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Dr. Fauci did himself, and the world, no favors with his actions. He should have been retired 15 years earlier. Newly Released Emails Show Fauci Was in Over His Head  I doubt he considers those emails as showing he was in over his head.    Fauci will be gone in 90 days  I hope this is true, there is every reason it should happen but in this world I wonder if it will.

Hunter Biden’s laptop keeps damning Joe, but most media just ignore it Another what difference does it make just went off in my head.  I wish it made a difference, but if you aren’t conservative, you just don’t care.

Mark Meadows Teases Huge Revelation About Corrupt Biden Family Businesses

 Barack Obama’s Parallel Russian Universe  I am afraid many progressives still live in that parallel universe along with the news media and the other pals of Obama, the Democrats.

I know many people who would be afraid to stop using their masks now.  Stockholm Syndrome over Mask Wearing

Biden Administration’s Blatant Institutional Racism Gets Rebuke From Sixth Circuit I think I posted about this last week, but it won’t hurt to read this article about it, too.

Oh, the nerve of that man! (sarcasm)  I sure wish we had more like him. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill barring transgender athletes from women’s, girls’ sports  If this is behind a pay wall at least you know what it’s about.

Can we trust the intelligence community on anything? Echoes of Russia reversal in the intelligence community’s COVID origins probe  Are they just for the liberals and progressive policies?
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Mothers of Tamir Rice, Breonna Taylor Criticize Black Lives Matter: ‘Benefitting Off the Blood of Our Loved Ones’

This is the only news item I’ve seen with this photo showing the Islamic items in his room.  The Kerrville man caught before he became a shooter.

Media finally admits Portland has an Antifa problem I’m not sure I would call this an admission.

New York man arrested in Capitol riot is first to have charges dropped  I pray most will be dropped.

It’s about time this happened. Texas Counties Start Charging Illegal Aliens With Child Endangerment, Trespass

We need a Covid 19 Commission Don Surber says: What I want is an examination of our reaction to this pandemic. We need to know what worked, and what didn’t.

The decline of the classics departments Something about what’s going on in academia these days seems to be disturbing even to an old activist leftist such as West, who is practically a traditionalist compared to the young firebrand whippersnappers of today. Says Neocon.

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