These articles came up in my email list adjacent to each other. I find the subject to be attracting more and more reasoned thought as the trans agenda is pushed at us at a faster rate. Survey Shows Increase In Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria Disproportionately Affects This Group. The next two articles are related and by the same person in I’m not sure you will be able to open them, it is free to sign up, but not many articles have been those I have chosen to link. Transgender Children: The Making of a Modern Hysteria The author quotes Lucy Marchiano’s essay is Chapter Three of Inventing Transgender Children and Young People. . . .” virtually all psychiatric disorders are to some extent artifacts of the time and place in which they occur.’ ¶ ‘When we suffer from underlying psychosocial vulnerabilities . . . our unconscious looks to culturally sanctioned garb in which to clothe our distress.’” The author continues in a post Trans Uncle Toms!
Jim Jordan Subpoenas Former Manhattan DA Attorney Who Demanded Trump Be Indicted
‘At Least 40’ Undercover Informants Were Doing Surveillance On Jan. 6, Defense Lawyer Says
FEC commissioner to Bragg: We already concluded no crime took place, pal And the Dems say, “Well yah, but Orange Man Bad!”
NYT Still Suppressing Hunter’s October Surprise A big eyeroll to the NYTimes.
DOJ ‘inadvertently’ hid evidence in case of FBI agent accused of colluding with Russia
The Only Way to Restore the Norms Is to Finish Them Off “For a long time, we had a norm about trying not to prosecute political opponents even when we could. You beat them at the ballot box. But then they got more brazen, and there was no ambiguity about their crimes. They were actual crimes, and they rubbed them in our face.” Time to get real, to face facts, and get those who are actually guilty of crimes indicted and punished.
This illustrates the problem, we needed to apply the rules, this year is a little late to the game. Obama Received $30 Million From CCP Linked Fugitive As Trump Faces Criminal Prosecution “Earlier this week, actor Leonardo DiCaprio testified in federal court that Malaysian financier Jho Low revealed his plans to donate up to $30 million to help Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign.”
SCOTUS allows transgender individual to stay on women’s sports team pending litigation on state ban This is regarding a 12 year old, at that age the sex difference in muscle mass isn’t as great, but the ramifications for others is damaging to women and girls.
Environmental Org Sues To Halt Offshore Wind Development Over Potential Link To Whale Deaths I am seldom in agreement with environmental groups, but in this case I feel this is overdue.
It’s not that they are ignorant; it’s that so much of what they know isn’t so “In his famous speech “A Time for Choosing” Ronald Reagan hit the nail on the head about liberals: they have strong opinions based upon complete falsehoods.” We all have friends and relatives who fit this description.
Texas AG Just Threw A Glorious Legal Wrench In Biden’s Unconstitutional $1.7 Trillion Spending Spree And as those who fit the above descriptions would gleefully say, “isn’t he under indictment.?” Good on you Mr. Attorney General.
With the Trump Arraignment, Americans Are Seeing the Power of the Local Prosecutor This headline speaks for the whole article, it isn’t the only one today that does.
HISTORY: FDR’s Other ‘Day of Infamy’: When the US Government Seized All Citizens’ Gold. “ via Instapundit.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. files for 2024 presidential run I chose this simple one from a number of links.
Joe Biden visited Ukraine as VP to push for fracking and greater energy production, president’s current national security advisor briefed reporters in 2014 – just THREE DAYS after son Hunter joined gas firm Burisma’s board We knew this, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded.
State-Run Media at Work: ABC Blurs Out “TEXT TRUMP AT 88022” on Podium During Tuesday’s Speech to Block Donations to His Campaign – But They Didn’t Blur the Ad for Joe Biden! I believe this should be handled as a donated ad to Biden.
Yes, it’s time for my annually revamped Passover post Bookie says, “Every year for Passover, I write a post describing the general principles but with a different person standing in as Pharoah. This year, Biden again gets the Egyptian crown. [If you’ve read this post before, skip past all the familiar parts until you get to the more specific indictment of this year’s Pharaoh.]” Feel free to read the whole thing, but for this year’s Pharoah go the line that begins, “So what about this year’s Pharaoh?