Supreme Court cites ex House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in decision to strike down Biden student loan plan This is one of the most ironic things I’ve seen in a long time. Have a house speaker’s words ever been used against their beliefs in and Supreme court decision before. Karma.
Progressives Seize on SCOTUS Case to Threaten to Refuse Service to Christians; I Completely Support Them Does any business still have a sign saying “we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone?”
Biology Professor Says He Was Fired for Teaching Sex Is Determined by Chromosomes
Sunday War And Geopolitics Roundup from Mark Wauck
Biden’s Propaganda Job Creation Chart Was Fact-Checked, And Then the Note Disappeared
‘Unstated Affirmative Action:’ Berkeley Law Dean Admits He Discriminates Against Potential Faculty Hires T his is something happening in many (most) businesses and universities, particularly when it come to women and the “glass ceiling.” Women have gained far more than men in this century. I have nothing to prove this, I know women still get many of the “grunt” jobs, but women are graduating from college in greater numbers than men,
The World’s Largest Ponzi Scheme I’m sure you can all agree with this.
Biden Bribery Wheeze is like the Russia Collusion Delusion Will we ever get to the bottom of the Biden schemes? Too late?
Hunter prosecutor: IRS whistleblower is … telling the truth?
George Soros foundation slashes 40% of workforce as billionaire’s empire passed to son
Biden is forced to build Trump’s border wall
The Threat of Decivilisation “Noting that attacks on police, civil servants, mayors, and postal workers are on the increase, Jérôme Fouquet, head of the main polling company IFOP, said that “tensions are increasing in every part of society” to such a degree that “a process of decivilisation is now under way.” France is on fire again this summer.
Civil War in France: 1000 Arrests, 45,000 Security Forces Deployed, 79 Officers Injured Last Night
Are Obama’s deliberate and malicious leaks not ‘mishandling of classified information’?