Reflections on the 20th Century “The greatest consolation of the modern age, our replacement for God, is the lie that the State loves you. There is your home, in the comfort of small spaces and the State is smaller than the world. For some, better a familiar tyranny than the frightening freedom in those infinite reaches.” By Richard Fernandez
Who needs Nikki? I don’t think Don Surber likes Nikki Haley.
Microsoft Company Pushed Discredited GDI Blacklist Targeting Conservative and Libertarian Sites To read all of Jonathan Turley’s posts , then scroll down.
Will America Be The Biggest Loser Coming Out Of Ukraine? To read all click here.
The Hunger Games Begin – Soaring Energy Costs Lead to Rationing of Vegetables in U.K.
To see how crazy that Trump special investigation was in Georgia, just take a look at the jury foreman. More – President Trump Responds to Georgia Grand Jury Foreperson and the Circus Media Tour She is Undertaking
Neo’s take on the January 6 Footage.
Biden Is Still After Your Gas Stoves
Why is there no Covid-19 commission in America? “Over the past year, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Denmark have begun or completed public investigations into their countries’ responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.” Horowitz: Major German paper reveals Pfizer fabricated clinical trials to cover up deaths
Another Clintoncide. EXCLUSIVE: Arkansas cops rule suicide in death of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein – who was found shot and tied to a tree with an electrical cord around his neck – despite no sign of weapon
The ‘Great Awokening’ Is Transforming Science and Medicine Woke won’t cure much.
And some are calling this another Great Awakening. What Is the Asbury Revival?
Texas Gov. Abbott warns illegal immigrants, ‘You’re picking the wrong state’
The Fetterman Dilemma In my opinion another case of Democrats wanting to win at all costs even though the candidate was extremely flawed through health concerns.
Key Dominion exec admitted company products ‘riddled with bugs’ days before 2020 vote: Fox lawyers But where how does this help us get our country back, get the world back in sync? “In a 2018 email Fox News obtained from Dominion Director of Product Strategy and Security Eric Coomer, he acknowledged the company’s technology was marred by a “*critical* bug leading to INCORRECT results.”¶ “It does not get much worse than that,” he later added. ¶ In 2019, Coomer lamented that “our products suck,” adding that “‘[a]lmost all’ of Dominion’s technological failings were ‘due to our complete f— up in installation,'” according to the defense brief.”
DHS revives Trump-style asylum limits to stop new border surge They will never admit the likeness, but at least it’s happening.
Detransitioner Files First Lawsuit In Canada Against Medical Providers Those who have fallen for this fad will have a lifetime of regret. It is just too sad.
JK Rowling: The Witch Trials, The Plotting and The Burning “Harry Potter was not the overnight success. Joanne Rowling’s novel was rejected by 12 different publishers before a publishing house committed to the manuscript. Initially, only 500 copies of the book were to be released. The publishing company was apprehensive to use “Joanne” as they were not sure boys would read a book written by a female author, so Joanne became “JK”. What followed Joanne, a woman on welfare, was completely unexpected”