Links and Comments

Pride Month and the Left’s Fairytale Villains

Joe Rogan has a blistering reaction to this new boycott

Most Americans Say Transgenderism Is ‘Morally Wrong’: Gallup

More On The Dangers Of The Espionage Act

Nets Spend 291 Minutes On Trump Indictment, 0 Seconds On Biden Burisma Bribery

Students Revolt Against “Pride” Month Spirit Day at Massachusetts School; Glare at Teachers, Tear Down Signs, Wear Red, White and Blue, Chant “U.S.A. Are My Pronouns!”

The National Security “Nuclear” Documents Outlined by Jack Smith Are Pure Lawfare Manipulation – “Defense Centered” Records Not What Media Claims

‘Back Up Plan For Jack Smith’ – Corrupt Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann Floats More Serious Federal Charges Against Trump in New Jersey

First this: Visibly Angry Ted Cruz Becomes All of Us While Laying Into the Deputy Director of the FBI

And this: How It’s Done: JD Vance Decides to Play Hardball With Merrick Garland in Midst of Trump Indictment

And finally this: FBI Deputy Director Admits Redacting Mention of Joe and Hunter Biden Recordings in Document Shown to Congress He finally admitted what Grassley had said was true.  (paraphrasing)

The Missing Source of the Virus Was a Man

Liberal Supreme Court journalists admit incompetence, prescribe propaganda and harassment of justices

FEMA to Give $363.8 Million to Non-Federal Entities to Provide Shelter for Illegal Aliens

Michael Yon has some news about that.

Some Words About Words  I think Rush used to say, “words matter.”

US: Yep, We’re Buying Your Data, Including Your Embarrassing Secrets I don’t think  I have any embarrassing secrets, but I always thought they have everything I ever did on the internet, anyway.

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