The Powerful Media Pretend They Are Powerless “We’re in the earliest days of the 2024 presidential election cycle, and the Democrats and their media allies appear to be attempting to create a rerun of 2016.” Arrogance knows no bounds.
Ex-GOP Senator Offers Case Study In How The Swamp Works He seems pretty happy about his new gig.
Manhattan DA Bragg Claims GOP is “Interfering” By Subpoenaing Former Trump Investigator Well, someone has to do it.
‘Autistic’ son, 13, of fired Florida health worker who challenged DeSantis’ COVID stats is ARRESTED ‘for repeatedly threatening to shoot up his school and stab his classmates’ How sad to have a son who is autistic, even more sad to have one who plans a disaster.
Documents Detailing Secret U.S.-Ukraine War Plan Against Russia Leaked on Social Media With friends like U.S., who needs enemies?
United States Gov’t Seeks to Garnish Accounts of Hunter’s Pal After Failing to Pay $43,954,416 Sometimes it doesn’t pay to be a friend of Biden either.
Study: Over 72% of NYC Violent Crime Suspects Freed Without Bail Go On to Commit More Crimes When you have a job to do, a job to get Trump, what does it matter about the rest of the crime or their victims?
Jim Jordan Subpoenas Manhattan Prosecutor Who Resigned over Suspended Trump Probe
If Rule Of Law Dies, So Does Our Republic “The overtly political mugging of Donald Trump by a Soros-backed New York district attorney wielding a risible 34-count felony indictment that could put the ex-president behind bars for more than 100 years is bad enough.” We all know that over the centuries there have been instances of local law ramrodding someone into jail or prison, but on a national level it has become more and more blatant. Flynn, now Trump.
US/Canada Invasion through Darien Gap Michael Yon gives a few details that shows administration involvement in the immigrant invasion. “Our tax money hands out maps with QR codes to help invaders get north to towns and cities across America and Canada even while our economies collapse. This is a clear weaponization of migration. A clear racial replacement strategy.”
Permission to speak not granted: the editor of Science gives his ruling
Krugman: even if Trump is innocent, this is justice “Krugman’s article is perfect, in a way, since it encapsulates exactly what they imagine government should be about: helping your friends and harming your enemies.” There may be a few Democrats who will disagree with this, they just don’t get much play in the media.
Justice Thomas says vacations with GOP megadonor were cleared by judicial advisers The Democrat long knives are out for Justice Thomas, they want that seat.
Caitlyn Jenner fights men in women’s sports Good on him/her at least he knows about male muscles.
Not Just Nashville: Attacks Against Churches Nearly Triple So Far in 2023, Report Finds
Outraged transgender activists lash out at Biden over policy flip-flop: ‘F*** Joe Biden!’ “The White House released a statement Thursday saying that schools would be allowed to ban students from participating in sports not meant for the gender of their birth. The policy kept in place the administration’s opposition to transgender bans being passed by states across the country.” This white man speaks with forked tongue. Title IX changes seek to ‘minimize harm’ to transgender athletes -Colleges, high schools could still limit participation in some cases
Transgender Suspect With Communist Manifesto Arrested For Planning Shootings At Schools, Churches: Police I don’t watch major media so I can’t say – Why the Media Isn’t Going to Touch This School Shooting Plot in Colorado