This is a long post. I have chosen to do quite a lot of discussion along with the links. Comments galore in this one.
This writer has a very different opinion about Tucker Carlson and the J6 videos. Read it, see if you agree, if you want to challenge or see some truth in his view and on the other hand some bias against Tucker or Trump. I am glad we have Tucker’s view, and I am pleased to see where the ABC director added sound to the views he chose to use for the J6 Committee. It has all been overplayed for a long time. Some people have been political prisoners for way too long. If this gets them help I’m all for it. The Skewed Narratives About J6 I certainly agree with the headline, but I find it reprehensible the author failed to mention the political prisoners.
Southern Poverty Law Center Has Long History of Carrying Water for Antifa Extremists When you to this link, notice the other headlines shown at the top of the page. Interesting stuff. The SPLC and Antifa “SPLC claims its lawyer’s arrest “is not evidence of any crime, but of heavy-handed law enforcement intervention against protesters.” Unbelievable!
The Feds Are Trying to Punish Elon Musk for Exposing the Twitter Files They hate him as much as they hate Trump, a rogue billionaire who wants to get the truth out.
The Real Problem With Tucker Carlson’s January 6 Footage or the problem Schumer and Mc Connell had. “McConnell may have thought he was simply saying he thinks the Capitol protests were a Very Bad Thing™, but I heard what he (and so many others like him) really thinks. He means he didn’t like THE STORY Tucker Carlson was telling with the new footage. THE STORY already had its tellers. THE STORY had already been framed. THE STORY had already been written. How dare Carlson come in with rewrites? Who approved him to retell THE STORY?”
Today’s Killers Are Getting Away With Murder These stories make me even more outraged at the political prisoners in DC jails.
Growing Number of Jan. 6 Defendants Ask Judges to Delay Trials in Light of Newly Released Footage this is behind a pay wall, but the headlines tell the story.
Panic in D.C.: Garland Tells Whopper of a Lie, Proving Why Tucker’s J6 Coverage Was So Important the quote is pretty far down in the story so I will just quote it here: “Listen, as even now, Garland lies. He talks about officers assaulted on “that day” and then says, “Five officers died.” (video) ¶ No officers died that day. The only person “killed” that day was Ashli Babbitt who was shot by a Capitol Police officer. Now multiple police officers committed suicide in the subsequent months. That might raise other questions as to why that might be. But it’s a lie, and grossly misleading to say that they were killed or that they died that day.” A second female protester Rosanne Boyland was killed when she was repeatedly gassed, trampled and then beaten with a stick by Police Officer Lila Morris. Two other Trump supporters, Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips, died when Capitol Police started firing exploding gas canisters on the Trump crowd without warning..
Heated topic: Major flaws discovered in studies used to bolster efforts to ban gas stoves
Sobbing spring: Feds struggle to fill seats for ‘ecogrief’ training session I see this on the same level of stupidity I see when all those crazy warning labels on very small plastic bags urge us to NOT put them on our head. Or don’t eat your tide pods. “Ecogrief is the name some psychologists have given to distress that some feel over a changing environment.” And the price is “FWS, an agency within the Interior Department, is paying $4,000 for each virtual session, funded through the agency’s regular budget for employee training and development.”
Report: Justice Department Issues Results of Investigation Into Breonna Taylor Death I have no doubt those words were spoken by both black and white officers.
Dr. Redfield FLIPS: This Virus WAS UNNATURAL – MOST LIKELY COME FROM THE LAB” (VIDEO) I don’t understand calling this a flip, I think this doctor always had that opinion.
But this is a definite flip: Wray: “The FBI Assessed, Going All the Way Back to the SUMMER of 2021, That the Origin of the Pandemic Was Likely a Lab Incident in Wuhan”
New Mexico Soros-Backed Secretary of State, Maggie Toulouse-Oliver, Used Illegal Software to Combine Election Results and Tried to Cover It Up, Breaking Several State and Local Laws in the Process Kari Lake keeps fighting her battle of votes, but with the entrenched system in Arizona I don’t see how she can prevail.
Can Satanism Be Banned From Schools? “the issue for constitutional purposes is, What did the word “religion” mean as used in the Constitution’s First Amendment, at the time the document was written, for purposes of free exercise?” How far do we take the originalist argument?
Jonathan Turley asks: Did the “QAnon Shaman” Get Shafted on Sentencing? New Footage Raises Questions Over the Chansley Case
Hess CEO States Obvious on CNBC: Oil and Gas ‘Needed for Decades to Come’ Back in the 1970’s when I worked at a newspaper in advertising, this was the Amerada Hess Corporation. It brings back some memories.