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What J6 Is and Never Was Have the Republicans pulled off a stunt to out publicize Jan.6th? That day has turned into a day of jubilation for Democrats calling it an insurrection.  Does the lack of a new speaker out publicize that for Democrats as well as the press?

I confess: I suspected the Idaho murders criminal investigation was being botched. Instead, it was using chilling surveillance tools   In this he indicates he believes DNA was obtained from commercial DNA genealogy sites. In the indictment it states it was from DNA obtained from the family trash and known to be a father relationship to the accused who left DNA at the scene. However, the type surveillance they used is frightening when we know they have also used it for the political prisoners of Jan. 6th.

Merrick Garland Links 5 Capitol Police Deaths to January 6 Riot The riot was bad enough, but to use the deaths in the attempt to keep claiming an insurrection is horror politics.

Opening the Border to Protect It? Does this make sense to anyone?

Oklahoma Bans ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ for Those Under 26 I have no doubt there will be lawsuits against these bans.  Jordan Peterson has a long interview with a young woman who is “detransitioning” who began a transition at the tender age of 12. Transition of Minors Is Malpractice

Weather Isn’t Climate … Unless It Is

Did Trump Win the ‘Meme Wars’ With His Post About Being Nominated for House Speaker? Scroll down to see his funny face.

SCOTUS to vote on hearing 2020 election case against Biden, Harris, Pence, senators, congressmen

Why they hate Jordan Peterson  this was written after this happened: Psychologist Jordan Peterson could lose license if he refuses social media ‘re-education’ (ignore the video, read the article)

When science isn’t political: Harvard Med research on mRNA vax spike protein undermines fact-checkers, COVID censorship

WTH? Pinal County Elections Director Collects $25,000 Bonus After Reporting Inaccurate Results, Retires, Moves to Texas BEFORE Recount Discovers Hundreds Of New Votes For Abe Hamadeh

 January 6 Committee  “Inadvertently” Expose 2000 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS of Republicans and Their Family Members

Ninth Circuit Rules That an Advisory Board Member Can Be Fired Over Antifa Association

Control vs Adaptation

THE MORNING RANT: Bravo to the GOP Rebels If They Can Break The Congressional Seniority System; (plus a crazy alternative idea – “Reverse Seniority” )

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