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Category Archives: common people
Links and Comments, Aug. 26, 2014
Math wars: Rote memorization plays crucial role in teaching students how to solve complex calculations, study says Eight Times Democrats have used Court Shenanigans against Republicans and along those lines read this, just have your blood pressure meds handy. Sticky … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, common people, doctors, Global Warming, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, Middle East
Tagged AGW, Al Queda in Iraq, Anti-semitism, Campaign finance, class envy, Class Warfare, Climate Change, corruption, criminalization of politics, Cronyism, cultural degradation, Democratic donors, Democrats, Dept of Justice, DOJ, domestic terroism, Dream Act, Drug cartels, education, education reform, EPA Scandal, Eric Holder, Foreign policy, Fraud, Gaza, George Soros, Global Warming, govenment schools, Hispanic voters, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, imperial Presidency, IRS scandal, ISIL, Islam, Islamic terrorists, Israel, left wing bigots, media, Media Bias, Mexico, Militant Islam, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Racism, Soros
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Links and Comments, July 28, 2014
The Egyptians are destroying tunnels, too. From Gaza. I received this twitter link from a friend yesterday: 7/27/14, 3:35 AM Yesterday in a house in Gaza, the Maglan special forces unit found explosives two steps away from a baby’s bed. … Continue reading
Posted in Catholic bishops, common people, Economics, Egyptian Military, Honduras, Hypocrisy, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, McVeigh, Mexican Pirates, Middle East, National Security, Ten commandments
Tagged Anti-semitism, Chicago Politicians, domestic terroism, Dream Act, Elitism, Foreign policy, government healthcare, Health Care Bill, Historical illiteracy, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Islamic terrorists, left wing bigots, Mexico, Militant Islam, Muslim extremism, muslim violence, Muslims in America, Obama care ruling, Obama Health Care, Obamacare, Political Arrogance, Polls
1 Comment
Links and Comments, June 23, 2014
This is happening right here in Texas. Gun Shop Alleges July 1st Shutdown Due to Political Stance Don’t fight in Iraq and ignore Syria The Fable of the burning river 45 years later. Environmentalists have been lying to us longer … Continue reading
Posted in AGW, Americanism, Arizona Immigration Law, Cap and Trade, children, Columbian Politics, common people, Conspiracy theories, HHS, Homeland Security, Honduras, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Lies, political donor list
Tagged Afghanistan, AGW, Al Qaeda, Al Queda in Iraq, Campaign finance, Climate Change, conservative ads, Conservative Republicans, Democratic donors, Democrats, Dept of Justice, DHS, DOJ, domestic terroism, Dream Act, Drug cartels, Elitism, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, Fact checkers, Foreign policy, George Soros, gov't regulations, Green business, Green jobs, Harry Reid, Hillary, Hispanic voters, Historical illiteracy, History, ICE, Illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, Iran, Iran Syria, Iraq, IRS scandal, Islamic terrorists, Media Bias, Mexico, Political Arrogance, revisionist history, Soros, Supreme Court
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Links and comments April 26, 2014
The BLM is a money making bureau for the Dept of Interior. Some people are speaking out in support of Cliven Bundy and the accusation of racism against him. When I was a girl, probably a short while before Bundy was … Continue reading
Posted in common people, Illegal immigration, immigration, Oil Industry, polar bears
Tagged AGW, Black conservatives, blame game, Bureauracy, Class Warfare, Climate change, Climate Change, energy, environmentalism, EPA Scandal, executive orders, federal lands, Global Warming, gov't regulations, Historical illiteracy, Illegal immigration, immigration, Marxism, race card, Racism
Comments Off on Links and comments April 26, 2014
What have we come to? or Points to Ponder
Drugmakers Vowed to Campaign for Health Law, Memos Show What a sleazy Democratic congress and administration. And the drug companies are just as bad. T/A Travel Center Fails to Fly Flag on Memorial Day, Quickly Learns the Power of the … Continue reading
Posted in black genocide, blogosphere, blogs, Christianity, common people, Earmarks, Felonies?, imperial Presidency, intimidation, Nanny state, parenting, partial birth abortion, political donor list, politicians
Tagged blame game, Campaign finance, Chicago Politicians, corruption, crime, Cronyism, cultural degradation, Drug cartels, ethics, Federal spending, Fraud, gov't regulations, gov't waste, Government Waste, graft, Health Care Bill, imperial Presidency, multiculturalism, Obama Health Care, Obama's czars, Political Arrogance, Political Lies, politicians, Progressives, proverty, Socialism, totalitarian government
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VDH on Obama and our debt
St. Obama and the Debt Dragon “Reckless Fiscal Policies” Why did Obama only enumerate George W. Bush’s big spending as responsible for the out-of-control $14 trillion-plus debt, while not mentioning his own contribution of $5 trillion? Why is there a … Continue reading
Posted in common people, Drilling, McConnell
Tagged blame game, Campaign finance, class envy, Class Warfare, Communism, community organizers, Congress, criminalization of politics, Democratic donors, Fact checkers, Fascism, Fascist, financial crisis, Financial Reform, Fiscal responsibility, gov't waste, government aid, government healthcare, Government Waste, Green jobs, leftism, liberal bias, liberal misconceptions, Liberalism, Liberals, Obama Flip Flops, Obama's Policies, Political Lies, President Obama, Tea Party
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Rush and the Elite, it makes me think of Truman
Truman was part of a political machine but not an elitist, not of the elite. He was from Missouri for heaven’s sake! He had an accent, too!! Oh dear, think what they would say today!From Human Events: Battling Political Elitism … Continue reading
Posted in common people
Tagged Elitism
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