I’m afraid the left thinks it is fine to attack Republicans. Republican Campaign Volunteers Targeted in Texas Are their no holds barred after this? Man admits to killing ‘Republican’ teen after argument but is released on $50K bail
I finally subscribed to the Babylon Bee, this makes it worthwhile. Eight Ways Besides Heartbeats That Women Are Tricked Into Thinking Babies Are Alive
WSJ Prints Blistering Editorial Ripping Gore/Kerry for Bullying World Bank With Insane Climate Demands I’m afraid I have friends who are taken in by these mainstream media losers.
Meloni’s Right-Wing Alliance Wins Clear Majority In Italian Elections also this from before: Italy Set to Elect Right-Wing Euroskeptic Prime Minister
States paid pandemic unemployment benefits to 200,000 dead people, federal audit finds Democrat voters?
Despite ‘hell, yes’ comment, O’Rourke acknowledges taking AR-15s is a nonstarter in Texas It took him a while to figure that out!
The MAGA agenda, denounced by Democrats, makes sense to many Americans
Republicans press former top FBI official for interview on bias
Sorry Liberals, But The Nazis Were Progressive Leftis
The Discarded Americans of January 6 Not just the FBI, but all legal entities, including judges, who have allowed this need to be brought to their own justice.
Not the same as the Jan 6th event but the same illegal action by the FBI. Newly Unsealed Court Documents Reveal FBI Got Warrant For Beverly Hills Raid of 1,400 Safe-Deposit Boxes, Seizure of $86 Million in Cash by Misleading Judge
Shocking video shows drag queens dressed as Disney princesses performing for children at a brewery, but somehow the ‘family-friendly’ show gets even more disturbing What in the world is going on in Tennessee? How did we get to this point?
Satire: Why Only Idiots Don’t Go to College J P Sears making fun of current university education.
What the heck is going on in China? Rumors, only rumors?
Did the FBI Finally Go Too Far? No, it’s been going on for a while, too far, but no finally about it.. Report: FBI SWAT Raids Home of Catholic Pro-Life Activist as ‘Screaming’ Children Watch | FBI Denies Sending SWAT Team to Arrest Catholic Pro-Life Activist Mark Houck The FBI did not deny that up to 25-30 armored agents were on the scene or that Houck’s children witnessed the agents pointing rifles at their father and mother to arrest him for allegedly shoving someone in front of an abortion clinic.
FBI Whistleblower Reveals Widespread Disgust Inside Bureau In Bombshell Bongino Interview Facebook ‘silencing’ activity related to FBI whistleblower Steve Friend
Flint, Mich. Clerk Resigns After Elections Group Calls Out Lopsided Number Of Democrat Poll Watchers
Nat’l Black Farmers Assn. Pres.: We’re Losing Farmland to China that ‘We’re Never Going to Get Back’ — Biden Hasn’t ‘Done Enough to Help’ All farmers should be concerned about China.