Don’t mess with Matt Walsh. Matt Walsh sends Dem lawmaker into verbal paralysis with one simple question about gender surgeries on minors
D.C. Council President Tries to Pull Crime Bill ahead of Senate Disapproval Vote Never forget, whatever the bill the aim is to get statehood for DC.
Researchers find high levels of dangerous chemicals in East Palestine air This doesn’t say when these tests were taken. I’m sure that before and rain, wind or snow this would have been true. But there have been weather events since then that should have cleared the air. Unfortunately rain or snow would move it into the ground.
Texas A&M system bans DEI statements “The announcement from TAMUS Chancellor John Sharp follows a Feb. 6 directive from Gov. Greg Abbott. A memo from Abbott’s chief of staff, obtained by The Texas Tribune, told the state’s public colleges and universities to use merit, not DEI, in its considerations.”
Life Among the Ruins ”American society is facing three existential crises not unlike those that overcame the late Roman, and a millennium later, terminal Byzantine, empires. We are suffering an epidemic of premodern barbarism. The signs unfortunately appear everywhere. Over half a million homeless people crowd our big-city downtowns.” Victor Davis Hanson
Biden FAA Nominee Can’t Answer a SINGLE Question About Aviation from Republican Senator
FBI Searching for Four Americans Kidnapped by Armed Gunmen in Mexico This is listed under politics, I consider it as real news.
Luongo: Powell Has Won The War For The Dollar (Pt. 1) This is promising.
FBI politicized J6 cases, targeted pro-lifers, whistleblowers tell House panel on weaponization Confirmation of our thoughts.
Washington Post, Rolling Stone issue corrections about FBI Jan. 6 whistleblower Stephen Friend
Woops! Cat, Bag, Out! You may have noticed I’m posting more from Mark Wauck lately. He does a lot of good reporting. This one is on Samantha Powers wife of Cass Sunstein, both Friends of Bill, or Handlers of Bill and Obama, who is to know that whole story. “Samantha Power, the head of USAID, admits that the US is at war with Russia with the hands of Ukrainians.”