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Supreme Court cites ex House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in decision to strike down Biden student loan plan This is one of the most ironic things I’ve seen in a long time. Have a house speaker’s words ever been used against their beliefs in and Supreme court decision before. Karma.
Progressives Seize on SCOTUS Case to Threaten to Refuse Service to Christians; I Completely Support Them Does any business still have a sign saying “we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone?”
Biology Professor Says He Was Fired for Teaching Sex Is Determined by Chromosomes
Sunday War And Geopolitics Roundup from Mark Wauck
Biden’s Propaganda Job Creation Chart Was Fact-Checked, And Then the Note Disappeared
‘Unstated Affirmative Action:’ Berkeley Law Dean Admits He Discriminates Against Potential Faculty Hires T his is something happening in many (most) businesses and universities, particularly when it come to women and the “glass ceiling.” Women have gained far more than men in this century. I have nothing to prove this, I know women still get many of the “grunt” jobs, but women are graduating from college in greater numbers than men,
The World’s Largest Ponzi Scheme I’m sure you can all agree with this.
Biden Bribery Wheeze is like the Russia Collusion Delusion Will we ever get to the bottom of the Biden schemes? Too late?
Hunter prosecutor: IRS whistleblower is … telling the truth?
George Soros foundation slashes 40% of workforce as billionaire’s empire passed to son
Biden is forced to build Trump’s border wall
The Threat of Decivilisation “Noting that attacks on police, civil servants, mayors, and postal workers are on the increase, Jérôme Fouquet, head of the main polling company IFOP, said that “tensions are increasing in every part of society” to such a degree that “a process of decivilisation is now under way.” France is on fire again this summer.
Civil War in France: 1000 Arrests, 45,000 Security Forces Deployed, 79 Officers Injured Last Night
Are Obama’s deliberate and malicious leaks not ‘mishandling of classified information’?
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The Supreme Court has handed down some very important decisions. Conservatives are thrilled and as usual progressives/liberal/democrats are angry. Most links are about the affirmative action decision.
Supreme Court Sides With Christian Web Designer In Compelled Speech Case
Say What? Sonia Sotomayor Is Compared to Mazie Hirono After Astonishing Claims in AA, 303 Case Dissents (about the above case)
Affirmative Action in College Admissions Is No More, And the Left Is Melting Down
Jackson dissent in Supreme Court’s affirmative action ruling
Chief Justice Roberts Accuses Liberal Justices Of Power Grab In Affirmative Action Opinion It is rare for the Roberts to be this forceful. Very interesting to see.
I Teach at an Elite College. Here’s a Look Inside the Racial Gaming of Admissions. Linked from Ann Althouse who then had the following post: I asked ChatGPT to draft a personal statement for a black student applying to a university that is following a policy consistent with the Supreme Court’s new affirmative action case.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Biden’s Student Loan Bailout
‘The 87% of Americans without student loans are no longer forced to pay for the 13% who do’: Republicans celebrate SCOTUS axing Biden plan as a victory for taxpayers – while Democrats call court ‘corrupt’ The court ruled in a 6-3 decision that the scheme was unlawful – The plan would have eradicated $10,000 in debt for borrowers earning less than $125,000 and up to $20,000 for those with Pell Grants”
Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Dissent Is An Argument For Institutional Racism
Thoughts on Today’s Decision – re affirmative action
Okay, enough about the SCOTUS decisions, a victory for conservatives. Thank you, President Trump and even McConnell for keeping Merrick Garland off the court.
Latest Leaks Don’t Incriminate Trump, They Incriminate Democrats but as Hillary said, “at this point what difference does it make?” The progressives are in charge of the DOJ.
Maine Democrats Kill Amendment to Ban Trafficking of Aborted Baby Remains
The 4 Big Lies (And 1 Terrible Truth) In Biden’s ‘Bidenomics Is Working’ Speech
IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley: ‘We Weren’t Allowed to Ask About the Big Guy’
Michigan House passes bill making wrong pronouns a felony, fineable up to $10,000 How long will it take this to get to the Supreme Court?
Report: ‘Ourtight Angry’ Joe Biden Protects Hunter from White House Aides: ‘Hands Off My Family’ how does he get away with so much?
Massive Desert Solar Projects Are Sucking Up Groundwater, Angering Locals
A Case Study in ‘Progressive Fragility’ & Entitlement Mostly entitlement and greed. This mother has probably been coddling her daughter forever.
Comer: “This Was Organized Crime” He’s right, there is no other way to describe it.
Pride Messaging Down 40% from 2022 as Boycotts Explode thanks to niece Linda for this good news to end today’s post.
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White House omits Hunter Biden from visitor logs, despite Obama admin disclosing his visits
Hunter Biden’s 7% Solution: Using Addiction to Excuse Accusations There are quite a few media outlets claiming it is all so sad, and dad is just taking care of his baby boy. As my dad would say (in a sarcastic way) “Poor boy, Poor boy.”
Tent, Meet Camel via Instapundit. “But the walls have fallen, the dams have burst, and there is no end in sight. In accordance with the late Robert Conquest’s Third Law of Politics, we are now ruled by a cabal of our enemies.”
DeSantis and Trump Both Vow to End Birthright Citizenship. Can They Do That?
Texas College Fires Biology Professor for Teaching Students That Sex is Determined by Chromosomes
Taxpayer Funded American Library Association Provides Tactics for Disrupting Conservative Events in Public Libraries “If You Have a Kirk Cameron Story Hour Booked in Your Library…Have a Library Sponsored Pride Festival the Same Day and Fill the Library with Rainbows” I just don’t understand what has gotten into the minds of these people.
James Clapper Knew the Laptop Was Real Before He Signed the “51 Intelligence Officers” Disinformation Letter He has been known to lie before. How many times we don’t know.
Hunter Biden Is Being Deposed On Thursday. Here’s What He Should Be Asked Under Oath And speaking of know liars, I doubt being under oath with make much difference with this one.
DHS Covered Up Its Outsourcing of ‘Misinformation’ Policing This uses a Just the News article, this one is much easier to read.
EXPOSED: Homeland Security Tried to Conceal Efforts to Censor Americans on Social Media
The Big Money Donors Behind the Attacks on Conservative Supreme Court Justices
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The old man is seriously senile. Joe Biden to Indian Prime Minister and Tech Giant CEOs at White House: “I Sold a Lot of State Secrets and a Lot of Very Important Things” ..This Even Made the WH Transcripts! Now in this case he obviously thought he was making a joke, a very not funny joke that is possibly the truth.
Spam Denial of Service Attack Against James O’Keefe? Not surprising with what he revealed about Blackrock.
War on Women: Transes Ban Lesbians From Pride March, Cite ‘Transphobia’ The crazy left seems to have developed its own circular firing squad. Did they learn it from Republicans and conservatives?
The Burisma Case in Ukraine and the Hunter Biden Case in the U.S. Were Forged Using the Same Scheme
NFL player cancels charity golf tournament at Trump National after sponsor pulls out over ‘political battle’ Trump hatred runs deep in the left. And many who give in to them are just wusses.
SUZANNE DOWNING: What ProPublica’s Crusade Against Conservative SCOTUS Justices Is Really About
New Analysis of White House Visitor Logs Reveals Notable Gaps and Missing Names
Did The White House Quietly Admit Biden Was Involved With Hunter’s Business Deals? “We went from being told Biden never spoke with Hunter about his business dealings to Joe Biden is “not in business” with Hunter. There is a world of difference between those two statements,” It is a nit picky point but a valid catch of a change in language.
Norway’s Wealth Tax Is Backfiring. Are Americans Paying Attention? It depends on which Americans you ask.
Intelligence Report Reveals Wuhan Institute ‘Collaborated’ With Chinese Military On Coronavirus Experiments Is there anyone reading this who didn’t see that coming?
World Gone Cuckoo After reading this you might want to watch this video: The Depopulation Bomb
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No, WaPo, a Texas Heat Wave has Nothing to Do with Global Climate Change
12 infant deaths reported in clinical trials for FDA-endorsed RSV drug
The Designated Defendant: Was Hunter Biden Always the Fall Guy? “In the law, the “designated defendant” is often a chump who is given some impressive title, a good salary, and the authority to sign reports or filings for a corporation.”
KAFCA ““… the final theme present… throughout the armed forces today is KAFCA, pronounced Kafca (since this is a military book I have made up an acronym.) KAFCA is Keeping the Able From Contributing to the Action. Inside the armed services, this problem is more politely referred to as “personnel mismanagement.” – Arthur T. Hadley in The Straw Giant”
Harvard professor who published research on honesty accused of fudging findings
Legal Insurrection is full of articles of interest.
Biden Bombshell: Whistleblowers Say IRS Recommended Felony Tax Charges Against Hunter Biden. The DOJ Balked. Notice the headline to the left on the 16 bombshells on Hunter.
Everyone has permission to roll your eyes at Nickolas Kristoff for this one: Joe Biden for Father of the Year Of course, that wasn’t his title on twitter.
ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Trump’s Prosecutors Shouldn’t Get To Use The Word ‘Espionage.’ Here’s Why
The Cartels Have Been Sent to Kill Us – They are allied with Corporate Fascists, Greens, the Hard Left and the CCP. Michael Yon has been pressing this point for years. “This author says this about her home, Vancouver, Canada: The city has been taken over by a consortium of cartels, Asian and Mexican, who own through their funding of a proliferation of social justice activist groups, members of the city council, the judiciary, as well as members of the provincial and federal government, particularly those in immigration who rubber stamp the papers of the worst criminals from across the Asian world. They are all here now. The pickings are just too good. You are next on their list.”
We Should Protect Our Border With What We’ve Already Paid For
FBI validated Hunter Biden laptop months before experts claimed Russian disinformation
Whistleblower: FBI threatened to fire agents who criticized emphasis on Jan. 6 investigations
Biden and Hunter on Marine One in the Middle of Scandal Sets Internet Ablaze At least the conservative side noticed.
Nation’s First Elected Transgender State Rep. Arrested On Child Porn Charges: Police
Don’t need no Don Quixote cuz the windmill biz already tilting
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I had just mentioned to my husband I wasn’t sure Hunter wasn’t just bragging unless there were photos., then I saw this. Well, maybe not in the room but someone knew it was important to document. Photo From Hunter Biden’s Laptop Corroborates Bribery Claims From Whistleblower
Something is going on in Russia/Ukraine, what is it, a coup attempt? Bad reporting? I’ve seen some of this going on in the past, I’m really, I remember when Khrushchev came, I remember when Stalin was in charge of the USSR. Is There a Coup Attempt Underway in Russia?
Fox News anchor responds to allegations that he colluded with DOJ to ‘entrap’ Donald Trump I have not even seen the video, it has been a long time since I’ve watched Bret Baier. He is keen to keep his job.
California Bill Would Enable Therapists to ‘Emancipate’ 12-Year-Olds from Their Own Parents
I agree with Glenn Reynold take on the submersible disaster. Run Silent, Run Very, Very Deep It reminds me of the many ships that went down with our ancestors, and those explorers who helped settle a world unknown to them.
Latest GOP Presidential Candidate Was Commissioner For Pro-Censorship Group With Left-Leaning Ties
Religious Freedom Wins in Court Case About Trans Medical Procedures
Barack Obama and his Connecticut Social Security number It has been a very long time since I have seen anything about Obama’s SS number or his birth certificate. However, I am now ready to believe whatever is printed, too many “conspiracy theories” have been proven true.
Tucker Carlson says the quiet part out loud about RFK Jr. Tucker’s 5th Twitter monologue.
MSM pilot fish like NYT, WaPo, CNN, and CBS signal that Biden is on his way out When Joe and Mika speak of this on MSNBC I will believe the old guy is on the skids.
Is This Why the Biden Administration Held Off Announcing Titanic Sub Deaths? I really hope the families were not left in the suspense the rest of the world was, that would be so cruel.
America Wake Up to Woke Some our rousing, but not fully awake, the rest dream on.
Everyone Is Going to Think I’m Nuts, But I’m Not Nuts… Truthfully, I though Sundance would have figured this out a long time ago.
Folks can’t get enough of ‘warrior’ mom reading school board the riot act over indoctrination
This is just for what it’s worth, a fun read, Are You Left-Wing, Miserable And Filled With Contempt? This Study Suggests You’re Ugly Too But of course, it must be true.
“In 1942, Vogue quoted a male soldier saying of his female counterparts, ‘To look unattractive these days is downright ‘morale-breaking and should be considered treason.'” How did these two articles come up on the same day?
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Population Collapse is Coming – Alex Kaschuta a very interesting video.
Jewish Leaders and Moms Slam the SPLC for Calling “‘Mom’s For Liberty’ a Hate Group
Justice Samuel Alito: ProPublica Misleads Its Readers
Fake pushback: Texas passes law banning DEI at the state universities You will need to scroll down to see the article.
The Ideological Subversion of Biology
Judge Strikes Down Law Banning Irreversible Transgender Care for Minors
I’m going to do away with the headings of Biden or the persecution of Trump and from now on will put it all under the heading of Corruption.
Is This Proof the Trump Indictment Is a Scam?
The War on Trump Is a War on Millions
The anti-Trump brigade is a menace to democracy
John Durham makes a fool of Adam Schiff
What The Deep State War On Trump Really Means
The Utter Failure of Merrick Garland
Durham: You better believe Obama, Biden, and Comey knew that this was a Hillary dirty trick
Were They Spying on Trump All Along?
The Hunter Biden ‘Controlled Demolition’ is Complete
Robert Barnes Summary – The Administrative State Motive to Weaponize Secrets and Create Precedent
O’Keefe Drops Biggest Story Yet: BlackRock Recruiter Spills Info on Company’s World Impact – “You Got $10K? You Can Buy a Senator” Blackrock is a major player in the current problems of the world. They control so many purse strings.
Emails Show Biden Admin KNEW Vaccines Didn’t Stop COVID as Early as January 2021
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Seems like we will be hearing all about the sweet deal made to Hunter Biden this week. It is a shameful proof of DOJ favoritism. Will it actually open the eyes of some, or will it prove to them the conservatives have it in for Hunter? Which we do because he is a sleazy criminal.
Did The FBI Prevent Delaware Agents From Investigating Biden Bribery Allegations?
McCarthy doubles down on Biden family probes after Hunter plea deal For what its worth.
Tucker Carlson: Hunter Biden, Father’s Administration Represent ‘Total Inversion of Virtue’ Thankful Tucker has his own platform now. He would not be allowed to say this on Fox.
Why is this man laughing?, Check out the complete Powerline blog.
A Key Question for the White House After Hunter’s Guilty Plea
Congress prepares to unseal testimony, evidence from IRS whistleblower in Hunter Biden case
Sounds Racist: DOJ Sentenced Famous Rappers to Years in Federal Prison on Gun Charges – But Hunter Biden Given Slap on Wrist for Same Charge This is probably the only reason it might get a little sticky for the Bidens. Or as some put it, the Bribems.
Turley on Hunter Biden Plea Deal: ‘This Is Going to Look Like You Ticketed the Getaway Driver After a Bank Robbery’ Indeed it does.
Have Trump’s Tribulations Been a Blessing in Disguise? “Merrick Garland has dropped any pretext of the DOJ being anything other than the enforcement thugs of the Democrat party.” Will this be acknowledged by anyone but conservatives?
Naomi Wolf, feminist turncoat “Wolf even came out and boldly apologized to conservatives for believing the January 6 insurrection lies.”
Previous Target of DOJ’s Trump Legal Hit Squad Alleges Witness Payoff Scheme
Disbarment Proceedings for John Eastman, Ex-Trump Election Lawyer, Begin in California
21 Federal Agencies Promote Pride Month With Taxpayer Dollars
ProPublica’s Top Donors Also Bankroll Activist Groups Targeting Justice Clarence Thomas
SJWs are on the run We can hope and pray it’s true.
YouTube removes Jordan Peterson’s interview with RFK Jr., citing vaccine ‘misinformation
Authorities Arrest Democrat Donor for California Wildfire Blamed on ‘Climate Crisis’
One Of The Most Extreme Ocean Events In History Is Happening Right Now “A marine heatwave is traveling from the coast of West Africa to Iceland, creating the most extreme conditions witnessed in the North Atlantic in all of recorded history.” How long is recorded history? Didn’t the Vikings have settlements in Greenland and possibly America at one point when it was warmer?
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‘Fundamental Culture Change’: Here’s Why Europe’s Energy Giants Are Pivoting Back To Oil and it isn’t just those energy giants. Biden’s green energy agenda suffers scores of Democratic defectors
Ukraine To Pause Its Offense For A Week? Also Blinken In China.hmm…
Why Do Comey, McCabe, Clinton Continue to Get Total Prosecutorial Pass? I think we all know the answer. While there check out the other headlines.
How This Legal Group Plans To Halt Democrats’ Jihad Against Election Integrity Laws Ahead Of 2024 Lessons learned, time to plan ahead.
Your Tax Dollars at Work: Military Monitors Social Media for Mean Posts About Generals Poor babies, if they can’t take mean posts on social media, how did they get to be generals?
The real William Barr was this a signal? Sunday Talks, Bill Barr Continues His Crusade Against Trump in Effort to Protect the Bush-Obama Surveillance State and DOJ-FBI Constructs
Experts’ Are Now Beginning to Express Regrets over Fauci’s Dreadful Handling of Covid Those experts are more than a little late to the game.
Research: 1-in-4 U.S. Children Live in Fatherless Homes, Spurring Mental Health and Behavioral Issues The sad truth is many women are the cause of a fatherless home, we cannot put all the blame on the fathers.
The Morning Briefing: The Bidens Are About to Get ‘Harvey Weinstein-ed,’ and Here Are Joe’s ‘Secret Audio Bribery Tapes’ You’ve Been Dying to Hear! It is disheartening to know the DOJ/FBI knew about this since it happened and now he is America’s face to the world.
CAUGHT: Top Education Publisher Deletes ‘Woke’ Evidence After Release of Heritage Foundation Report I know people who worked for Pearson, I’m glad they are out of it.
Tax policy bill aims to offset high inflation, punish China, Russia; GOP evokes families, businesses Republican doesn’t necessarily equal conservative.
The Synagogue mass attack that didn’t happen “Seann Patrick Pietila discussed the attack on Instagram, court documents said, where he frequently posted anti-semitic remarks about hating Jews and being inspired by the men convicted of two mass shootings in New Zealand and Norway, who shot and killed dozens of people”
Anti-semitism is on the rise, this leads me to advertise a musical, but not a comedy, my son and his step-daughter have written. It needs to be seen, I’ve read the script and listened to the songs and am anxious to attend the first reading at the Jewish Community Center in San Antonio on July 30th. Here are links to the JCC site of Finding Helena and here is a link to the soundtrack to listen to the songs, music and lyrics by my son. “It is the story of Helena, the daughter of a Nazi officer in Poland, who falls in love with Ari, a Jewish resistance fighter. He helps her see the reality of why the Germans are in Poland and she eventually runs away with him.”
Washington Post helps those who are intimidating lawyers into not working for Trump “A highly organized group of people is attempting to deny Donald Trump the right to legal counsel of his choosing by organizing a campaign of intimidation of lawyers who might be asked to serve his defense”
How on Earth did the Government make $2.9 TRILLION Improper Payments??? How, indeed!
Nearly half of US states now have measures on transgender surgery for minors, but lawsuits abound And they seem to be winning at least some of those law suits.
The Reverse Opium War “This is the fentanyl crisis. It may seem strange to connect a very modern and very American phenomenon to a brace of wars waged 200 years ago by the British Empire on the last of the Chinese dynasties. But so the rhetoric runs: we are witnessing a Reverse Opium War; a belated Sinic revenge.”
Prosecutor Drops Probe Into Trump Golf Course In addition the IRS had to refund some big bucks, unfortunately I’ve lost that link.
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