Still more twitter articles:
Why You Need to Start Paying Attention to the ‘Twitter Files’ Whether you use twitter or not you need to know this.
Morris: Twitter Files 9 Shows CIA, Other Security State Involvement in Censorship “agency]?”¶ “The ninth release of Twitter Files displays aggressive efforts by the CIA and other agencies in the security state to force Twitter’s hand in censoring various political opinions and speech, through constant contact with the company’s executives, one of whom Taibbi reveals is ex-CIA himself.” Are you concerned yet.
It’s On: House Investigation Into Twitter
Dynamite Summary From Taibbi: A World Run By Anti-People
Twitter Files Release #10 – A Whole of Govt Approach to Control American Speech
Matt Taibbi Reflects On “Repulsive, Horrifying, Dystopian” World Run By ‘Anti-People’ Matt on why he is doing the twitter files reviews. He is patriotic.
And in other news:
Between White House and FTX Operative Revealed, Raises Serious Questions About Biden Involvement
The drag queens’ dirty little secret: Their lack of talent is intentional
Kinzinger Smears MTG Over Jan. 6, Accidentally Exposes Holes in Dem Narrative Against Trump
Report: DOJ looking to release inmates who have been victims of abuse behind bars on compassionate release program I may be naive, but I don’t understand why/how this is allowed to happen?
Schadenfreude: Department of Energy ramps up the war against their tax slaves (us)
New Report Documents Explosion of Leftist Terror Attacks on US Churches
The Dumpter Fire Omnibus Bill Goes From Bad to Worse in Mind-Numbing Ways
Ye of little science: Creation was created by a creator
Merry Christmas I had to laugh at Jonathan Turley’s Christmas story. In comedic movie style it seems what could go wrong, did go wrong. I sure hope yours was a better one.