This is long, but interesting and probably relevant. Social Media doesn’t Make the World.
The first caravan baby has been born in the USA. I hate to despair at the birth of a baby, especially at Christmas season, I rejoice there was no abortion, but I wish this one was still in Honduras.
Climate Change Alarmism Is the World’s Leading Cause Of Hot Gas This headline was just too good to pass up. It is a good article, however.
Will we ever know the extent of the DOJ manipulations against Trump? Here is one of them.
Something amazing is happening: Liberals have suddenly begun to believe in voter fraud. When the same thing they use for finding ballots is used on them it suddenly looks like voter fraud.
What the New Socialists in Congress Need to Know About Poverty
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I’ve just read this article. After reading the last paragraph, the culture at the time of Pride and Prejudice comes to mind.
Just go to the page and see some of the headlines, read the stories and you will see how many countries feel about immigration.
Feds received whistleblower evidence in 2017 alleging Clinton Foundation wrongdoing
I know of a land man who was transferred to Odessa just recently, this must be why, Peak Oil Postponed Again: “USGS Identifies Largest Continuous Oil and Gas Resource Potential Ever”… And it’s in the Permian Basin
Important: Robert Mueller Lead Attorney Coordinated Investigative Strategy With Four AP “Reporters”… I am so glad we have this person to wade through the weeds and get the real story for us. This on the same news.