Is it too late to save the country? Pastor Who Fled Persecution in Iran Arrested in Minnesota for Sharing the Gospel
The United Methodist Church is facing a very big problem, a plan regarding same-sex marriage and the acceptance of LGBTQ clergy in the church
Intel operation against Trump still going strong our country is under attack by a group of elite politicians, media and even man in charge of the Intel community.
The media is helping to obscure Northam’s terrible abortion comments with the racism story. The question really is this, when the media go after someone what are they also hiding? What is the other hand doing? In this case it is hiding his abortion views, and theirs.
I think this article is bragging but it doesn’t make Ocasio Cortez any more rational to me.
Brandeis University will host a week-long series of social justice events, including ones led by “advocates for sex workers” and ones informing students how they can support a boycott of Wendy’s.
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Homo RICO: The Feds Need to Bust Big Gay I have not read this author’s book, (he took them off the market) but he knows what he is talking about. He was raised in the LGBT community and has real life experience on the subject.
Are they everywhere? Or are we paranoid? He addresses many problems here, the Social Justice hunters, and the way the really poor and oppressed eventually realize what’s what when it is sometimes too late.
De-toxify America by pulling federal funds out of higher education It makes a nice article, but like the rest of you, I recognize that will never happen.
The USA Powerlifting Association has banned men from competing as women after a man calling himself JayCee Cooper was denied an application in Minnesota to compete as a woman. It’s way past time this happened.