I get a flu shot each year. I had a bad reaction to a pneumonia shot and never got the second one. The Covid vaccinations didn’t seem any different than flu shots. So what shall I do? I think I will pass on it for now. Europe’s CDC Breaks With Biden Admin, Says COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters Not ‘Urgent’ Hmmm…. Not enough data on covid boosters to roll it out yet. Good news from CDC: New studies coming tomorrow show kids aren’t getting sicker from Delta Will this cool down the media?
There’s Been a Media Blackout on One Major Afghanistan Story Conservatives were quick to point out that former President Trump was impeached over a phone call, and this conversation also “sounds like an impeachable phone call.”
USA today had to backtrack on a fact check. They claimed Biden only checked his watch after the ceremony was over. Apparently, they were forced to watch the videos. They now claim there is missing information. I say it is missing only if you do not want to see it.
Houston Mayor Misleads On Constitutional Carry
There was a second whopper during Biden’s address to the Jewish community. In fact, if you watch the video you can see him get very confused at the end, trying to keep his stories straight, I guess.
The defense department tells us the equipment was disabled. Are your eyes lying to you.
Give Away Something Free We all want good, quality content for an adult site but eight out of ten results are completely based on images and videos both unreadable, a part from the alt tags, by the cialis online spiders. Try and avoid processed cheap viagra no prescription and sugary foods. You should further be reminded that the medication will only be effective if it is supplemented on line levitra by other measures. Adult private issues are find out this link india cialis online also very common in men. It turns out the trans woman who sparked violent protests outside Wi Spa over trans rights is a registered sex offender We all knew that allowing men to use the ladies restroom was going to cause some problems. In this case it was at a spa that defended the trans woman against those who were offended. Turns out he was a real jerk, not a trans at all.
Yes, the Left is that Stupid Yes, it is, and so is everyone who has supported them through this evil.
Biden’s Job Report Misses Expectations By Astonishing Amount, One of Worst Job Reports in History
Was the Afghan Fiasco caused by blackmail of Biden?
THEY GOT CAUGHT! Investigators Have Video of 240 Leftist Operatives in Georgia Dumping Thousands of Ballots from Backpacks into Drop Boxes in Middle of the Night! I wish this actually made a difference.
Why all the fuss about Ivermectin? I found some interesting facts in this article. One of them is that ivermectin works in the same was as hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, and resveratrol. I have taken quercetin and resveratrol for many years, as a supplement. Years ago Glenn Reynolds mentioned them in life extension articles, so I added them to my daily routine. The NP/PA of the cardiologist I see noticed the quercetin on my list, looked it up and said, “I’m going to start taking this.” I know quercetin to be one of the supplements prescribed to a covid patient.