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Elon Musk chose us to report on the Twitter Files. Here are the disturbing things I learned about the FBI

The Supreme Court Leak

Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Admits “The Anti-Vaxxers Clearly Won – You’re the Winners” Scot Adams thinks very highly of himself and his logic and reasoning.  It takes a lot to admit, he I was really wrong on this.  He has realized he listened to those who he considered to be as intelligent as he is, and believed them for that reason.  Now he is also admitting he could be wrong and should listen to the climate deniers, the many qualified scientists who deny climate change

Dr. Jerome Corsi Reviews New Book by M.D. Alleging Criminal Forgery in JFK’s Autopsy Photographs and X-rays

The Real Purpose of Drag Queen Story Hour

NASA wasted $35 million on unused software, fines and penalties: watchdog report

EXCLUSIVE: Bombshell in Late Friday FBI Data Dump – MUELLER Claimed Seth Rich Not Involved in Russia Collusion Email Scandal Without Ever Examining Rich’s Work Laptop

While Thousands Marched for Life, Here’s How the White House Responded

“Some anti-abortion advocates say that if doctors believe the exceptions are too ambiguous, they should suggest fixes rather than criticize the laws.”

Authorization of military force against Mexican cartels fueling fentanyl crisis gaining support

NASA wasted $35 million on unused software, fines and penalties: watchdog report

Almost all the news headlines I see this weekend are on Biden and the documents.  I’m sure he is being given the old heave ho by his party and the media.  All I can say is, way too late guys, he should never have been president, even in title only.  Okay, so here are those headlines?

Biden Center Classified Docs Were at Another D.C. Location, Moved by Person Recommended by Hunter

Joe and Hunter Biden to Go Down in History as First President-Son Duo to Face Simultaneous Investigations

The ‘six documents’ hoax in latest discovery of classified docs destroys the narrative of ‘transparency’ and ‘good faith’

No Doubt: The Squeeze Is On, Now What?

REPORT: Thousands of Classified Docs May Have Been Discovered During 13 Hour Search

REVEALED: China Sent Hunter Biden a 3-Carat Diamond at About the Same Time Joe Biden Was Stealing and Relocating Classified Documents

68 Days of Silence: Why the White House Stayed Mum on Classified Documents

Questions Abound After It’s Revealed Biden Special Counsel Hasn’t Even Started Yet

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