Links and Comments

I am reminded by some of you to be of good cheer because our country is still full of good people. It is, young people still hold the door for me, and in this area it is not only the Mexican culture that calls this elderly woman Mama, in a very friendly and respectful way.   A good habit for all cultures that I do appreciate.

So, while I am very discouraged because I cannot physically get out there and protest in the streets, I can do this, and I will continue to do this.  Probably sending off more than most of you are prepared to read. I have the time, many of you don’t.  So today while there will be links with comments on them, I am also just linking to some of the many blogs I read, they have more links in them that are sometimes fun to follow up.

All of Neocon.

Legal Insurrection you might want to take a look, pick and choose what you want to read.

Weazelzippers doesn’t sound like it would be a powerhouse of information and good writing, but it is.

Who Watches the Watchmen?” Infowars Case Raises Difficult Question For Both The Biden Administration and The Media Jonathan Turley

Great Barrier Reef Sea Surface Temperature: No Change In 150 Years

Sundance, at The Conservative Treehouse

My daughter saw this and made me aware of it.  Did The FDA Pull a Bait And Switch on the American Poeople?

This is what the left will say when they think they can get by with it.  In this case, he backtracked after being roundly chastised. MSNBC analyst tweets ‘#DealWithIt’ over US Marines being killed; plays race card after pushback
There are a number of impotence drugs in the stores these days that could complicate your seek for the treatment of erection problems. levitra 40 mg This blood flow makes viagra 100mg the muscles relaxed. When you have a look at the chemical composition of dates, you will find that they are rich in antioxidants levitra wholesale and polyphenols. It is also known as discount cialis prices.
New York magazine’s shocking revelation: The liberal media are biased!  I’m afraid my sarcasm here is not necessary.

Time’s Up CEO resigns in wake of Cuomo scandal  All progressives stay united until the light is shined in on them on some manner

ISIS-K, the group behind the Kabul airport attack, sees both Taliban and the U.S. as enemies This may be behind paywall.

Biden blames his general’s advice for abandoning Bagram. He didn’t mention that he is the one who abandoned the well thought out plans left from the Trump administration.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Biden Eviction Moratorium

The Shame of the Never Trumpers

Harvard University names a devout ATHEIST as its new head chaplain who describes himself as ‘humanist rabbi’: Ivy League school says it’s catering to the 40% of students who are NOT religious or agnostic I am a little shocked at this, but knowing how many different type of “religions” serving as military chaplains, I am not really surprised, but Harvard????

Someone posted this on Facebook.  I hope you enjoy it. Neal Foard on TicTok.  I don’t have a subscription, and I can see it. I hope you can, too. There’s nothing wrong with us that can’t be fixed by what’s right with us

And this is who we still are: US special forces vets launch mission to get Afghan allies out amid Biden’s chaotic withdrawal: Pentagon pushes on with evacuation of 8.5K despite threat of ANOTHER ISIS attack after suicide bomber killed 13 American troops and 170 other people

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