should be careful what they wish for. Wasn’t that their playbook in 2016?

At Least 5 Whistleblowers Come Forward Against Biden Family | NEW: Key Witness in Biden Bribery Scheme Missing, FBI Won’t Offer Assistance |

America’s state media: The blackout on Biden corruption is truly ‘Pulitzer-level stuff’

PBS, NPR Act Like Democrat Team Members in Live Coverage AND Bias By Omission

By The Standards Democrats Applied To Trump, Joe Biden Is A Traitor

James Comer accuses White House of intimidation regarding Biden family business dealings

The Great Debt Ceiling Deceit

Texican standoff: Inside the only border spot where law is enforced

Ever wondered about that phone for migrants?

CNN Abruptly Ends Interview After Migrant Makes Damning Admission About Title 42 “CNN suddenly ended an interview after a migrant said he illegally crossed the border because of the recent expiration of Title 42.”  Whoopsie! Truth will out.

Biden Administration Caught Coordinating Illegal Crossings with Mexican Government |  EXCLUSIVE: Here Are The Docs Instructing Border Patrol To Release Waves Of Migrants Into The Country

REPORT: San Diego Border Patrol Agents Arrested Afghan National on the FBI’s Terror Watchlist After Crossing the Border Illegally

AOC former aide now leader of New York Communist Party

Protect The Kids – Powerful Testimony by Democrat Shawn Thierry Texas Bill to Restrict Gender Modification in Children

The Great Left-Wing Disinformation Operation Against the Supreme Court

Total Vindication: Full Reinstatement and Back Pay For Three Barrington (RI) Teachers Fired For Refusing Covid Vax

Horowitz: Never again? The RSV human experimentation shots continue full steam despite known concerns

WATCH: Ted Cruz’s Blistering Take Down of Lib ‘Journo’ at the Border Is Taking the Internet by Storm I urge you to listen to this video, it will do your heart good.



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Chairman James Comer Holds Press Conference Outlining Payments to Biden Family from Foreign Governments I’ve searched the liberal news sites for this, but they are more interested in the Trump sex assault verdict and the arrest of Santos, somehow they apparently don’t see this. Maybe this is their excuse: Top Republicans excoriate FBI for noncompliance with subpoena for alleged Biden bribery doc “”While the FBI has failed to produce the specific document by the subpoena deadline, their offer to provide an accommodation process in response to our legitimate request indicates the document is real,” Grassley said.”

Before he posted his Twitter video this happened: Scoop: Tucker Carlson accuses Fox of fraud, contract breach That video has had  106.8M views as of 3 PM today May10th.

FWIW 8 Reasons Why E. Jean Carroll Won Her Sexual Abuse and Defamation Lawsuit Against Trump

Red Values, Blue HellholesDaniel Penny is a warrior who, with the assistance of other subway riders, subdued a violent criminal whose rap sheet included:”

DOJ Strategically Timed Political Arrest To Coincide With Press Conference Detailing Evidence Of Biden Corruption  The MSM would have ignored it anyway. Chaffetz: Joe And Hunter Biden Basically Committed “Treason,” White House Press Room “Should Erupt” But of course it did not.

FBI Used Congressional Staff as Confidential Informants and Human Assets to Build Case Against Congressman George Santos

Fox’s Bill Melugin Reveals Two Trainwreck Actions by Biden Admin in Dealing With Border Disaster

BREAKING: Biden Backs Down on Debt Ceiling I believe his idea of sitting down to talk is to persuade someone to do his wishes.

Could Tucker himself be releasing those allegedly damning leaked videos? I don’t think she really thinks he did, she just thinks they are actually good for his image.  I agree.

ICE Memo Calls For ‘Rapidly Releasing’ Illegal Immigrants Ahead Of Trump-Era Border Policy’s End on the other hand CBS news was reporting this: U.S. finalizes asylum restriction to ramp up border deportations once Title 42 lapsesThe rule also represents a major pivot by President Biden, a Democrat who campaigned on restoring access to the U.S. asylum system after numerous Trump administration rules made it more difficult for migrants to secure refuge on American soil. In fact, the regulation published Wednesday resembles a Trump-era policy struck down in federal court that Mr. Biden decried in 2020.”   If you watch this video you see the reporter who asks the first question has no idea of the hordes waiting to come in.  Liberal news sources have not seen what conservatives see on their news sources.

Republicans Demand Answers From NIH on Transgender Youth ‘Experiments’ Study That Left 2 Dead, Others Sterilized

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Why Texas, a clean energy powerhouse, is about to hit the brakes This is to a San Antonio link but it originally ran in the Washington Post, a very liberal newspaper followed by most of the others the US.

FBI ‘too entrenched with partisan politics’: Retired agents call for investigation into bureau’s political ‘weaponization’

Jordan Neely Was on NYC’s List of ‘Top 50’ Mentally Ill Homeless People in Need of Urgent Help He was an ”incident “ waiting to happen, had many incidents before.  Sooner or later it was going to be kill or be killed, a tragedy for many but especially for the man who had to kill him.

Proud Boys Get Two-Tiered Justice

ATF Whistleblower Exposes Rampant Fraud Where in our bloated bureaucracy is there not rampant fraud?

Manmade: Studies Suggest That Wind Parks Cause Climate Change, Even Regional Drought  I remember asking a scientist about this years ago, wondering what it did to the crops in the field as we passed by on the road to Odem.

Ex-prosecutor approached DOJ in 2018 with witness who claimed Joe Biden involved in ‘bribery’

US Air Force Ran A Social Experiment To Graduate More Minority Pilots. It Didn’t Go As Planned

White House blocks New York Post from Biden event amid Hunter Biden investigation

Fauci and Biden Are Rewriting the History of COVID-19 Restrictions

Gingrich calmly destroys Juan Williams’ defense of Hunter Biden: ‘They were investing in Joe!’

Viewers Noticed Something Strange About John Kerry at King Charles’ Coronation We’ve always known he was a hypocrite.

AMLO Tells Joe Biden and Samantha Power to Knock It Off, Stop Interfering in Mexico and Trying to Create Instability

The Meaning of Tucker Carlson there is a video showing but there is also an article .

The Mexican Cartels: America’s Greatest Terrorist Threat

The media highlights certain crime stories more than other similar stories

Transgenderism and the million dollar baby This would never have occurred to me.

Massive homeless encampment engulfing swanky Calif. county: ‘I don’t want to be another San Francisco’ Some of those units look better than many being rented to our poorer neighbors here in Aransas County.

Incoming Disease — Serious Diseases… If Fauci and friends had only known how much migration would be happening from tropical countries, they could have saved themselves a lot of research money.

The Battle Within the Club is Escalating Now  I believe that would be the Good Old Boy’s Club.

Another Reason I am No Longer a Leftist


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