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IC Inspector General Atkinson’s Coup  I don’t believe this has worked out as he expected, in the end he will be seen as a political player extraordinaire. Schiff recently justified keeping testimony to his sham “impeachment inquiry” secret by saying that according to the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act, “The whistleblower has the right in the statute to remain anonymous.”  Further question is, does a statute override the constitution?

A teacher gives one of the most racists statements to a class in Oklahoma.  If the word black were substituted for white, there would be a media outcry. “To Be White Is To Be Racist, Period,” High School Teacher Tells His Class

Facebook’s refusal to ‘fact-check’ political speech has the DNC up in arms. In truth they are fact checking every post.  I’ve seen it in action.  Facebook will add a factcheck to many posts if they are conservative.

After marriage this problem did not exists in maximum cases because of normal and regular intercourse between levitra prescription levitra couples. However the root is effective for all men who want to have a longer lasting generic sildenafil online erection needed for a satisfying intercourse. This is generally in people who suffer liver and kidney disease, and the ammonia can be broken down cheap canadian cialis and excreted. These whitening injection makes the generic sale viagra brain stronger and sharper. Who in the FBI and CIA doesn’t lie?  I am so tired of these backtracking individuals who are against Trump. ICIG Atkinson Refuses to Tell Congress Why Whistleblower Rule Changes Were Backdated

The Ukraine is not really about the Biden’s.  For a complete visual timeline of the perfidy, see Glenn Beck’s video it is stunning.   I may have shared this link before, it is so important I may just share until everyone has seen it.

Trump’s exaggerations stand in stark contrast to Democrats’ actual lies  Is this like the opposite of damning with faint praise, praising with faint damn?

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