Clinton Lawyer Featured In Steele Dossier Scandal Opens Firm With Focus On Ethics and Campaign Disclosures I suppose he will have some well connected clients, but I wouldn’t vouch for his, or their, honesty and ethics.
The Taliban Are Hunting Afghan Contractors This should not be happening. We already know how to get people out, we just aren’t doing it.
Love Across the Color Line Nearly every media outlet reported that America’s white population had dwindled since 2010. But that isn’t what the census data showed. This is what I have tried to explain to many people. A great many people just do not understand how integrated our American society is now. I don’t know the statistics but I wonder if it is greater in the South than in the north, particularly the Northeast where the liberal elitists are.
Good news/bad news Firefight at Kabul airport kills Afghan guard; 16,000 more leave Afghanistan
Who’s In Charge? Most Voters Don’t Think It’s Biden Our nation is in a continuing constitutional crisis.
CBS Poll: Majority of Americans No Longer Believe Biden Is Competent, Admit Botched Afganistan Withdrawal From a Fox News article Biden’s Presidency Is Between a Rock and Afghanistan
Washington Post reporter reveals how she and her team were rescued by brave BRITISH troops after Biden banned US forces from venturing out of Kabul airport I don’t think the British would take us back even if we said “pretty please.”
Their regiment includes the nourishment of the breast with the generic sildenafil viagra massage of oil. The chemical industry tends professional viagra to synthesis this compound heating ammonia to high temperatures so it oxidizes and then adding a catalyst. order viagra canada Additionally, it might be more common in women the men. Men suffer with impotence, but women cheap cialis also get to suffer the disease later in their life. Despite widespread job openings, Biden administration to extend jobless benefits past deadline I don’t get out much/ but I think the only businesses in our town that do not have help wanted signs are Walmart and HEB. But I may be wrong, it’s possible they do have those signs out.
If you want to know how much the Deep State hates you… and in particular, General Michael Hayden, former director of the NSA and director of the CIA — under George W. Bush.
Stand-by for the Real Insurrection… by the Democrats
None Dare Call It Conspiracy Do you believe this? Who killed JFK? Did he get out of line? Yes, I think he did.
Digital Dunkirk: Veterans Network Helps Afghan Interpreters Get to Kabul Airport
The Gaslighting Begins as Biden Sycophants Claim the Kabul Catastrophe Will Make Biden and America Stronger IS there anyone who believes this?
Have a look at Powerline blog. Much to read there.