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Pelosi Pulls Jan. 6 Card on Voting, but Clyburn and Her Own Actions Reveal the Truth  Their only card to play and it isn’t valid.

Omicron Makes Biden’s Vaccine Mandates Obsolete I now have at least 7 of my extended family members who have had Covid, probably this version, who have been fully vaccinated. They have not been extremely ill, in fact some have had very mild symptoms.  I also have one who has had no vaccinations and she is not extremely ill from it. It’s ‘Over’: Omicron May Be About as Deadly as the Seasonal Flu, New Data Shows

The Hunter Connection? Kazakh Security Chief Arrested For Treason Was “Close Friends” With Bidens also this: Resource-rich Kazakhstan invites Putin to guard its henhouse

If you live in NYC, it is time to move.  It will soon be even more taken over than it is now. Watershed moment in NYC: New law allows noncitizens to vote

What Makes Riots, Conspiracies, Cabals, and Insurrections ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’? Victor Davis Hanson

When the Wind Doesn’t Blow
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Hillsdale College to the rescue. Former West Point Cadet, Nickaylah Sampson, chose freedom over compliance and now is being blessed for her courageous choice. Time to make another contribution to Hillsdale.

On throwing Ted Cruz under the bus Read this and give it careful consideration.  We conservatives are very strict and resolute on our opinions.  We do not bend to others, maybe that can be a problem.  Not maybe, we’ve got too many one issue people who will not bend and sit out an election rather than do so.  We need every vote. I agree with Neo when she ends with this: “My opinion about Cruz even prior to these recent remarks of his is that he never was going to become president. He simply doesn’t have the personality. He’s smart and he can actually be very humorous, but he’s stiff – and the lawyer in him is always in the forefront. Most people don’t warm to him for those reasons, and I think there are better Republican contenders for 2024. […] But I’m not turning on him, either; not for this. I think that would be wrong, given his history. He’s been one of the better GOP senators for a long time.”

Remember Fast and Furious? Mexico Charges Seven With Weapons Trafficking Related to Operation Fast and Furious

The Vaccine Mandate: The Supreme Court Considers a Trip To “Major-Questions-Land”

Get science out of the government  An answer to “Follow the Science,” in which science is politics.

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