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The Supreme Court is under siege:
The Left’s Plan for Hostile Takeover of Supreme CourtTheir current tactics demonstrate what “by any means necessary” really means.”

Senate panel splits on power to force Supreme Court ethics code They have forgotten there are three parts to our government.

MSNBC Show Host Mocking Conservative Justices Speaks Right to Alito’s Point

Al Franken Crawls Out of His Hole to Attack Democracy, Calling Supreme Court ‘Illegitimate’ I never understood his so-called humor, either.

Supreme Court unanimously rejects ethics complaints by Democrats against Justice Clarence Thomas

A twitter post as shown on Instapundit. “FBI says man accused of attempting to kill Brett Kavanaugh says he was ‘shooting to kill 3’ justices.”

Supreme Court to Hear Case That Could Rein in Federal Agencies One of the best reasons to delegitimize the SCOTUS.

Dem-run border city to declare state of emergency ahead of Trump-era migrant policy’s end They seem to understand there is a huge problem coming their way.

Gender Clinic Trained Elementary School Teachers on How to ‘Transition’ Little Kids Are you surprised?  I didn’t think so, it is all coming from the same evil source.

Biden Admin Depletes Reserve U.S. Stockpile in Israel in Bid to Replenish Ukraine

Seth Dillon lays waste to Chelsea Clinton for coming out ‘in favor of porn for kids’

‘Way over his depth’: Chuck Todd schooled over claim scientific research proves ‘gender is a spectrum’

GOP senators tell Blinken hand over Hunter Biden records, amid questions about role in laptop story

Joe Biden Is Guilty Of Child Abuse — At Scale — And Nobody Cares I care and I believe this, “Rodas went on to say, “it can be argued that the U.S. government has become the middleman in a large scale, multi-billion-dollar, child trafficking operation run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children.”

Everyone Is Preparing for War Between China and the United States I hope not, but it looks very like it.

DHS orders employees to drop regular duties, shift to coming border surge

Where Did All the Biden Illegal Immigrants Go?

The American Anti-Woke Coalition From one of my favorite Brits, Konstantin Kisin.

Almost hard to believer, but she got this right, at least the headline. ‘Learning Loss Is Real’: Lori Lightfoot Slams Randi Weingarten’s Teachers’ Union for Delaying School ReopeningOutgoing Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot on Monday criticized Randi Weingarten and the influential teachers’ union she runs for delaying school re-openings after the pandemic.”

There are several new uses for false religions.

Counseling ban promotes gender identity as religion, censors science, diverse critics tell SCOTUS Transgenderism is one of the new religions.  Abortion is also one.

Here is the biggy: The Case For Making Earth Day a Religious Holiday It has been one to many people for years. The two writing this have undoubtedly been celebrating it for years.  I will not fault the Native Americans with Mother Earth, as I do believe we should take care of it and not foul our nests.  I admit I didn’t read much of this article, someone else will have to check their facts and figures.

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