We stopped taking Scientific American about 25 years ago when their political slant became so apparent it was in every issue. It has become much worse. Are women, leftists progressive women, taking over the world? Here’s the Tweet a Science Magazine Editor Should Have Deleted Hours Ago Social justice warrior women have been in the forefront of some of the worst liberal takings lately, I am thinking of Budweiser ads and some others that have been instigated by women.
Gorsuch Condemns the ‘Breathtaking’ Use of Emergency Powers During Covid
Pro-Life Activist Claims Intimidation After FBI Visits Mother’s Home
Senator Dianne Feinstein suffered brain inflammation
Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor trade jabs in Andy Warhol copyright case
Kevin McCarthy’s Job Approval Soars 18 Points Since Becoming Speaker He has done better than expected, but some of us want more.
Not a Terrorist? The Biden Team Killed the Wrong Person Again I’m not sure we should blame the Biden’s for this, some top commanders are to blame, it has happened with every administration.
Durham: FBI Dropped 4 Different Probes into Clinton Family Ahead of 2016
Democracy Dies in Darkness The Durham report is a damning indictment of the FBI — and the media This is from the Washington Post, an extremely liberal news source, this opinion piece is by a conservative. The liberals who read and subscribe will probably be howling with pain.
Secretive Bilderberg Gathering Of Global Elites Kicks Off: See Who’s Attending & What They’re Discussing I hope you will be able to link this, it is on ZeroHedge.
“Carson’s ‘Silent Spring’ Fails Test of Time” (New York Times verdict in 2007)
Politico didn’t run any articles like this about Jean Carroll, Trump’s accuser
“The Only Person Closest to Roger Is Donald Trump” – Elizabeth Ailes, Widow of Roger Ailes, Holds First Interview – Slams the Murdochs for Destroying FOX News The lady has a valid point.
Dirty FBI Revokes Security Clearances of Whistleblowers Before Congressional Testimony – But 51 Signatories of Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Still Have There’s This complaint is real but I wish they had used the proper “their.”
Durham Report Reveals FBI Shut Down Four Criminal Investigations into the Clintons But we already knew that, Clintons and Bidens can do no wrong.
Are We Missing Something? “Biased news reporting and snarky editorials can be truly annoying. But what about news and commentary on important matters that is missing altogether? Isn’t that the kind of media bias that can really get us into trouble?” This wraps up the bias complaints for the day, I could find more if I wanted to.
The Durham Gloss on the Russia Hoax
Some sites have new posts up faster than I can keep up, and most are very good. Here are some of them.
Jonathan Turely ; Don Surber; Meaning in History.