Stacked deck: Whistleblowers face long odds of prevailing against FBI’s top brass
Arctic Ice: A Cold Reality Check for Climate Alarmism “while many continue to discuss and predict an ever-warming world with melting ice caps and rising seas, events like the detour of the Yevpatii Kolovrat paint a more complex picture of climate realities.”
Remembering When The New York Times Reported East Coast Beaches Would Be Gone by 2020
Birx: we deceived you in order to get you to comply And she looked so honest, were we deceived by her “niceness?”
Whistleblowers Claim Evidence Against Hunter Biden Placed in ‘Highly Restricted Systems’ That Prevent Other FBI Officials From Reviewing Materials. This causes me to believe that is true. FBI Director Confirms Biden Bribery Document Exists, Still Won’t Turn It Over to Congress
Biden sexual assault accuser Tara Reade escapes to Russia, worried about being jailed or killed in US A year ago I would have thought this was a publicity stunt. This year I think she may have good reason to fear, and then I think “is this really true?”
What’s Wrong and What’s Right With Debt Ceiling Deal | Biden lost the debt negotiations I do not know enough about economics to have and educated opinion. My instinct tells me we have far too much debt. Here’s what Ben Shapiro says: Ben Shapiro: Our fake spending debates
Good advice. You Asked for a Rebuttal, Dad Be gentle but firm with your liberal friends and relations.
Judge Renews Focus on Clinton Foundation Tax Problems after Durham Report Did that report tell us anything we didn’t already know?
DOJ drains funds raised on behalf of January 6 defendants This seems to be an illegal “taking” by government.
CDC Conference Described as ‘Superspreader Event’ After At Least 181 Attendees Test Positive For COVID-19 I try not to be gleeful at the problems of others, but in some cases I find it harder to resist.
Philosophical questions with no answers. Three very interesting essays From Richard Fernandez, The Return of Good and Evil, Part 1; The Return of Good and Evil, Part 2. From Sarah Hoyt, Nationalism, Internationalism, Empire and Colonialism