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Beware the Guillotine – an essay on thought and speech crimes, by Victor Davis Hanson

Eavesdropping on Obama’s revolutionary guards (Organizing for Action) This is real, it’s happening.

How to give the haters some hope while still only making an implication.  It’s called CYA.

A Pakistani court sentenced her to death for blasphemy, but now she will be freed.

OF course, this FISA court judge knows the FBI and DOJ were weaponized.  The question is, will she admit it?
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The New York Times is feeling sorry for poor Mr. Soros, I don’t  How Vilification of George Soros Moved From the Fringes to the Mainstream

White House Announces 2.1 Million More Company Pledges to Hire, Reskill Workers  You may have seen this in the news, then again you may not have.  It is dated Oct 31, I was busy with handing out Halloween candy to the cutest kids and didn’t watch news.

The more the twisted plot thickens in the case of trying to entrap Trump, the more unbelievable/believable it becomes.  It is a surreal story for those of us who love our country.

Hello Columbus, Goodbye Honduras.

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