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Happy New Year!

Of course, this is all last year’s news, some of it may be more than last week’s news.  I’ve been working on remaking the email list, I’m afraid some people are being left out.  If you happen to hear someone mention not getting my emails anymore please have them contact me.  All links can always be found at

I have worked non-stop at trying to restore my computer to its previous state.  I know that is not going to happen, but I am still working to get all my programs re-installed.  I was able to save all the old document and photo files, but passwords were all lost.  It is always advisable to change those at times anyway.

IRS unable to recoup nearly $1 billion in Obamacare subsidies

Facebook should be in trouble, “According to the blockbuster New York Times report, the rules show the social network to be “a far more powerful arbiter of global speech than has been publicly recognized or acknowledged by the company itself.” The Times discovered a range of gaps, biases and outright errors — including instances where Facebook allowed extremism to spread in some counties while censoring mainstream speech in others.”  Facebook has embarrassed itself once again by putting Franklin Graham in jail for a 2016 post.  This shows they absolutely want to ban conservative speech.  Going back to 2016 means someone was looking for something of his to ban.  Shame on Facebook.

Father of Guatemalan boy who died believed bringing the 8-year-old would ease entry into the U.S.  We also know the child had the flu.  How many other diseases are being brought in.

More law enforcement officers died from shootings than traffic incidents in 2018

Hayward: Washington Post Admits Khashoggi Let Qatar ‘Draft Material’ for Columns
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More post-Freddy Gray bad news from Baltimore When you do not back your police, others will take advantage.

All that Kashoggi angst we heard from the liberals, especially the Washington Post was tripe, those links I posted on the true Kashoggi have been found to be true.  It’s out but not being shouted to the masses like the other was.

The Indonesian Volcano, earthquake and tsunami problem.

You can tell how crazy the MSM is by the people they listen to.  Case in point, Jerry Brown who says Climate change is as serious as WWII.

Trump Scores, Breaks Generals’ 50-Year War Record

Remember the case of Elizabeth Smart in Colorado, the mother had invited the man, a destitute looking man, who abducted her daughter into their home to do some painting.  Imprudent Altruism and Illegal Immigration

I know this is a lot to read, I am playing catch up, and you might want to catch up with me.  Here are two Must Reads Eventually.     Sequencing the Resistance Process Through Likely Legislative Action – Tools: Cohen, Mueller, Horowitz…     And the  Solutions

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